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Indian Army T-90 Tank Barrel Explodes, Killing One Soldier


Only 4-5 incidents of barrel burst in T-90 tanks since 2009 even though a whopping 1500 T-90s have been delivered.
Might be due to faulty ammunition manufactured by the incompetent OFBs similar to M777's barrel explosion. If that's the case, current plan to privatize OFBs should be implemented asap

Only 4-5 incidents of barrel burst in T-90 tanks since 2009 even though a whopping 1500 T-90s have been delivered.

While you have to downplay a news or downgrade any information as such; it isn't necessary to bring irrelevant/off-topic stuff so that you can divert the topic. Post is edited for this time in courtesy to letting you know before any further action.

While you have to downplay a news or downgrade any information as such; it isn't necessary to bring irrelevant/off-topic stuff so that you can divert the topic. Post is edited for this time in courtesy to letting you know before any further action.

How is posting news about tank barrel burst in a tank barrel burst thread off topic?
How is posting news about tank barrel burst in a tank barrel burst thread off topic?

We have a topic in hand about Indian Army T-90 Tank barrel burst not the British Army that does not operate T-90. While talking about India, doesn't matter what happens in UK. Hope I have clarified to understand in easy way.

serious question.... how on earth can a bursting gun barrel kill a soldier?

What shit safty routines does the Indian Army runs that something like this could happen? Tank gun life fire and there is someone in the near outside the tank to get killed by the bursting gun barrle

Only 4-5 incidents of barrel burst in T-90 tanks since 2009 even though a whopping 1500 T-90s have been delivered.
What you are not going to compare with US, China, Russia, this time.
And do you think every one of those so called whopping 1500 have been tested to fire.

serious question.... how on earth can a bursting gun barrel kill a soldier?

What shit safty routines does the Indian Army runs that something like this could happen? Tank gun life fire and there is someone in the near outside the tank to get killed by the bursting gun barrle
Maybe at the loading end when the shell is fired

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