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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

Well to be honest nothing really has changed for you.

You are still fighting us over Kashmir.

Like you always have been.

You have zero international support.

Like you always have.

All changes are on our side.

Which you've never controlled anyway
This isn't really a reply to what I posted. Never mind. I know you mean well.
The plan worked perfectly on 27 February.

9 August was a direct followup of that.

Yes the Plan worked....
And on 9th August India again reclaimed "Indian administered Kashmir" which was already occupied by India and had already been claimed by India. "Pakistani Administered Kashmir" however which makes up almost half of total Kashmiri area is still administered by Pakistan
This isn't really a reply to what I posted. Never mind. I know you mean well.

As we've shown with Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, we are perfectly ok with having independent states on our borders when we know two things.

That they will not be hostile to our interests.

That they can take care of themselves and will not become a parking lot for hostile interests.

Such was never going to be the case with Kashmir for purely strategic reasons.

If not us, it would be you or the Chinese or even the Russians.

We'd much rather it be with us.

Yes the Plan worked....
And on 9th August India again reclaimed "Indian administered Kashmir" which was already occupied by India and had already been claimed by India. "Pakistani Administered Kashmir" however which makes up almost half of total Kashmiri area is still administered by Pakistan

I never said our plan is done.
Getting rid of all indians. Lets test if anyone would shed a tear. You can be the first volunteer for that.

As they do with cosmetic testing, start with a laboratory animal before getting to test humans. Start with yourself.

Dont you think at this stage not even your closet allies take your Infiltration claim seriously. Its time you wake up to the reality of whats really going on? The reason Indian army keeps firing on the border and makes it look every time as if some huge base was blown because your Modi has nothing else to show for. Pakistan is his only card and you lot fall for it everytime.
Having said so i stick to my original post because Modi will not be allowed to play his games at our expense. He can do that on yours.

The time for convincing allies is past; they know very well what is going on.

It isn't about Modi any longer; he didn't conjure up infiltrators out of thin air. Even the most bitterly opposed to him will have nothing to say about retaliation by the Indian Army. All Modi contributes at this stage is to keep his mouth shut, and also not to wring his hands and ask the responsible people on the other side to stop what they are doing as a cold-blooded, calculated strategy.

India's "defensive" actions - whether in the information war, the narrative war, the physical border war targeting innocent Pakistani civilians - are highly offensive.

True; one man's meat is another's poison. It is also offensive because of a determination to take offence; nobody is targeting civilians, and that is why videos have to be taken and shown around. Nobody is impressed by the beating of breasts over self-inflicted injuries.
I think the people being interviewed here may just be migrant workers accidentally wandering near the border.
He is clearly talking about Abhinandan's MiG-21 since his Mig crash site in AJK was just 4 km from our sher makadi tehsil in J&K

Distance between Sher Makadi & MiG-21 crash site (Latitude: 33° 13' 54.6" North Longitude: 73° 57' 23.4" East) is about 5 km. And as Sher Makadi is just 2 km from LoC any crash smoke/fire there would be visible to Pakistanis just like MiG-21 crash smoke was visible to Indians. Which means Pakistanis would have then posted pics of smoke or fire on Indian side of LoC.

Also since the MiG-21 crash site was so close to Sher Makadi he though it might have crashed there. We know that Abhinandan MiG-21 came from the direction of Rajauri so his description matches exactly with Abhinandan MiG-21. He says he saw a plane crashing near Sher Makadi which is just 5 km from actual crash site of Abhinandan so he might have though that Abhinandan's falling plane came down in sher makadi.

Also he clearly mentions he saw ONE pilot ejecting whcih matches with Abhinandan MiG 21 description as Sukhois have two pilots

Most importantly he says he was behind a hill which means he did not have line of sight to crash site (could not direvtly see it).

Even prominent western Think tank DFRLab agrees that the MiG-21 was hit when it was moving towards India
As long as Modi is on the helm of affairs there will be no peace with India. Till the next Indian General elections he will carry on his STUNTS to appease his waning support base. For Pakistan we should come out with an out of the box solution ,which may effectively put stop to the civilian casualties on both side of the LOC and the valley.

