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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

But this also accepted by Indian media that Pakistan had to raise the white flag to pick their dead ones. The two soldiers were killed near the International boundary that is why white flag was raised or for what other reason Pakistan raised it. Cease fire happened many times before but why did Pakistan raise it now. Because the soldier were killed near the border if that was not the case then Pakistan wouldn't had raised the flag to pick their dead one's.
Every source that I have seen suggests the same line of events.

The Pakistani soldiers were called in near the border, and then shot from close up.

Bodies weren't recovered easily either.
Every source that I have seen suggests the same line of events.

The Pakistani soldiers were called in near the border, and then shot from close up.

Bodies weren't recovered easily either.
Please share the sources. Unless its an uncle in the know.
If our media is wrong and Indian media is right then why for some reason your media or your government complain against it. We also summoned your high commissioner for this sole purpose and lodge protest against it.
If our media is wrong and Indian media is right then why for some reason your media or your government complain against it. We also summoned your high commissioner for this sole purpose and lodge protest against it.
The Indian envoy has been asked for India to observe the cease fire agreement. There is nothing about the ambush. Your stupid media seems to be mixed up like the time they published fake wiki leaks
The Indian envoy has been asked for India to observe the cease fire agreement. There is nothing about the ambush. Your stupid media seems to be mixed up like the time they published fake wiki leaks
Okay karan don't mind us we are wrong according to you. But your media which report Pakistan more than our media and are waiting for a news to bad mouth Pakistan hasn't reported any thing or complained about it.
Has ISPR released a statement to this effect or has this been sent as a communique to India ?

Not yet...ISPR is probably sleeping at this moment.

We don't usually see any statements from ISPR on isolated border issues such as this one.

BTW I love it how you are changing the barometer of truth. Suddenly, the ISPR has become the authentic source. Previously, it was DAWN which was loved by Indians for putting in their arguments...and ISPR which was lambasted as being biased.
Times of India also reported that Pakistan raised flag to pick their dead, which were killed near the international boundary. Cease fire happened before but this is the first time. How were the soldiers killed near the border. No sane person would go near the border. Wouldn't he find some cover to fire from
India choses its surprise attack while Pakistan is busy cleaning up terrorists on the Western border. Despicable...

Indians aren't happy with pak army action against TTP and other terrorist on afghan border and with in fata areas . And this is their way of putting pressure on pak army to move more resources on this side of the border and divert attention. More and more of these are happening after the operation against TTP and other Terrorist began.
Atomic bomb, we are not war mongers like those swamy who claimed that India would get enough technology by 2016. LOL he should start by building nuclear shelters first which take more than a year to build
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