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Indian Army Uses pakistan Army's Picture To Showcase Itself On Twitter

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hahaha lol ........... Indian Armed forces makes me smile :rofl:
apis may pyaar he sala itnaaa hey kya karain.... ise pyaar may4 jangain aur daly eek doosray kay number laga rakhay hain border LOC pe... Allah asa pyaar jari rakhay!
That is still better than the Russians accidentally posting a photo of the J-10A for its military celebrations.

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Awwww are ur feelings hurt???:laughcry:

Not at all- what do I have to be hurt by? Some tiny misjudgement? What can I say other than don't use google to source your images in the future or at the least do some more intensive research. This mistake is insignificant and yet so many are jumping up and down in glee over it!

A most pathetic sight.
Whats the point of the thread ..... to troll ? wow you guys are rather being desperate recently...shows alll over the thread
Whats the point of the thread ..... to troll ? wow you guys are rather being desperate recently...shows alll over the thread

Seems like you guys are desperate to showcase our army as yours. :lol:

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It isn't uncommon to witness Indian civilian authorities committing periodic blunders, passing off foreign military personals or hardware as Indian, or inappropriate/unrelated use of images2. Even the country's sole Defence R&D behemoth has been caught unawares showing off foreign military hardware, that aren't even used by any Indian agency, as something it has developed.

Joining this growing list of ignorance/indifference personifying entities is none other than the Indian Army itself. Take a look at the header picture it uses on its official Twitter account.


It isn't clearly visible? This, below, is a larger sized version of the image, the same action photographed from a slightly different angle.



It shows the pakistan Army soldiers firing its Chinese-made 130 mm Type 59-I artillery, a system that the Indian Army, obviously, does not even use. The camouflage pattern of the soldier's uniforms & the attire too is completely different from that worn by the Indian Army.

Anyone even nominally competent in browsing the Internet could verify the antecedents of a picture, as widely circulated as this, in a matter of seconds.


Yet, in each case, one has seen widely circulated images being incorrectly attributed India. One could understand, though not condone, why civilians in India have the propensity to commit such error - the Indian Armed Forces rank quite low in the pecking order in the scheme of things in India, both officially or otherwise. Even the most basic of factual information, such as "show-stopper" weapon systems in service with the respective branches, escape attention of most. Upon seeing picture of the F-16 used as my desktop wallpaper, for example, I've been asked if "India has made it?" or "does India fly it?"1 - one could go on for long, narrating such anecdotes. However, how could one explain this glaring mistake on part of the Indian Army itself? One assumes the account is being maintained by a civilian working in the country's Ministry of Defence. It still does not excuse those on behalf of whom it is being operated. It boggles the mind how anyone could get something as basic as this wrong. Despicable.

1 = Adequate knowledge & awareness, though, is replaced by an undefined, ephemeral concept of "respect for our men in green", spurts of which are witnessed during times of natural calamities, when civilian authorities calls upon them to carry out rescue operations. Yet despite claims of respecting "our men in green", the country has re-elected the Government to power, to protest whose apathy towards the Armed Forces, more than 5000 soldiers returned their gallantry awards. Neither has any Indian Government, direct representative of the Indian citizen, built a National War Memorial to honour martyred Indian soldiers, following independence, nor has construction of one been part of the election manifesto of any sizable political outfit. The one used presently as a War Memorial was built by British Imperialist, as a mark of respect for the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers in defeating the Axis Powers in World War I.

To further illustrate how totally clueless folks can be, this, below is a screenshot taken just prior to posting - the one above was taken in the morning. As evident, the account added more than 530 new followers over the afternoon, yet not one tweet directed towards the Indian Army Twitter account to point out their mistake.


Indian Army Uses pakistan Army's Picture To Showcase Itself On Twitter - AA Me, IN

Yet another gem. They've changed it now though.

Oh boy

was this clueless barking for this silly blunder made by Indian army adverstisement

Pakistan Navy ad features images of Indian warships
PTI Mar 8, 2011, 06.47pm IST

ISLAMABAD: An advertisement issued by the Pakistan Navy on Tuesday for a multi-national exercise prominently featured images of Indian Navy warships even though India is not among the countries participating in the manoeuvres being held in the Arabian Sea.

The full-page advertisement for the Aman-11 exercise, which appeared in The Nation and Nawa-e-Waqt newspapers, featured images of the Indian Navy's Delhi, Godavari and Talwar-class warships.


then what should i say to PAK navy :pissed:

but we indians wont say like what u said for indian army

repect other nation's military forces even if it may be your enemy


How about Indian Navy promoting JF-17?


BBC News - Embarrassment over Indian ad with Pakistan ex-air chief


Indian officials have apologised after a government advertisement included an image of a Pakistani ex-air force chief alongside prominent Indians.
Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed was pictured with Indians such as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and cricketer Kapil Dev in a campaign against female foeticide.
The full-page newspaper ad was produced by the women and child development ministry for National Girl Child Day.
The government has ordered an inquiry into the error.
Former Air Chief Marshal Ahmed said the inclusion of his photograph in the advertisement was probably an "innocent mistake".
"The prime minister's office has noted with regret the inclusion of a foreign national's photograph in a government of India advertisement. While an internal inquiry has been instituted, the PMO apologises to the public for this lapse," the prime minister's media adviser Harish Khare said in a statement.
The full-page advertisement appeared in Indian newspapers on Sunday and had photos of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi and junior minister for women and child development Krishna Tirath.
The advertisement included photographs of two of India's cricketing heroes, Kapil Dev and Virendra Sehwag, as well as musician Amjad Ali Khan.
Many people in India were shocked to see that the advertisement also included the photograph of Pakistan's former Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Ahmed.
Mrs Tirath said she had set up a committee to find out how the photograph appeared in the advertisement.
"I have expressed regret and also sought an apology on behalf of the ministry over the lapses. We should be cautious so that such mistakes are not repeated in the future," she said.
The minister said the inquiry committee will give its report in a fortnight.
"I wasn't aware about this... I was busy with a golf match and didn't know about this development," the Press Trust of India news agency quoted the former air chief as saying.
"I guess it's just one of those errors. It must be an innocent mistake," he said.

It is all good but nothing beats this. New Dehli in Pakistan. :D

Railway`s ad shows Delhi in Pakistan


In the end its all about the man behind machine which matters.

and this thread further proves how much battle ready yr men r. So scare the Bangalis and Srilankans from yr imaginary toys.

It is all good but nothing beats this. New Dehli in Pakistan. :D

Railway`s ad shows Delhi in Pakistan

sooner or later they will be part of pakistan.:D
Nice paint job. I meant Photoshop.

Not surprising. Indians are famous for doing a paint job on foreign stuff and call them their own.
The media ads are usually outsourced to companies where these designers make the stupid errors when they rely too much on google for images.

To equate that as an act of the institution is as stupid as the stupid and retarded ones who are doing it and doing it continuously.

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