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Indian Army war crime in Kashmir

Those army men were trying to help him and He tried to kill them with grenade. They were saying " Hum tumko Nikal denge, hilo mat " meaning we will pull you up, don't move( i don't know the exact word for Nikal denge),
Where the Hell do you see a grenade in his hands????????? please watch the video again as a human, not as an Indian!
They were looking for him in the rubble so they can take him out and then Take him out

you can't take that chance it is not your life on the front line it is the soldiers I would have shot the militant in his head grenade or no grenade why take the risk?

He should have been buried alive and left to rot but he had a easy death in the end we have no sympathy for terrorist nor does the rest of the world!
There is difference between Freedom fighters and terrorists, Does that make Bhagat Singh a terrorist?
you can't take that chance it is not your life on the front line it is the soldiers I would have shot the militant in his head grenade or no grenade why take the risk?
bs. What I would have done or not done is immaterial. If I had been trained and briefed about when to use firearm and when not to, I would have done it differently. As would have vast majority of british army.
dont defend the indefensible, hiding behind your own guilt that somebody takes a bullet on behalf of you on border.
Where the Hell do you see a grenade in his hands????????? please watch the video again as a human, not as an Indian!
They were looking him in the rubble so they can take him out and then Take him out

There is difference between Freedom fighters and terrorists, Does that make Bhagat Singh a terrorist?

Difference is that Kashmir is part of India and always will be the land is holy for us as mentioned in our ancient text so we consider anyone trying to take our holy land away from us as terrorists and they will be met with a bullet in their head.

bs. What I would have done or not done is immaterial. If I had been trained and briefed about when to use firearm and when not to, I would have done it differently. As would have vast majority of british army.
dont defend the indefensible, hiding behind your own guilt that somebody takes a bullet on behalf of you on border.

Umm no mate I know people who actually served in Iraq from the British army and let me tell you it is not a case of black and white, this is not playstation games it is real life and real situation where peoples lifes are at risk.

Go ask any British soldier that 'actually' served in Iraq or Afghanistan if they would have taken the risk and I bet they would have done the exact same thing.
Where the Hell do you see a grenade in his hands????????? please watch the video again as a human, not as an Indian!
They were looking for him in the rubble so they can take him out and then Take him out

There is difference between Freedom fighters and terrorists, Does that make Bhagat Singh a terrorist?
not trying to be rude, but dont pakistanis here favour the same to be done to TTP, BLA or even MQM cadre? Where is the humanity there
I have seen people saying catch and kill them all.
Where the Hell do you see a grenade in his hands????????? please watch the video again as a human, not as an Indian!
They were looking him in the rubble so they can take him out and then Take him out

There is difference between Freedom fighters and terrorists, Does that make Bhagat Singh a terrorist?
Bhai, I told you - there is no grenade. :D

Indian Army men have 3 lives in general. The flinging hand action is characteristic of lobbing action (any basic military training would tell you that). The army men should have waited till an object (possibly a grenade/rock/etc) is thrown in their direction. In the worst case scenario, a few soldiers would have lost one life, which they could have replenished with a Health pack from some video game.

Unfortunately the Indian soldiers know only to dig up a man crying for help only to shoot him dead, perhaps that's what they are trained for.

I suggest the following in such a scenario -

i. The Indian Army should be abolished pending investigation by Geelani and Owaisi.
ii. All territories in question should be given self rule or allowed to join any country they wish to.
iii. A resolution be passed dissolving all borders (on our side) without waiting for reciprocity.
iv. Go to bed with the satisfaction of choosing the best moral action.

