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indian army thumbs down to US offer of javelin ATGM

Smart move by the IA. There was/is still insufficient clarity on the offer of ToT for the Javelins as well as the cost issue.
The Spike can well become the IA's replacement for the Milans now in service, while (if at all) co-development of the Javelin IVs should be considered.

Still think this news needs more clarity. I don't think there will be any such decision taken so close to PM Modi's US visit & with Frank Kendall, under-secretary (acquisition) of Defense scheduled to come down to India in mid November to brief & discuss technologies on offer. No point in making a decision till that visit atleast.
Still think this news needs more clarity. I don't think there will be any such decision taken so close to PM Modi's US visit & with Frank Kendall, under-secretary (acquisition) of Defense scheduled to come down to India in mid November to brief & discuss technologies on offer. No point in making a decision till that visit atleast.

I think this is regarding a deal to both buy and make ATGMs for bulk induction. In any case, the technical trials of the Spike passed muster with the IA. What seems to be awaiting further negotiations and a final conclusion with the USA is probably connected to co-development of the next-gen Javelin. Which is futuristic right now.
I think its a very smart move by IA
1. Spike is cheap and better suited for IA as they already prefer Nag for future
2. Israel is already in much concrete and comfortable relationship for us
3. By rejecting Javelin, and highlighting the flip flops, the msg to USA is very clear that either offer us a good deal with proper TOT like the competitors do or else pls dont offer anything and waste our time.

The co development is all media hogwash. If TOT complete is not thr for 3rd generation then why the hell they would like to co develop and make India absorb the tech at first place. The high price quoted confirms that as its clearly meant to show USA offered "the very best" and it was India who rejected that. But surely USA would go in a huddle to understand how to crack indian defense market better with this stand of IA. We dont need foolish half baked deals which are aimed at stalling our procurement processes. Either give a good package from the beginning or else dont give only to waste time. The Spike decision is already delayed by these stupidities. Better not waste time and close it asap
Not buying it - not from IDRW.

This so called "ex-serviceman" writer seems to be as well informed about the actual picture as I was, 10 years ago.

He was the guy who went on writing about Typhoon being L-1 in MMRCA, Eurojet EJ-200 beating F414 for Tejas Mk-2,
and then writing that IAF was not satisfied with FGFA due to stealth (what exactly does he know of stealth? and his
sources are just as misinformed as he is), and that India should scrap MMRCA and buy F-35.

IDRW is the No.1 source for BS trash news. He's probably working for IAI now for all we know.
They said they will sell the Javellin, albeit with lesser TOT and co-develop the next gen ATGM. The next gen ATGM needs to be considered. AS I am sure they will be a better develpment partner than Russia, France and even Israel.

Since the visit of the PM didn't seem to have changed much in the US point of view of ToT and joint developments, this might be a reaction, but neither IDRW nor TOI are really reliable sources, so wait and see.
Heard about a shoulder launched variant of Nag was in development, any info on that?
They said they will sell the Javellin, albeit with lesser TOT and co-develop the next gen ATGM. The next gen ATGM needs to be considered. AS I am sure they will be a better develpment partner than Russia, France and even Israel.

This has been reported by TOI too. This was an out come with Jeitly's meeting with all the pending acquisitions.

Waiting for more genuine source

better source

wait till saturday - purchases of ATGM and other worth 70000 expected to be cleared

Shoulder Launched NAG to be there in 3 years

idont think we will go for co development of next gen jvelin
so finally now we are behaving like we should be

a cash rich buyer going shopping ina buyers market
so finally now we are behaving like we should be

a cash rich buyer going shopping ina buyers market
Forget about having access to hard cash, India must make decisions based upon reliability. Who gave her reliable equipment when we needed it the most? France & Israel. India must work doubly hard to ensure reliable relations with Israel and good business relations with the French. Fortunately or unfortunately, unless the Russkis amp up their score on the reliability meter, they must be considered as just another source of fancy weaponry.
That is hard to say yet; have we developed anything with them yet? As plain-vanilla 'sellers of goods' the US is the best; but beyond that?

The US makes sense as a trusted seller only and only if you are part of a strategic military alliance with them. Where, you will deploy forces to forward core US foreign policy interests. Which in a way means, you need to make your foreign policy and their foreign policy similar in areas of interest or neither should have divergent policies in core interest areas.

UK and Canada being good examples.This need not necessarily mean, UK and Canada are slaves. Simply they are aligning their interests and see eye to eye with the US.
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