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Indian Army threatens to cross the LOC after fierce Kashmiri resistance

That's why you guys have closed the site for 43 days and not allowing the journalists to inspect the site on its own...there goes your credibility https://www.reuters.com/article/india-kashmir-pakistan-madrasa-idINKCN1QO26W

From one of the world's most prestigious think tanks relying on OSINT and ESA satellite imagery. Pakistani media was on the site within 24 hours showing the parts of the spice kit and the impact sites downhill from the seminary downhill. The same Reuters whose report you cited also noted that there was no visible damage to the structure of any sort that would corroborate the Indian version. those who claimed 350 casualties and then failed to put out imagery proof in the public domain drowned their credibility in the days to follow from the 26th of February like the PAF drowned pathetic IAF in the field of battle on the 27th of February 2019.

Imagine what they'd be able to do if IoJK were flooded with even basic equipment requisite for waging mildly successful guerilla campaigns like RPGs.

From one of the world's most prestigious think tanks relying on OSINT and ESA satellite imagery. Pakistani media was on the site within 24 hours showing the parts of the spice kit and the impact sites downhill from the seminary downhill. The same Reuters whose report you cited also noted that there was no visible damage to the structure of any sort that would corroborate the Indian version. those who claimed 350 casualties and then failed to put out imagery proof in the public domain drowned their credibility in the days to follow from the 26th of February like the PAF drowned pathetic IAF in the field of battle on the 27th of February 2019.

Imagine what they'd be able to do if IoJK were flooded with even basic equipment requisite for waging mildly successful guerilla campaigns like RPGs.
Afghan war weapons should be transferred to India from Punjab IOK
Cross the LOC to do what exactly? Take majoer losses again and receive strikes in retaliation.
You'd think the Russian debacle would have taught them something but nope, I guess they think we're weaker than Ukraine......
@PanzerKiel @Windjammer
I used to think Russia army is very professional and modern. Moskava was sink, SU30, 34, 35 were shot, etc. Anyway, how better can India respond using Russian weapons against Paksitan? Especially, in coming years when they may lack spareparts for their tanks, fighters, ships, etc as russians need more.

There will be always be attrition and we may not know real Ukaranian losses to inflict that much damage. But can India use those russian weapons effectively against Pakistan when originals (russians) couldn't against 2nd tier russian weapons (Ukaranian+some NATO)? Lack of spareparts will also likely affect IA/IAF training hours.
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Afghan war weapons should be transferred to India from Punjab IOK
There was a report on Indian OSINT handles on Twitter that some spoofing-proof comms equipment from Afghanistan has landed in IoJK. However, the scale at which Indian proxies are getting replenished from Afghanistan with the state-of-the-art weaponry (which would be an envy of even regular Pakistani infantrymen), is unmatched. Taps remain managed. It would require a maverick in the decision-making position to upend the status quo.
They are free to try if they have the guts. Secondly India stop threatening either do something or keep your mouth shut

They are still very good, same reputation professionally. Remember, it's not Russia against Ukraine, it's Russia against the combined military and economic might of NATO plus western countries.
Sir NATO providing equipment yes but still that equipment in front of Russian might and size is nothing. Russian campaign has proven to be a disaster by all means
There you go again Clutch showing your Zion colors. It doesn't take long for you to reveal your Israeli connection does it? Stop slandering Pakistan's COAS.
Lol.... Majority of people in Pakistan and on PDF are mad at the Gadaar COAS.... I guess we are all Israeli agents?
Irrelevant. You made a flawed observation. I only pointed out the self-contradiction in your argument.

There is no contradiction. You make it sound like fighting India in 1962 was even an option for unprepared Pakistani military. The war started in October and ended in November. Thanks to winter Himalayan passes are blocked until June
@PanzerKiel @Windjammer
I used to think Russia army is very professional and modern. Moskava was sink, SU30, 34, 35 were shot, etc. Anyway, how better can India respond using Russian weapons against Paksitan? Especially, in coming years when they may lack spareparts for their tanks, fighters, ships, etc as russians need more.

There will be always be attrition and we may not know real Ukaranian losses to inflict that much damage. But can India use those russian weapons effectively against Pakistan when originals (russians) couldn't against 2nd tier russian weapons (Ukaranian+some NATO)? Lack of spareparts will also likely affect IA/IAF training hours.
What are you thinking?

Give them a beating while they still have inferior Russian planes with inferior avionics? Can't say I didn't think of that either
Until Bajwa and co are there I will never support Army. They have sold this country . If they attack us make sure the first casualty from pak side should be Bajwa and Nadeem Anjam and this cheap justice
What are you thinking?

Give them a beating while they still have inferior Russian planes with inferior avionics? Can't say I didn't think of that either
Not beating but a direction where shd we go. For instance, Cinese are focusing on AI and cybre besides EW. Inter/intra operability is key between Army/AF/Aviation etc.

So, even getting Rafale is not as important for IAF as getting synergy among 40 types of aircrafts. On top, yes these aircrafts lack modern avionics. Therefore, the attrition of indian aggression can be manifold. Down the years, where they have to carry out sorties against PLAAF/PAF means they need spareparts more than ever,w hcih russia may fail to supply.

Lastly, the winner is the US here which has convinced NATO and India to bu US weapons. India bcz of 'poor' performance by russians and NATO bcz Russia is a threat.
There is no contradiction. You make it sound like fighting India in 1962 was even an option for unprepared Pakistani military. The war started in October and ended in November. Thanks to winter Himalayan passes are blocked until June
Contradiction: Western-supplied Ukraine has halted the Russian advance. India was being armed to the hilt by the Americans in 1962 but was still subjected to a humiliating defeat at the hands of China.

Pakistan's combat readiness could be argued about, but what is crystal clear is that your argument on the above lines is self-contradictory and hence does not stand.

The Chinese nudged Pakistan to settle the Kashmir conflict by opening the other front under favorable conditions, but Ayub did not want to anger the Americans by jumping into the conflict.
Contradiction: Western-supplied Ukraine has halted the Russian advance. India was being armed to the hilt by the Americans in 1962 but was still subjected to a humiliating defeat at the hands of China.

Pakistan's combat readiness could be argued about, but what is crystal clear is that your argument on the above lines is self-contradictory and hence does not stand.

The Chinese nudged Pakistan to settle the Kashmir conflict by opening the other front under favorable conditions, but Ayub did not want to anger the Americans by jumping into the conflict.

India request for American weapons was made in November 1962 as the war ended

Ukraine was equipped before 2022 due to 2014 Russia Crimea war

No country has the ability to mass military resources especially large armies in real time. It takes weeks and months to mobolize
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