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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

Indians aren't happy with pak army action against TTP and other terrorist on afghan border and with in fata areas . And this is their way of putting pressure on pak army to move more resources on this side of the border and divert attention. More and more of these are happening after the operation against TTP and other Terrorist began.
gave thanks for ur immense intelligence....:tup::tup:
More than half of Pakistan army is deployed along durrand line to seal the border. Soldiers are also deployed to fight in the operation against terrorist. Rangers are deployed in Karachi to fight the mafia war there. And according to India Pakistan is firing on BSF. Pakistan is in no condition to open another front but some how according to India we are war mongers and the one who started the cease fire violation and India is only giving response
How can we evil Pakistanis defeat mighty galactic supa dupa pawa Andia who has ships to travel inter-planet and interstellar
Don't worry my friends let India enjoy today, but don't forget the operation BAT in which 10 indian soldiers were killed inside indian territory.
Kyu? Himmat nahi ho rahi nuclear button dabane ki? Actually it is the first threat issued by any pakistani in case of any threat perception from outside.
You did left things undone. Remember '71?:rofl:

Ghaas khayenge, bom banayenge:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ab bana liya hai to use kyu nahi karte?
for revenging the deaths of our soldier we don't need any expensive, controversial nuclear attack , only two sniper shots will enough.
for revenging the deaths of our soldier we don't need any expensive, controversial nuclear attack , only two sniper shots will enough.

OMG ..we poor indians now have to import snipers also............
No you are not war mongers. You do not want wars because you know you will lose like you lost 4 times earlier. That is why pakistan uses proxy war against Inida and sends terrorist across border. This firing is actually shelling provided by pakistan to terrorist to help them enter India. Usually We did not retaliate in good measures. This time Pakistani generals are shocked by retaliation only.
Yeah we lost all the wars, is that why half of the Kashmir is under our control. Now don't claim that it was all because of Nehru. Indian be like we won 1947 war but some how Pakistan army is still guarding Kashmir.
Indian taking about Peshawar Attack what about Assam killing in which 72 indian were killed. A 7 year old child was shot seven times. And still after 4 days of the violence no response was taken. Operation clear up took longer than expected. Not only that Bodo militant who killed the people are freely celeberating New year by now. At least the one who carried out the attack in Peshawar were killed
What is this nonsense about Pakistan providing cover fire to infiltrate militants...Pakistan does not need to do that. We have developed invisibility cloaks for this very purpose. Muslims actually developed invisibility technology in the year 622 AD.
Indian also claimed that omg large number of Pakistan terrorist are there in Machil fake encounter, and we successfully killed all of them which later were found to be Kashmiri teenagers. You army also claimed during that incident, that Pakistan fired to support terrorist in Kashmir
What I find strange in the claim that the 2 Pakistanis were called for a flag meeting and then killed is the rank of those rangers. Are flag meetings held between the ranks of sergeant and corporals ?
What actually happens in a flag meeting? - Rediff.com India News
A flag meeting is basically a meeting that is held at the border or on the Line of Control by commanders on both sides. A flag meeting could be held at the brigadier level on smaller issues; in the larger context, it could also be held on the general level.
strange indeed :D
All of it. The Indian military is lying through its teeth that one of its lower officers planned this lowly ambush on the lines of a flag meeting.

Where do you think the "Baghal mein Churi, Mun pe ram ram" came from?
I have heard 'trust a poisonous snake, not a pakistani*' quite often for it to be a proverb. I dont think I should believe it. :lol:
Sad, Indians and their war mongering. They paid the price for it though.
Happy New Year guys...will continue fight tomorrow abi sleeping time bbye....have a nice and beautiful new year..........

how pakistan is only know all truth of universe.......?? amazing and appreciated.......

let it be...btw happy new year to all in pdf..be happy n cheerful bbye..gud nyt.........
No my friend Machil fake encounter was reported by your media not by ours. Search it on any news site and you will see it
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