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Indian army proposes 3-year stint for civilians

Even your fellow Indian have started to admit you lost 2 jets so its time for you to stop going to wattsappU an realize how much your modiji has been lying to you.
The best part was that the helicopter that was sent to crash site of the Su was shot down by your own people :rofl:
And hey, don't blame us for your stupid military sending vintage fighters, we didn't choose which fighters you sent, we only chose the kind of tea we gave you :toast_sign:

Oh and replying to recent humiliation by bringing up something that happened 50 years ago is the only thing you can do?
Sure, then I will bring up how you gut humiliated by all those Muslim sultanates in the last 1000 years.

The sooner you admit to yourself that you gut humiliated by a country 7x smaller then, with a smaller economy and smaller military, the sooner your massive ego can start to heal and you will stop having dreams of 350 terrorists dead and what not.

Never seen a single Indian say we lost 2 fighters :lol:. Almost all of us are pretty convinced an F16 was brought down than day. But in absence of any proof, all we have is that a mig21 was shot down.

I bring up what happened 50 years ago because it was an actual war, meanwhile, since you don't have any glories or victories, you keep bringing up a little air skirmish in which you shot down a vintage jet. It's ok, I will bring up Siachen next time, which was more recent and a little less humiliating for you, although you still ended up losing 3000 sq km of land. How will bringing up muslim sultanates help your case? It was turks and arabs who did that, not you. You were the people who got defeated and converted. Bringing up muslim sultanates would be like me taking British citizenship and gloating that we ruled over Pakistan :lol:.
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Army's plan to induct civilians for 3-year tenure: CPI(M) leader Mohammad Salim attacks govt, drags in RSS
Times Now Digital : Updated May 15, 2020 | 18:17 IST

New Delhi: With the Army planning to induct civilians for a three-year tenure, Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Mohammad Salim, has criticised the proposal and accused the government of trying to shed its responsibilities at a time when the unemployment rate in the country is very high.

Commenting on the Army’s proposal to induct the young generation into the 1.3 million force to give them an ‘opportunity to experience military life’, the CPI(M) leader said that the idea is brilliant, but the motive is to reduce the pay bill and shed responsibilities.

Coming down hard at the government, the former parliamentarian said when the unemployment rate is very high, the government is planning to do away with long-term commitments. “This is unfortunate. When the government should act more responsibly, it is trying to shed the responsibilities,” he said.

Further slamming the government, he said, “In the guise of patriotism, you get the prime youth of the county into the service, but after 3 years say goodbye. This is wrong.”

“We have National Cadet Corps (NCC), so if we talk about bringing in discipline and exposure to the Army network then its good that you pour in more money into the NCC and motivate students to join.”

The CPI(M) leader also dragged in Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) into the issue. "The RSS has already said that he ‘shakha’ people are ready to go the border and fight so it should not be an encouragement to the ‘shakha babus’ for a fashionable role, because most of these people, whose families don’t even join the armed forces, will fight on the twitter in this fake patriotism era.”

The Army sources have termed the proposal a "game-changer", saying that the main aim is to bring the people from civil society people closer to the force by giving them an opportunity to experience military life.


Never seen a single Indian say we lost 2 fighters :lol:. Almost all of us are pretty convinced an F16 was brought down than day. But in absence of any proof, all we have is that a mig21 was shot down.

I bring up what happened 50 years ago because it was an actual war, meanwhile, since you don't have any glories or victories, you keep bringing up a little air skirmish in which you shot down a vintage jet. It's ok, I will bring up Siachen next time, which was a little less humiliating for you, although you still ended up losing 3000 sq km of land. How will bringing up muslim sultanates help your case? It was turks and arabs who did that, not you. You were the people who got defeated and converted. Bringing up muslim sultanates would be like me taking British citizenship and gloating that we ruled over Pakistan :lol:.

yep, you met every single 1.5 Billion Indians and they all said "sIr JeEe, 50 YeAr OlD jUnK sHoT dOwN mOdeRn Jeeeeet"

Here is your best white friend telling you IN INDIA how no f16 was shot down
imagine worshiping the whites so much that you bring one to your country only to have her slap you across the face by cutting through your own lies... in your own country :rofl:

Yeah yeah, you got humiliated last year and need to fall back to what happened 50 years ago and that is the only way you can cope.
And you want to talk war? check this out

Look as how many Hindus got humiliated!!! So much humiliation!!!
Hey I can bring this up because we now live in the past right?

