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Indian Army plans certain changes in its uniforms

You're Indian origin. Why are you hiding that?

Love it when they pretend to be American with double US flags and non-committal profile names.

I am not hiding anything it is just that you people think everyone you meet is a Indian. Anyway even if i am hypothetically Indian so what? I didn’t attack your country and I didn’t say anything against your people so, why you attacking me? I am a Defense enthusiast Mi Boi I don’t care one bit about your Beef with Indians or Hindus or whatever. I eat beef like you people I am not even vegan lol.
New England Patriots and I like them because my favorite player plays for them and My Favorite Basketball Team is Detroit Pistons. If you still think that Indian I don’t care you people are paranoid lol. This is a Defense forum not English Class and my writing is more than enough for you to understand. If you find my Language lacking then so be it, I don’t care. I am just a humble defense enthusiast I don’t care about your on going feud and other bullShit you guys have with India.
Congratulations you have passed my test.
Alot of Indians on this form have been caught for hiding their Indian origin with NON indian flags and have been banned for trolling and other reasons.
As for Pakistanis being obsessed with Indians, you have not seen much internet then. Indians are known for propagating their agendas with Pakistani flags to spread misinformation. Twitter is the prime example where I was banned for exposing their lies about Feb-2019 Pak-Ind standoff.
If you are a defense enthusiastic then tell us what is your opinion about Indian balakot strike, and their myth about F-16 shot down? The reason why this question is so important is because almost billion population believes in there media lies about these events.
Congratulations you have passed my test.
Alot of Indians on this form have been caught for hiding their Indian origin with NON indian flags and have been banned for trolling and other reasons.
As for Pakistanis being obsessed with Indians, you have not seen much internet then. Indians are known for propagating their agendas with Pakistani flags to spread misinformation. Twitter is the prime example where I was banned for exposing their lies about Feb-2019 Pak-Ind standoff.
If you are a defense enthusiastic then tell us what is your opinion about Indian balakot strike, and their myth about F-16 shot down? The reason why this question is so important is because almost billion population believes in there media lies about these events.

I am not claiming to be an expert on the Indo-Pakistan Conflict and I don’t wish to get involved in the Religious and political conflict that goes on between you guys and Indians. But i will give you my opinion, For me Balakot Airstrikes are Inconclusive There to much propaganda and to many inconsistencies on both sides with Indians on one side claiming they killed over 300 terrorists which is Absurd and dumb and then on the other side Pakistanis blocking foreign journalists from reaching the area were the Indians claimed they bombed the Terrorists claiming a security issue. For now I am supporting the Pakistani claims about Indians missing there targets because most satellite Images of the building on which strike claimed to have happened on show a lack of entry points on the roof which means no Spice Bomb units were able to reach there targets. It is likely that crashed into nearby hills. Unless India brings some other evidence to the table I can’t support them.

On the F-16 Shoot Down claim by India It is Clear that Pakistani Airforce used there
F-16s during the February 27 Airstrikes I mean why wouldn’t they, F-16 is the Primary Strike Fighter of Pakistan and i think it is absurd to think a Modern Multirole Fighter Jet like the F-16 got Shot down by a vintage fighter like the MiG-21. If the Indians claimed one of there More Modern Su-30s shot down a Pakistani F-16 I might have believed them but not a MiG-21. The F-16 is Faster and more Maneuverable than a Legacy Fighter like the MiG-21. The Russian Missiles carried by MiG-21 aren’t even accurate. No I don’t believe in Indian claims about F-16 getting dropped by there MiG-21.
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Pakistani Army uses a Semi-Digital Arid/Desert Pattern not Multi-Cam or MTP which has no Digital Components to it and also has a different color pallet as well. The MTP itself was created by Crye Precision the US Based company that made Multi-Cam after changing it fit british needs like adding slightly bigger shapes like the Previous DPM.
Pak uses several patterns.

This is the regular army combat uniform:

These are not US patterns.

The closest to US Marpat camo is worn by SPD:


Panjab Rangers & FC KPK have a similiar camo

Lol Indian army camo has pretty much stayed the same over several years while yours had changed multiple times trying to replicate the US Army as much as possible. Even the rich Gulf states also closely follow the NATO patterns. For instance, the Turkish Special Forces camo and gear is exactly outlined to that of their US counterparts. Several Army special forces including your SSG, our Para SF, Maroon Berets of the US, and several other spec ops teams use the angled maroon cap which doesn't mean they've copied each other.

