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Indian Border security force brutally killed Bangladeshi youth with bayonet

Bangladeshis are dignified enough to ask for the Dead Body of their Intruder.

Pakistan even refuses to recognize and accept their Dead Bodies :lol:


Pakistan recognizes and did take back the martyred. In fact there are elaborate memorials in their name. Many of them were conferred the highest Pakistan Military gallantry awards.

by the way, what happened to indian soldiers in 1962 ;)
when you touch the fire....and get burnt.........do you blame the fire ??.......cmon ppl be practical.....almost all countries have shoot on sight in borders.
bangladeshis should learn border is not playground
some hindustany yapping about rape in Kashmir? We all know who the culprit is......

remember Shopian? Actually, just the other day the occupation forces (a.k.a. the sissies) raped a young girl in Kulgam District, occupied Kashmir.

there are still ongoing anti-india protests taking place as I type this

Violence in Indian Kashmir over alleged army rape - Yahoo! News

so you have a lot of nerve to point the fingers @ Pakistan. All you can do is bring up the past, whereas at present the number of rates and extra-judicial killings waged by the sissies is ever so much on the rise. And we're not even talking about militants, or 'suspected' militants but rather --civilians who are clearly unarmed.


How Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is a Colony of Pakistan with an Installed Puppet even worse than the Hans!
Pakistan recognizes and did take back the martyred. In fact there are elaborate memorials in their name. Many of them were conferred the highest Pakistan Military gallantry awards.

by the way, what happened to indian soldiers in 1962 ;)

Get a Cheap Chinese Glass!

'We had informed the Pakistan Rangers and we were hopeful they would take back the bodies. But they refused and said the deceased were not Pakistanis,' BSF Deputy Inspector General Panaj said.

'We have enough proof to substantiate their identity but Pakistan does not want to admit the fact,' he added.

The bodies, kept in a hospital here, will be handed over to the civil body for cremation.


They were Respectfully cremated at the expense of Indian Tax Payers Money!
I have no idea how shameless are those guys from pakistan who are ranting over BSF killing infiltrators.

But they shamelessly don't say a word when pakistani armed forces kills there own unarmed, innocents almost everyday.

For those who want to see those act refer to post 34
some hindustany yapping about rape in Kashmir? We all know who the culprit is......

remember Shopian? Actually, just the other day the occupation forces (a.k.a. the sissies) raped a young girl in Kulgam District, occupied Kashmir.

there are still ongoing anti-india protests taking place as I type this

Violence in Indian Kashmir over alleged army rape - Yahoo! News

so you have a lot of nerve to point the fingers @ Pakistan. All you can do is bring up the past, whereas at present the number of rates and extra-judicial killings waged by the sissies is ever so much on the rise. And we're not even talking about militants, or 'suspected' militants but rather --civilians who are clearly unarmed.

A Kashmiri of so called Azad Kashmir is pointing fingers at Pakistan thus:

UK 29 June 2011. In a parliamentarian form of government a party that gets majority forms the next government; and the party leader becomes a Prime Minister. This happens in every democratic and civilised country. However, rules in a Pakistani occupied territory known as Azad Kashmir (independent Kashmir) are different.....

Oh yes, he is also a President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan – perhaps, ideal candidate for the post according to political standards of Pakistan. As far as I am concerned, Pakistanis can have a Mafia Don as their President, but what right has he got to impose his will on people of Azad Kashmir.

How unfortunate that in this territory – Azad Kashmir who will be our Assembly Member is decided by ‘Masters’ in Islamabad. These ‘Masters’ are in the form of Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, and other heads of Pakistani parties which dominate the politics of this unfortunate territory. Apart from that, Minister Kashmir Affairs, top four Pakistani officials - Chief Secretary, IG Police, Finance Secretary and Accountant General run and control Azad Kashmir. The final say, as always, is with the secret agencies and Pakistani army General, known as GOC Murree (General Commanding Officer based in Murree).

As if these checks and restrictions were not enough imperialists in Islamabad ensured that genuine voice of people does not emerge strongly to endanger their interests, so they have inserted a clause in Act 74 (under which this territory is run and controlled) that those who do not sign allegiance to Pakistan could not contest any elections or qualify for a public post.

Furthermore, all major decisions, including who will get promotions and what projects should be initiated are taken in meetings of Kashmir Council, which is Chaired by Prime Minister of Pakistan and controlled by the Pakistanis who have numerical majority there as well.

After this brief introduction it is pertinent to discuss the current elections in this independent Kashmir, which does not have any independence apart from the name. It is called Azad Kashmir to fool people of Jammu and Kashmir. It is unfortunate that many people of Azad Kashmir want to live in this fantasy world that they are azad or independent, as this false sense of being azad does not require any action or struggle on their part. Whereas, if they accept that they are not azad then obligation would be to do something about it; and the structure Pakistan has woven around them in the past 63 years is so strong that they cannot get rid off it.

Much More at (that is more explosive) is at

Elections in Pakistani colony - Azad Kashmir
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