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Indian Army soldier Vijay Kumar wins Silver in Olympics.



Indian Army Zindabad :tup:
Heartly congratulations for winning Vijay Kumar
You have really made us proud.
But one thought really makes me sad when ever i think about.
belonging to second most populated country in the world we still have to get contended with one or two medals while small countries win even more than us.
Go to hell with the govt and sports federation.

Best thing todo is share the money earned by Cash rich BCCI money with all sports federations then they can give quality training
Finally these army men making us proud not only by serving the country,but also doing the ultimate job and getting the medals from the olympics.these could be the ultimate achievement from the ultimate person of IA.

Congratz to India.
This is great stuff India is doing well in Olympics except hockey S.Asian must improve in sports and win medals.
Pak army is busy in WOT, collecting funds and eating kukar and bakra's they know $hit about Olympics and sports.
He was in a position to win gold . Unfortunately he just gave it away at the last moment .
This guy will receive a prize of Rs. 1 crore from the gov. of himanchal pradesh .
I guess it is a proud moment for IA as one of its member has made history .
Once India cultivates athletes in the country, it should be fielding like 500+ athletes in the Olympics. Instead of like 50+.

Awesome job.. India is now double proud of you, for being in Army and for the Medal!
O yes right said
but so sad to say our soldiers finish the work by the time
ur busy soldiers start to wake
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