Also, the color pattern hasn't been decided yet and it might change based on the terrain they're deployed in. There is no point wearing a dark olive green camo in the deserts of Rajasthan nor a light arid camo doesn't work in the jungles of NE.

Nothing has been confirmed yet nor there are any indications that the camo will change but most likely it will. The only suggestions made so far are minor but might be styled similar to that of their NATO counterparts, most likely the US which several countries are influenced by. There was also a report last year that future IA uniforms will be customized based on prevailing terrain and weather

Pak uniforms didnt change into US “type” till the late 2000s. When they started adopting the Chest worn ranks rather than old brass ranks on the shoulders.

Our older arid type camo was the crappiest:

It was 2011-12 when we adopted the new uniform

Pak uses several patterns.

This is the regular army combat uniform:
View attachment 600787 View attachment 600788

These are not US patterns.

The closest to US Marpat camo is worn by SPD:

View attachment 600789

Panjab Rangers & FC KPK have a similiar camo

View attachment 600791 View attachment 600792

I never said Pakistani Army used US Patterns. The Pattern used by Pakistani Army is a Semi-Digital Arid/Desert Pattern
Along with Variants of MARPAT and Other Digital Patterns which are used by Para-Military and Local Police units.

Pak uniforms didnt change into US “type” till the late 2000s. When they started adopting the Chest worn ranks rather than old brass ranks on the shoulders.

Our older arid type camo was the crappiest:
View attachment 600794

It was 2011-12 when we adopted the new uniform

View attachment 600796 View attachment 600797

I wouldn’t call the Older Three-Color Aird/Desert Pattern Crap they look pretty good to me. They did there job pretty well for the time.

Lol Indian army camo has pretty much stayed the same over several years while yours had changed multiple times trying to replicate the US Army as much as possible. Even the rich Gulf states also closely follow the NATO patterns. For instance, the Turkish Special Forces camo and gear is exactly outlined to that of their US counterparts. Several Army special forces including your SSG, our Para SF, Maroon Berets of the US, and several other spec ops teams use the angled maroon cap which doesn't mean they've copied each other.

Also, the color pattern hasn't been decided yet and it might change based on the terrain they're deployed in. There is no point wearing a dark olive green camo in the deserts of Rajasthan nor a light arid camo doesn't work in the jungles of NE.

Nothing has been confirmed yet nor there are any indications that the camo will change but most likely it will. The only suggestions made so far are minor but might be styled similar to that of their NATO counterparts, most likely the US which several countries are influenced by. There was also a report last year that future IA uniforms will be customized based on prevailing terrain and weather


The Current Camo Pattern used by Indian Army is called PC Disruptive Woodland Pattern. This is a Variant of the French Central Europe Woodland Pattern which was created by France for there military units that were stationed in Europe and other Semi-Tropical and Tropical Regions.



This is a Picture of the French CE Woodland Camouflage Currently used by both India and France. The Current Indian Variant of this Camo has some minor color and shape differences between it and the original French Camo but overall they are the same Pattern.
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I am pretty sure Pakistanis must have said something that must have provoked an Indian response. The Indians I know are nice people don’t start things unless you provoke them. I am pretty sure you Pakistanis are same as well. I seen both Indians and Pakistanis use Bad Language against each other and there religions on Social Media Platforms and YouTube. Both Indians and Pakistanis should just stop talking about anything related to Religion, Foreign Policy, Food and Defense with Each other in my opinion because it always leads to fights and abuse.

The British Influence in the Pakistani Army ends with Ranks, Salute, Heraldry and Regimental System rest are American in nature. The British Influence Largely ended with 1950s like i said before and then after US Armed Force started training your military and started reforms. The Doctrines, Tactics, Training and Equipment used by Pakistani Army are influenced by or Comes from US in one way or the other. The Indian Army is still more influenced by the British than Pakistani Military.

I am Pretty Sure it’s either Going to be Digital or Semi-Digital as they are the most popular and Widely used patterns in the world right now.

Don't try to be innocent here, we knew how Indian provoke and how bad their language is against Pakistan and Pakistanis.
Don't try to be innocent here, we knew how Indian provoke and how bad their language is against Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Ok coool bro you guys and Indians can fight or kill each other all you want I don’t care.
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