"little air skirmish" ?
The day before, your media was GOING CRAY about how "we taught Pakistan a lesson" and " 350 TERRORISTS KILLED" and what not
you can't have it both ways, if it was a little skirmish then why did your media react like it won ww2?

Siachen.. yes, you did a surprise take over of some land that was so inhospitable that more people are dying from the snow then shooting each other.

so lets take a tally
India: 7x bigger then Pakistan with 1.5 BILLION people, bigger economy and bigger military in size and budget.

You took 3000km of barren land and you also defeated 45000 troops that were 2000 km away with no supplies, no back up and hostile locals.

Is that is?
That is what you are so proud of?
Japan fought a war from Alaska to Indonesia

Germany fought 3 nations

America fought 2 theaters of war at the same time

Britain fought and controlled the sea

These are all examples of great things nations have done in war.

India.... well a million man army defeat 45000 men.....
I would talk about the poo in the loo but mods don't like it if you humiliate Indians too much these days.
yep, you met every single 1.5 Billion Indians and they all said "sIr JeEe, 50 YeAr OlD jUnK sHoT dOwN mOdeRn Jeeeeet"

Here is your best white friend telling you IN INDIA how no f16 was shot down
imagine worshiping the whites so much that you bring one to your country only to have her slap you across the face by cutting through your own lies... in your own country :rofl:

Yeah yeah, you got humiliated last year and need to fall back to what happened 50 years ago and that is the only way you can cope.
And you want to talk war? check this out

Look as how many Hindus got humiliated!!! So much humiliation!!!
Hey I can bring this up because we now live in the past right?

"little air skirmish" ?
The day before, your media was GOING CRAY about how "we taught Pakistan a lesson" and " 350 TERRORISTS KILLED" and what not
you can't have it both ways, if it was a little skirmish then why did your media react like it won ww2?

Siachen.. yes, you did a surprise take over of some land that was so inhospitable that more people are dying from the snow then shooting each other.

so lets take a tally
India: 7x bigger then Pakistan with 1.5 BILLION people, bigger economy and bigger military in size and budget.

You took 3000km of barren land and you also defeated 45000 troops that were 2000 km away with no supplies, no back up and hostile locals.

Is that is?
That is what you are so proud of?
Japan fought a war from Alaska to Indonesia

Germany fought 3 nations

America fought 2 theaters of war at the same time

Britain fought and controlled the sea

These are all examples of great things nations have done in war.

India.... well a million man army defeat 45000 men.....
I would talk about the poo in the loo but mods don't like it if you humiliate Indians too much these days.

You are only humiliating yourself by bringing up the mughal empire. Look at the area in green, it also includes Pakistan. The mughals were from Uzbekistan. Basically people who you have 0% similarity with. You got humiliated and conquered just as much as we did. You keep bringing that up because you have no glories of your own, so you have to resort to taking credit for victories accomplished by other muslims :rofl:. It's like French and British taking credit for Russian victories just because they are Christian. Can you name a single muslim conqueror from the area that now encompasses Pakistan? Nope. Mughals conquered and subjugated both india and Pakistan, so you are only making yourself look silly by bringing that up.

I have never heard of this Christina fair. You might take her word because she is white, we don't :lol:. It's not like she was there on the day of the skirmish. The f16 crashed on your side of the loc. Pretty easy to hide and make sure no one finds out about it.

You keep bringing up a million man army, you think Pakistani army is any less in numbers? It's not like 1.3 billion Indians are fighting against 220 million Pakistanis. We have around 1.2 million men, you have around 600,000. With 4 times less land area to defend, those are excellent odds. Even airforces are very well matched with numerical superiority only about 1.5:1, that's again when you have a land area 4 times smaller to defend. Navy is the only branch where we have a superiority in numbers.
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You keep bringing up a million man army, you think Pakistani army is any less in numbers? It's not like 1.3 billion Indians are fighting against 220 million Pakistanis. We have around 1.2 million men, you have around 600,000. With 4 times less land area to defend, those are excellent odds. Even airforces are very well matched with numerical superiority only about 1.5:1, that's again when you have a land area 4 times smaller to defend. Navy is the only branch where we have a superiority in numbers.

If we consider Sino-Pak nexus, India has already lost it in the numbers game.
You are only humiliating yourself by bringing up the mughal empire. Look at the area in green, it also includes Pakistan. The mughals were from Uzbekistan. Basically people who you have 0% similarity with. You got humiliated and conquered just as much as we did. You keep bringing that up because you have no glories of your own, so you have to resort to taking credit for victories accomplished by other muslims :rofl:. It's like French and British taking credit for Russian victories just because they are Christian. Can you name a single muslim conqueror from the area that now encompasses Pakistan? Nope. Mughals conquered and subjugated both india and Pakistan, so you are only making yourself look silly by bringing that up.