@Yeti, @hinduguy - they should take the risk. A death of a soldier is just a statistic as Honb'le Home Minister Chidambaram said once. 'That is what they join the forces for.' Besides they had multiple lives, like cats, I suppose.
Difference is that Kashmir is part of India and always will be the land is holy for us as mentioned in our ancient text so we consider anyone trying to take our holy land away from us as terrorists and they will be met with a bullet in their head.
Ancient texts???? We are not in the stone ages anymore, these days countries are running on Geopolitics not ancient myths
You see we don't know what they are holding, carrying they could have a bomb under their vest or anything so a soldier can not take the risk! even in Iraq many innocent people have been killed because they did not stop their car at the checkpoint when asked to do so (communication issue) but a solider can not take the risk and must use force to stop that car. It is sad but true but real life is not black and white.
not trying to be rude, but dont pakistanis here favour the same to be done to TTP, BLA or even MQM cadre? Where is the humanity there
I have seen people saying catch and kill them all.
I can only speak for myself, U show me a video like this from Pakistan side and I'll be the first to condemn it.

You see we don't know what they are holding, carrying they could have a bomb under their vest or anything so a soldier can not take the risk! even in Iraq many innocent people have been killed because they did not stop their car at the checkpoint when asked to do so (communication issue) but a solider can not take the risk and must use force to stop that car. It is sad but true but real life is not black and white.
Your soldiers don't need to risk their lives anymore, Just let Kashmir go
Ancient texts???? We are not in the stone ages anymore, these days countries are running on Geopolitics not ancient myths

Sorry mate we are Hindu we believe in our holy books and Kashmir has some of the holiest sites of Hinduism such as Amaranth which is like Mecca to us. So it might be a myth for you but for us it is part of our religion and faith and we will defend our holy land with our blood.

Speaking of geopolitics I do agree on this Kashmir is key for water security which is another valid reason it must be in our hands.
Difference is that Kashmir is part of India and always will be the land is holy for us as mentioned in our ancient text so we consider anyone trying to take our holy land away from us as terrorists and they will be met with a bullet in their head.

Umm no mate I know people who actually served in Iraq from the British army and let me tell you it is not a case of black and white, this is not playstation games it is real life and real situation where peoples lifes are at risk.

Go ask any British soldier that 'actually' served in Iraq or Afghanistan if they would have taken the risk and I bet they would have done the exact same thing.
yes, they did and are going to face jail term.
Royal Marine Sgt Alexander Blackman jailed for life for the murder of Afghan insurgent - Crime - UK - The Independent

A british army guy is being investigated for posing for a selfie with a corpse of a fighter.
I can only speak for myself, U show me a video like this from Pakistan side and I'll be the first to condemn it.

Your soldiers don't need to risk their lives anymore, Just let Kashmir go

Never going to happen the word Kashmir comes from Sanskrit and it is our holy land why you not let mecca go to the jews first?

yes, they did and are going to face jail term.
Royal Marine Sgt Alexander Blackman jailed for life for the murder of Afghan insurgent - Crime - UK - The Independent

A british army guy is being investigated for posing for a selfie with a corpse of a fighter.

I know about that case but it was very different situation it can not be compared.
Never going to happen the word Kashmir comes from Sanskrit and it is our holy land why you not let mecca go to the jews first?

I know about that case but it was very different situation it can not be compared.
Kashmir is Muslim Majority and Mecca is not a Jewish city...do you see the difference?
Let me put it in basic terms if it's my life at stake (I am a soldier) and I encounter a terrorist (I dk what the fxxx this punk got under his vest or in his socks) would I chance it? hell no I am taking this punk out I would ask him to come out with his hands held high real slow an if he does not I would pump lead into this chest and head and take him out. Why take the risk? makes no sense
Kashmir is Muslim Majority and Mecca is not a Jewish city...do you see the difference?

Kashmir has deep roots with Sufism and Kashmiri Pandits, did you know many of them pray in the same shrines? and seek blessings from Sufi saints?

Just because some wahabi/salafis want to change this you think we going to hand our holy land to them? lol never going to happen. Kashmir is our blood and nobody has the right to take our holy places of worship away from us otherwise be ready for all out war and I don't mean some little Kargil episode.
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