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Indian army men face court martial for 'fake encounter' in Kashmir


Aug 7, 2009
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SRINAGAR: The Indian Army on Wednesday decided to indict six army personnel including two officers for killing three labourers in a ‘fake encounter with militants’ three years ago in Indian-occupied Kashmir.
According to Indian media reports, the decision of launching the case in a military court against six Indian officials, including a colonel, has been taken upon completion of a military-level probe of the fake clash in Kashmir.
Three labourers were killed in Machil Village of northern Kashmir’s Kapwara district in April, 2010. A case was registered by the local police against nine Indian army personnel and two local residents, who claimed that three ‘Pakistani terrorists’ were killed in the encounter.
Colonel DK Pathania, Major Upinder and four other personnel would face court martial for the encounter that took place along the heavily militarised Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan, reports quoting Indian army spokesman said.
The incident at the time triggered riots across the Indian-administered-Kashmir leading to the deaths of 123 people. Hundreds were reportedly wounded in the riots while thousands of Kashmiri youth were detained as well.
Brigadier Sanga, a senior army officer, led a separate military-level investigation into the incident.
India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which both countries claim.
Rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces in Indian occupied Kashmir since 1989 for the region's independence or incorporation within Pakistan, in a conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.
Rights groups claim that at least 10,000 people have gone missing in the 24-year-old unrest. More than 6,000 unnamed graves have also been discovered in Kashmir, which according to rights groups used by Indian troops to dump dead bodies of Kashmiris killed in fake encounters.

Indian army men face court martial for 'fake encounter' in Kashmir - DAWN.COM
Good job by the army, to investigate and prosecute them. Now hang them by the neck until death, since this was a preplanned murder in cold blood.
It is much needed....If any one of Army found guilty...severe punishment should be given without any delay..
Good job by the army, to investigate and prosecute them. Now hang them by the neck until death, since this was a preplanned murder in cold blood.

i am surprised actually.
i am surprised actually.

Don't be. Despite the unending rhetoric from pakistanis about human rights violations in kashmir by the "hindu" indian army, the fact is that such violations have been far less than what other armies commit in insurgency ridden places. (An insurgency that incidentally pakistan enflamed in the first place.) And every charge of human rights violation has been probed, and every one that had any merit, was prosecuted.

I forget the exact numbers, but out of 1500+ such charges levelled recently, only 146 were found to be true, and every one of these were prosecuted, and 36 or so were given harsh jail terms.

Yes, there have been a few crimes committed by our forces. But they are accountable to the law of the land, and do get punished for any errant behaviour. Contrast this with counter insurgency campaigns in other places. A couple of days back, when an army convoy was ambushed, pakistan responded by shelling and mortaring an entire town. On the other hand, the kashmir counter insurgency was conducted with only light weaponry and tactics - no aipower, no heavy weapons, not armour, no artillery, and even the main guns of APCs ar dismantled before patrolling.

The actions of a few bad apples should not tarnish the overall image of our forces who have displayed exemplary professionalism, or that of our society which has harshly punished the bad apples, and rightly so.
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