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Indian army post on fire

Found this picture on a site claiming this is an Indian army post on LOC. which was attacked by Pakistani artillery yesterday.

View attachment 340539
It looks like a residential complex probably be a garrison/barracks like area.
If this is true, casualties are massive RIP to all those who died in this fireball :(
Soldiers and their families' pay the ultimate sacrifice of their nations chest beating.
Structures are same, but angle of capture is slightly different.
These both are not same pictures but Captured by same camera at same location.
Traffic difference is also visible.


But i doubt we will ever hear about them, like those on first day, however i think PA used a drone to capture the image.
Yup, and this seems to be a residential complex...so definitely there are bound to be casualties...
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Found this picture on a site claiming this is an Indian army post on LOC. which was attacked by Pakistani artillery yesterday.

View attachment 340539
Pakistani artillery is best second to none they prove their metal during 1965, 71 and more recently during Kargil when they successfully destroy Indian ammunition dump which burns almost for four days.

It seems PA used CH-4 to capture the image / video.
Structures are same, but angle of capture is slightly different.
These both are not same pictures but Captured by same camera at same location.
Traffic difference is also visible.

View attachment 340570

So what exactly are you insinuating? That these are two different pictures of the same place? Duh...
To the person who edited the pictures --> You missed the pipes mate...
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