I have never heard of this Christina fair. You might take her word because she is white, we don't :lol:. It's not like she was there on the day of the skirmish. The f16 crashed on your side of the loc. Pretty easy to hide and make sure no one finds out about it.

You keep bringing up a million man army, you think Pakistani army is any less in numbers? It's not like 1.3 billion Indians are fighting against 220 million Pakistanis. We have around 1.2 million men, you have around 600,000. With 4 times less land area to defend, those are excellent odds. Even airforces are very well matched with numerical superiority only about 1.5:1, that's again when you have a land area 4 times smaller to defend. Navy is the only branch where we have a superiority in numbers.

Hindutva troll: We BeAt Ju 50 YeAr Ago
Same Hindutva troll: Y U BrInG uP HiStory?

LOL, like your ideology, you people are a joke.

Mughals were Muslim and our Pakistani culture derives a lot from them.
It is not our fault that you have no culture so have to make up fairy tales.

your analogy does not work since Pakistan's culture is largely derived from Mughal culture, from our clothes to the food we eat.

But, look at you, trying so hard to not be humiliated by your Hindu ancestors getting spanked by Mughals.

You may never had heard of her, but she is a darling in that Hindutva hell hole.



Even this Indian media darling slapped you in the face :rofl:

oh and she knows about the reputation of ... Indian men with women...... so look how aggressively she replied to the Indian men. She made them known that she was not going to be victimized by them.

As for that last paragraph.... Oh man, are you really that retarded?
I said "45000 troops fought a military of a million men"
The troops that you captured in Bangladesh, that you keep masturbating to?
The only thing in the last 1000 years that you accomplished?
yeah, no troops on earth could have won that situation.
So celebrate all you want, but no nation on earth with any dignity would stoop to celebrating that.

Now if you took on a nation that was 7x your size, with larger economy and military and you humiliated them so completely that you had to give them tea to calm down... now that is something to celebrate :pakistan:
Hindutva troll: We BeAt Ju 50 YeAr Ago
Same Hindutva troll: Y U BrInG uP HiStory?

LOL, like your ideology, you people are a joke.

Mughals were Muslim and our Pakistani culture derives a lot from them.
It is not our fault that you have no culture so have to make up fairy tales.

your analogy does not work since Pakistan's culture is largely derived from Mughal culture, from our clothes to the food we eat.

But, look at you, trying so hard to not be humiliated by your Hindu ancestors getting spanked by Mughals.

You may never had heard of her, but she is a darling in that Hindutva hell hole.



Even this Indian media darling slapped you in the face :rofl:

oh and she knows about the reputation of ... Indian men with women...... so look how aggressively she replied to the Indian men. She made them known that she was not going to be victimized by them.

As for that last paragraph.... Oh man, are you really that retarded?
I said "45000 troops fought a military of a million men"
The troops that you captured in Bangladesh, that you keep masturbating to?
The only thing in the last 1000 years that you accomplished?
yeah, no troops on earth could have won that situation.
So celebrate all you want, but no nation on earth with any dignity would stoop to celebrating that.

Now if you took on a nation that was 7x your size, with larger economy and military and you humiliated them so completely that you had to give them tea to calm down... now that is something to celebrate :pakistan:

It seems you are the retard here. Was the rest of your army sleeping on the western border when these 45000 men(actually 93000) were fighting? The difference in Indian and Pakistani army in 1971 was even less than what it is today. It was more like 500,000 men fighting against 350,000 men. Again, with a lot less area for you to defend, those were excellent odds.

Before the war, you people actually considered it an advantage to have 2 wings, so you could encircle India and attack it from both sides. But now that the war was lost, you totally changed the narrative into that India attacked a hapless enemy and that you had no chance to win the war because the territory was separated by 2000km. Basically what you considered an advantage, you turned it into an excuse.
It seems you are the retard here. Was the rest of your army sleeping on the western border when these 45000 men(actually 93000) were fighting? The difference in Indian and Pakistani army in 1971 was even less than what it is today. It was more like 500,000 men fighting against 350,000 men. Again, with a lot less area for you to defend, those were excellent odds.