Modi is most likely to get elected again if RSS want him to be there as PM. Therefore don't bet on next Indian elections.

So your out of box solution has a limitation as you guys have very limited number of civil leadership. Gen Bajwa might have some plans for your country. You can bet on that.

Pakistanis rank way above Indians in happiness index and enjoy life far better then their Indian counterparts.

Pakistanis are happier because they have elected a charming handsome Prime Minister who is decisive and bold whereas we Indians are stuck with an uneducated ugly Chaiwala who can't take bold decisions.

Next time we will go for John Abraham :enjoy:
The time for convincing allies is past; they know very well what is going on.

Is that the reason Indian Phrand Donlun Trump said thank you to Pakistan while standing next to Modi ? Indeed they know and hence no more takers of Indian propaganda anymore. Just the other day China reiterated its position on Kashmir.

It isn't about Modi any longer; he didn't conjure up infiltrators out of thin air. Even the most bitterly opposed to him will have nothing to say about retaliation by the Indian Army. All Modi contributes at this stage is to keep his mouth shut, and also not to wring his hands and ask the responsible people on the other side to stop what they are doing as a cold-blooded, calculated strategy.

So those imaginary camps that India destroyed along with 500 JUD terrorists suddenly disappeared in thin air? Some magic Pakistan posses hiding such a big number of bodies in front of the entire International media. Modi needed a win and he got one at the expense of two Indian jets, a beaten pilot and the worst fratricide in modern human history losing 6 men to Modi's election ambitions. I'll say a small cost for such a big man.
That isn't true, sir.
Indian Army routinely targets civilians on Pakistani side of LoC and WB.

That is perception, Sir, and I am sure of that. I can assure you that neither I nor my very close friends lack for friends in high places in the military. There has never been ever any thought of targetting civilians. We have had many injuries among our civilian population due to shelling from the other side; it has never been alleged by us that it was deliberate policy by your Army. Perhaps the next time some jingo (not Indian) flaunts the proximity of army posts, bases and ammunition dumps to civilian populations, and their popularity among the civilians, some thought of these inevitable consequences may come to mind.
That is perception, Sir, and I am sure of that. I can assure you that neither I nor my very close friends lack for friends in high places in the military. There has never been ever any thought of targetting civilians. We have had many injuries among our civilian population due to shelling from the other side; it has never been alleged by us that it was deliberate policy by your Army. Perhaps the next time some jingo (not Indian) flaunts the proximity of army posts, bases and ammunition dumps to civilian populations, and their popularity among the civilians, some thought of these inevitable consequences may come to mind.

Living near WB, I have witnesses it firsthand, sir.
Civilian installations are deliberately and strategically targeted.
No military officer, no matter on what side of border, would admit that though
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Is that the reason Indian Phrand Donlun Trump said thank you to Pakistan while standing next to Modi ? Indeed they know and hence no more takers of Indian propaganda anymore. Just the other day China reiterated its position on Kashmir.

It is instructive that you choose to single out Dolund (the correct Modi version) Trump and the Chinese to exemplify Indian allies. Comment is superfluous.

So those imaginary camps that India destroyed along with 500 JUD terrorists suddenly disappeared in thin air? Some magic Pakistan posses hiding such a big number of bodies in front of the entire International media. Modi needed a win and he got one at the expense of two Indian jets, a beaten pilot and the worst fratricide in modern human history losing 6 men to Modi's election ambitions. I'll say a small cost for such a big man.

What I get from this is the overwhelming superiority of one side over the other with regard to their being able to do magic with numbers. It still remains a 'fact' that India has 700,000 troops in Kashmir, it still remains a fact that two Indian jets were shot down. What fratricide you are referring to is not clear; perhaps now you are in the very process of inventing the zero, and the infiltrators who were killed by the five men of the Paratroopers are now none. There is this magic about your entire post.

It is also intriguing to find that the bombing of one location is now again (by magic?) extrapolated to the bombing of all locations, both known and unknown, or that rear camps are now conflated with launch pads on the LOC. As mentioned before, instructive.

One cannot read your posts without coming away enlightened.

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