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Indian Army says no to Brahmos missile (ah DRDO)


May 21, 2006
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New Delhi: The recent failure of the 290-km-range Brahmos missile to hit a pre-defined target and the high over-run in its production cost has put a question mark over fresh orders for 240 of these missiles from the Indian Army.

Though an RFP (Request For Proposal) for equipping two regiments with this missile was placed with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) mid-January, it’s learnt that Army chief General Deepak Kapoor has indicated he would not opt for its purchase unless the missile proved its capability and was available at a reasonable price.

“We do not plan to move the proposal to the Cabinet Committee on Security. Let DRDO explain the shortcomings,” Army officials told The Sunday Express, adding that both the Army and the Defence Ministry were opposed to the cost over-run and what DRDO claims to be an “advanced” seeker.

The Army, sources said, is bound by directions of the Defence Acquisition Council which, at the time of placing the first purchase order for 66 missiles in 2006, had said that subsequent regiments would have to be armed with SCAN or “multi-spectral seeker” — a system that provides a video feed to the misThis would help latch the missile on to a specific target hidden in clusters of buildings unlike the present radar technology where the target has to be in isolation or else the missile can deviate to an adjacent body that provides higher radar reflection.

“That is why the present seeker has proved to be adequate for the Indian Navy as two objects are far removed from each other at sea,” sources said. Brahmos is primarily an anti-ship missile that can be launched either in a vertical or inclined position with the capability of covering targets over a 360-degree horizon.

A demonstration to the Army of Brahmos hitting a specific target failed on January 20. The DRDO first claimed success but had to backtrack when General Kapoor insisted on visiting the target site and found that the missile had overshot by a kilometre.

“The missile performance was absolutely normal till the last phase but the missile missed the target though it maintained direction,” Brahmos Aerospace Corporation Director Sivathanu Pillai admitted later. The next test is scheduled for February 10.

Incidentally, a test fire using a vertical launch instead of the usual inclined position from battleship INS Ranvir on January 15 also missed its target, DRDO sources said.
Failed test and rocketing costs: Army says no to Brahmos missile
A wrong report posted again in a separate thread

The launch from INS Ranvir happened on 8th dec 2008 no 15th january
If it is primarily an Anti-ship missile with limited cruise missile capability why would the army want it anyway?
India can only produce failures , nothing else

do not produce ur speculations here, wise people on this forum and in pakistan know very well that what a threat u posses with Brahmos in hands of India.
And do not jumpp up n down on a fake article. Brahmos is still a veru capable missile with a successful test average over 95%.:tup:
India's will shall shape the future. Whether we fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but our own. we r the force and can clear any obstacle before us.:tup:

"Girte Hain shahe sawaar hi maidaane jung mein wo kya girenge jo ghutno ke bal chalte hain".
Look at our missile programme, if that's not enough, look at our AK and JF-17

Give me one neutral link about any JF-17 PART whose R&D was done in Pakistan. Pakistan WILL only have assembly line for production of JF-17.

If you can, then plz provide me a link which state that THIS particular component of JF-17 was researched and developed in THIS Pakistani labrotary in THIS Pakistani city. And plz make sure thats a neutral link.

And i would not like to comment on your missile program. Everyone knows where it came from.
And ur BrahMos wasn't done without Russia?:azn:

I never said that Brahmos is only an Indian project. You said It was an Indian failure. So if Russia is included in the project then it's Russia's failure as well.

And one test do not fail a missile. It is going to be inducted by the Air Force, Navy, in the sub-marines, if not the Army.
Interesting new development in failed Brahmos missile test...

BrahMos failed as US shut its eyes in the sky?

Manoj K Das
First Published : 02 Feb 2009 02:11:00 AM ISTLast Updated : 02 Feb 2009 06:59:48 PM ISTKOCHI:

DRDO scientists have launched an investigation into the failure of the BrahMos army version missile, especially why its GPS system couldn’t link onboard computers with hovering satellites eventually crippling its guidance system and keeping it frm achieving mission objectives.

The ambit of the probe will also examine why US satellites blinked during the test window, thereby denying the missile the crucial inputs needed for its guidance.

A primary analysis of the January 20 test has shown that the missile, a special version capable of hitting hidden targets like terrorist camps, performed the flight plan but missed the target. The missile was supposed to hit a rather insignificant target hidden among obstructions at the Pokharan range.

“It had an advance seeker which was to home in on the target using GPS data obtained through US satellites.But it is a mystery why the SCAN technology failed to access the satellites,” said BrahMos sources.

The seeker, an advanced one developed to guide the missile to very insignificant targets, was a success during test flights. The seeker and the new software were tested extensively using fighter aircraft flying at top speeds.

“Once we were confident of their success, we decided to go in for the first test on the missile. But the failure is a mystery,” top sources told to The New Indian Express.The BrahMos special version, in spite of being an Indo-Russian venture, was fully dependent on US satellites. The Russian global positioning network is not usually used by Indian defence agencies for their strategic programmes. “This leads to speculation about why the entire galaxy of US satellites failed to provide signals to the missile. We need to solve the mystery of how the satellites suddenly failed over the Pokharan skies,” sources said.

The probe report is expected by Wednesday and will be submitted to the Defence Minister. Though the failure rattled the Army a bit, sources said its top brass was still for BrahMos missiles. “We will wait for the result of the February 20 tests.

The missile is still the best to hit a defined and designated target like an enemy depot or an airport. The wait-and-watch is only regarding the advanced version of BrahMos,” sources told to The New Indian Express
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