Before the war, you people actually considered it an advantage to have 2 wings, so you could encircle India and attack it from both sides. But now that the war was lost, you totally changed the narrative into that India attacked a hapless enemy and that you had no chance to win the war because the territory was separated by 2000km. Basically what you considered an advantage, you turned it into an excuse.
You don't even know that majority of the POW were civilians!
This is how retarded you are.

Even Indians accounts say that nearly half of the POW were civilians including women and children.

The rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense (with no evidence to your claims).
You have no history to be proud of so you need to keep harping back to 50 years ago when your million man army defeat 45000 men, who were 2000 km away from home and fighting hostile locals.

No other nation on earth would brag about that... but then again no other nation needs a video to remind them to put the poo in the loo.

Just a final reminder.
This happened last year
not 50 years ago
Not 150 years ago
or 1500 years ago. :toast_sign:
So it means if they are really trained and are up for the job then they will be let go. Strange proposal.

I think it makes sense, maintaining world's second largest army is not easy in monetary terms. Imagine all the retirement benefits & pensions army has to pay to their personnel. Over the time this increases financial burden exponentially to a stage where it's no longer sustainable. Hiring contractors for non-combat jobs can save money.
Sooner or later Pakistan Army will have to follow the same route.
You don't even know that majority of the POW were civilians!
This is how retarded you are.

Even Indians accounts say that nearly half of the POW were civilians including women and children.

The rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense (with no evidence to your claims).
You have no history to be proud of so you need to keep harping back to 50 years ago when your million man army defeat 45000 men, who were 2000 km away from home and fighting hostile locals.

No other nation on earth would brag about that... but then again no other nation needs a video to remind them to put the poo in the loo.

Just a final reminder.
This happened last year
not 50 years ago
Not 150 years ago
or 1500 years ago. :toast_sign:
Lol. Civilians can't be PoWs.
Your own Govt says they were PoWs and even issued a stamp.
images (46).jpeg

Red Cross was also involved. Don't just make stuff up.
Hindutva troll: We BeAt Ju 50 YeAr Ago
Same Hindutva troll: Y U BrInG uP HiStory?

LOL, like your ideology, you people are a joke.

Mughals were Muslim and our Pakistani culture derives a lot from them.
It is not our fault that you have no culture so have to make up fairy tales.

your analogy does not work since Pakistan's culture is largely derived from Mughal culture, from our clothes to the food we eat.

But, look at you, trying so hard to not be humiliated by your Hindu ancestors getting spanked by Mughals.

You may never had heard of her, but she is a darling in that Hindutva hell hole.



Even this Indian media darling slapped you in the face :rofl:

oh and she knows about the reputation of ... Indian men with women...... so look how aggressively she replied to the Indian men. She made them known that she was not going to be victimized by them.

As for that last paragraph.... Oh man, are you really that retarded?
I said "45000 troops fought a military of a million men"
The troops that you captured in Bangladesh, that you keep masturbating to?
The only thing in the last 1000 years that you accomplished?
yeah, no troops on earth could have won that situation.
So celebrate all you want, but no nation on earth with any dignity would stoop to celebrating that.

Now if you took on a nation that was 7x your size, with larger economy and military and you humiliated them so completely that you had to give them tea to calm down... now that is something to celebrate :pakistan:
You should not ignore the auxiliary battalions fighting for you.

There were relatives from my mother's side who were in the Ansar and were captured. These men were not from the Pak Army but were counted to the 90000 number. 45000 combats troops were of the Pakistani regular Army. There were other troops of the Pak Navy, Air Force, railway units, admin staff (military), and thousands and thousands of militia.


Look as how many Hindus got humiliated!!! So much humiliation!!!
Sadly this is the only piece of truth in your post.
Lol. Civilians can't be PoWs.
Your own Govt says they were PoWs and even issued a stamp.
View attachment 633070
Red Cross was also involved. Don't just make stuff up.
Here is the difference between us. No one in Pakistan denies India took 93000 POW. We are not retreaded to pretend like 50 year old junk can shoot down an F16 and then embarrass ourselves in front of the world with that story.

What you seem to be incapable of understanding is that 93000 POW does not equal 93000 soldiers.


"India took approximately 93,000 prisoners of war that included Pakistani soldiers as well as some of their East Pakistani collaborators. 79,676 of these prisoners were uniformed personnel, of which 55,692 were Army, 16,354 Paramilitary, 5,296 Police, 1000 Navy and 800 PAF. The remaining 13,324 prisoners were civlians - either family members of the military personnel or bihari razarkars."

