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Indian army post on fire

The intellectual who coined the term, " A picture is worth a thousand words" was definitely not aware of Indians existence, or may be he was............some (1.3 billion) idiots can also declare this video to be a CGI

Now eat your words and eat your hearts out but first wait for your arse fire to go out


Photoshopped. I don't think the photo is credible

Make the date more aliased. Will look more real. Remove the fires in the middle, there can't be fire in the sky. Otherwise good work. Btw, where is this? Indian barracks are not like this usually. Plus places like these have roadblocks. Copy paste a few for authenticity.

Is this another one of those Images and Videos which has been debunked time and again ? :lol:

Still in denial mode ? :rolleyes: Wait a few years before the truth comes out i assume :p:

3 posts destroyed - fake
From 20 soldiers killed to 14 to 8 - All fake
Videos - All fake(videos from 2013)
Photos - Old CRPF images posted
Now attacking a village and show casing your bravado resulting in 5 civilians injured - :lol:

Delusional Pakistanis , Remember this Ultimate fakery :lol:

View attachment 340671

OH yes 3 posts ...destroyed 20 killed, Indian soldiers raising white flags and running away. The shit you people are made to believe :lol:

As i said, some people forget things too easily... :lol:

haven't gone through the whole thread but second pic with that perfect fireball is clearly fake/photo-shopped.


Apart from the fact that the fire looks completely fake, a simple analysis of the metadata tells you that these photos are heavily edited. Go to http://imageedited.com/ and check for yourself. They even give you a list of programs that could have been used to create these. Anyone who knows ELA analysis can tell you in seconds that those fire, smoke, time stamp etc are fake. In short, these pictures are complete BS.

Be happy with your photoshop for all I care lol

OMG idiocy has reached a new level now. The pictures posted on this thread are all jpeg file. How is your picture PNG? lol

If I were you I would not try to sound intelligent (and fail at it) to someone who knows your "elite standing" which was revealed by your own countrymen elsewhere.

Forget the raw image, why don't you let us know from where you got the pics? The first pic you posted is from FB. Why don't you tell us what community you took it from? Or is it one of your own ISPR sources that you can't reveal?

First prove that these Picture source are authantic.

You claim its the Indian dump, and these shots looks like taken by Drones. Now tell how did you get these images. Did Pakistan send drones to capture these Images. Give the Location, of the place if you have the pics from the Pakistani Drones, because if it taken from Indian Drone, how did you get this.

You are the one who is claiming that its original, post the location and how did you know that this is Indian post and not Pakistani if it is original. And answer the basic question from where did the Pakistan get this image.

what a fail!!! next time, ask your photoshopper not to put a shadow of the fire...

did you see how there is a shadow of the fire? fire doesn't create a shadow....

Jammie Bhaiya, Waiting for you only.

Jammie Bhai you are the right guy to call. You see I was thinking, of watching the MM Alam legendary 5 jet shoot in 30 second proof aka the Gun Camera video as a proof, because I doubt it. Pls post the video.
dont people with low IQ check to see if these have been posted before? Seriously, what he ****!
:chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli: Haan Lundians kesa dia.... :chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli: I cant see any Hanumaan armymen , might be a possibility that they turn Hanumaaan in dark of the nights... :D 'WereHanumaan'
@T-72M1, @Asgard @Sneaker @Windjammer @zebra7 @mkb95 @jaunty @Stephen Cohen
congratulation to pakistan army for this high accurate firing...:pakistan::tup: ....
those are are not indian army posts... but, it is shops of poor kashmiris.

so much for Pakistan's "fighting for kashmiris".

Come up with something better, even if one is to believe this video is associated with OP, this is what HT reported in regards to the incident.

Several shops were burnt down after a shell triggered fire in oil containers at a security force camp.


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