Keep in mind, not even everyone from the army personnel were front line troops, as many were support personnel.

Leave it to you low lives to try and gaslight the world into thinking
"We ToOoOk 93,000 SoLdIer":rolleyes:

And back to the topic, you still were humiliated last year and your only response is "well 50 years ago we defeated 45000 troops who were 2000 km away from home, in hostile territory and we did it with our military that has a million personnel"

To which I again reply, if you want to go into history, just remember that time the Mughals spanked your Hindu grand daddy's butts and took over most of India.
No excuse for loosing there, you were the majority in your own land with no hostile local population :cheesy:

You should not ignore the auxiliary battalions fighting for you.

There were relatives from my mother's side who were in the Ansar and were captured. These men were not from the Pak Army but were counted to the 90000 number. 45000 combats troops were of the Pakistani regular Army. There were other troops of the Pak Navy, Air Force, railway units, admin staff (military), and thousands and thousands of militia.

Sadly this is the only piece of truth in your post.
And you should not ignore the Mukti terrorists you trained. I kept the irregulars out as that would make your "victory" even more of a joke.

And of course to you it is a lie as you are still counting 350 dead terrorists and F16s.
But evidence? noway, Hindutva don't work on evidence, just spew diarrhea and claim everyone else is lying.
I think it makes sense, maintaining world's second largest army is not easy in monetary terms. Imagine all the retirement benefits & pensions army has to pay to their personnel. Over the time this increases financial burden exponentially to a stage where it's no longer sustainable. Hiring contractors for non-combat jobs can save money.
Sooner or later Pakistan Army will have to follow the same route.
Everyone use contractor for non combat roles. How r u claiming that these r foe non combat jobs only ?
To which I again reply, if you want to go into history, just remember that time the Mughals spanked your Hindu grand daddy's butts and took over most of India.
That is true. But I am Muslim Alhamdullilah.

And you should not ignore the Mukti terrorists you trained. I kept the irregulars out as that would make your "victory" even more of a joke.
Of course, India behaved like any Non Muslim nation would. What do you expect from them? To treat a Muslim nation fairly?

My point is that 90000 prisoners of war was not a farce. Accept it with humility. I am not saying this with any pride. 90000 of course includes support personnel and militia - but that is the rule. All UNIFORMED personnel of the Pakistan Armed Forces including some of the militia units were taken prisoner.

The purely women and children were returned immediately.

Mughals and Muslims humiliating Hindus is also not a farce. Which is why they suffer from this inferiority complex to this day.
Here is the difference between us. No one in Pakistan denies India took 93000 POW. We are not retreaded to pretend like 50 year old junk can shoot down an F16 and then embarrass ourselves in front of the world with that story.

What you seem to be incapable of understanding is that 93000 POW does not equal 93000 soldiers.


"India took approximately 93,000 prisoners of war that included Pakistani soldiers as well as some of their East Pakistani collaborators. 79,676 of these prisoners were uniformed personnel, of which 55,692 were Army, 16,354 Paramilitary, 5,296 Police, 1000 Navy and 800 PAF. The remaining 13,324 prisoners were civlians - either family members of the military personnel or bihari razarkars."

Keep in mind, not even everyone from the army personnel were front line troops, as many were support personnel.

Leave it to you low lives to try and gaslight the world into thinking
"We ToOoOk 93,000 SoLdIer":rolleyes:

And back to the topic, you still were humiliated last year and your only response is "well 50 years ago we defeated 45000 troops who were 2000 km away from home, in hostile territory and we did it with our military that has a million personnel"

To which I again reply, if you want to go into history, just remember that time the Mughals spanked your Hindu grand daddy's butts and took over most of India.
No excuse for loosing there, you were the majority in your own land with no hostile local population :cheesy:

And you should not ignore the Mukti terrorists you trained. I kept the irregulars out as that would make your "victory" even more of a joke.

And of course to you it is a lie as you are still counting 350 dead terrorists and F16s.
But evidence? noway, Hindutva don't work on evidence, just spew diarrhea and claim everyone else is lying.
Lol. Even the article on Wikipedia you quote is questionable. By wiki standards itself.

Humiliated? Ha. You shot down one plane in your territory and act as if you won the Battle of Britain.

And why just 50 years - we can look at Kargil too.

As far as Mughals are concerned, they were Indian rulers - what does Pakistan have to do with them? It's like some Christian converts in Nagaland claiming the Roman Empire. Haha.

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