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Indian army looks strong only on paper, says Indian newspaper

You do realize that the modern world's very first suicide bombers were the LTTE, who were trained by Indira Gandhi on Indian soil? :P

You do realize China is sitting at the high table of the NPT, while India is excluded (along with Sudan and North Korea)?

For all the things we have supposedly done wrong (and I'm not saying we didn't), we are still sitting at the high table of international law, the UNSC, the P5, the NPT, the NSG, etc. Whereas the "saintly" India (led by the saintly Modi) is excluded from all these.

When will you guys learn, geopolitics has nothing to do with ideology or morality. It's all about power and national interests.

India made up for its mistakes with LTTE and helped bring peace to SL.

Everybody in the world knows that China gave Nukes to pakistan. No body in the NPT trusts you and nobody will sell you any technology. OTOH India is TRUSTED by pretty much EVERYBODY.

So who is really sitting on the high table ? Look beyond 'club membership' and smell the coffee.

You do not have to preach to me about power and national interest. But you do not seem to understand that without trust, all the power in the world will not help you secure your National interests. You will continue to hang around with North Korea and pakistan. what does that tell you ? :disagree:
Everybody in the world knows that China gave Nukes to pakistan.

So apparently we proliferated nuclear weapons to Pakistan (in retaliation for India's 1962 Forward Policy)... yet we are still sitting at the high table of the NPT as one of the only 5 recognized nuclear powers under international law (same as the UNSC P5)?

Whereas India's arsenal is not recognized under international law, it's on the same level of legality as North Korea's. :lol:

You guys still haven't learned what I said about geopolitics. It's very basic.
Hmm I believe that was India, when you hosted China's largest separatist group in 1959. :P

And LOL, I never claimed China was innocent. Geopolitics is not about innocence, it's about power and national interests.

and I thought all armed activity by the Tibetans ceased around 1965 or thereabouts .So, what exactly are you referring to ? If you're talking about the Dalai Lama he's gone on record to say that he is preparing to make do with the kind of arrangement HK has with PRC.

You can label him whatever you choose to.Thats your prerogative.Please look around to see how many nations share your view about the Dalai Lama & the Tibetans & contrast that with the " list dignitaries "proscribed by the UN that Pakistan is host too.

Where did I claim otherwise @ geopolitics & national interest.The truth is that most of our leaders from the Congress had rather naive , idealistic & consequently foolish & self defeating notions about what constitutes geopolitics & it's practise.

It's a topic worthy of a 100 Phd's so I won't waste much bandwidth save to say that India is the only country which won it's freedom through a non violent struggle ( that's a generalisation & not entirely true ) , hence most of the leaders epitomised by Nehru had some rather romantic notions of the world .All his worldview & worldly wise ways could not countenance a singular fact that the exception proves the rule w.r.t the way we won our freedom struggle & the fact that Matsya Nyaya ( Google this ) is the way the world works.

Ironically , he also kick started our atomic weapons programme determined that India should not miss out on the atomic revolution ( & it's attendant N Weapons programme ) given that we missed the gunpowder revolution. Conflate his views to the fact that though gunpowder was discovered in China & it's use in warfare initiated by the Chinese , they could not take it to its logical conclusion .That was done by the Europeans.
Conflate his views to the fact that though gunpowder was discovered in China & it's use in warfare initiated by the Chinese , they could not take it to its logical conclusion .That was done by the Europeans.

And that is why we faced two centuries of humiliation.

Because we invented guns/explosives/artillery/rockets but we did not use them to protect our sovereignty.

The Westerners on the other hand stole these inventions and used them to enslave half the world (including South Asia), and wipe out the indigenous populations of North/South America, Australia, etc.

But we have finally learned. In geopolitics, only hard power matters. Relying on soft power again will cause tragedy again, since soft power can easily be ignored.
Whereas India's arsenal is not recognized under international law, it's on the same level of legality as North Korea's. :lol:

If India is at the same level as that of NK , how do you explain the NSG waiver to which PRC was also party to without being a signatory to the NPT? Why hasn't such a waiver been granted to Pakistan or NK ? If PRC is sincere about getting Pakistan admitted into the NSG , why doesn't it throw it's weight like the US under Bush did , behind Pakistan getting a waiver like India did .
You do realize that the modern world's very first suicide bombers were the LTTE, who were trained by Indira Gandhi on Indian soil? :P

You do realize China is sitting at the high table of the NPT, while India is excluded (along with Sudan and North Korea)?

For all the things we have supposedly done wrong (and I'm not saying we didn't), we are still sitting at the high table of international law, the UNSC, the P5, the NPT, the NSG, etc. Whereas the "saintly" India (led by the saintly Modi) is excluded from all these.

When will you guys learn, geopolitics has nothing to do with ideology or morality. It's all about power and national interests.

Please have some mercy, don't throw this much salt on the wounded egos of hallucinating residents of Schupa Powa.:-)
If Britain does then give me a source? :rofl:

And yes I read the international media every day in HK.

Like I said, it's not about morality or ideology (like your moral Saint Modi will have you believe).

Geopolitics is all about power and national interests. We have the power to build all over the SCS, and no one has lifted a finger to stop us.

India has been crying about "surgical strikes" against Pakistan since 2008 but no one takes them seriously.

Oh yea with non nuclear babies all around who send their citizens occasionally to do suicide attacks outside ur home. Bravo China. :lol:

China wont feel our pain unless its cities are attacked by Central Asian Terrorists. Till then laugh with your haughtiness. And then we will see how many country China invades.
So apparently we proliferated nuclear weapons to Pakistan (in retaliation for India's 1962 Forward Policy)... yet we are still sitting at the high table of the NPT as one of the only 5 recognized nuclear powers under international law (same as the UNSC P5)?

Whereas India's arsenal is not recognized under international law, it's on the same level of legality as North Korea's. :lol:

You guys still haven't learned what I said about geopolitics. It's very basic.

Are you joking ? You are still boasting about a meaningless 'club membership ? ..... all this while nobody will sell you ANY technology ?

India is sitting pretty with all the nations in the world eager to do business with India, especially with regards to sensitive technologies.

I think its you who should be taking lessons in geopolitics. Or are you one of those 'high IQ' chinese who make big boasts to hide their inadequacy ?
Are you joking ? You are still boasting about a meaningless 'club membership ? ..... all this while nobody will sell you ANY technology ?

India is sitting pretty with all the nations in the world eager to do business with India, especially with regards to sensitive technologies.

I think its you who should be taking lessons in geopolitics. Or are you one of those 'high IQ' chinese who make big boasts to hide their inadequacy ?

Yep no one sells us tech, that is why we are currently building nuclear reactors in Pakistan using the blueprints we bought from US Westinghouse nuclear reactors. :lol:

Though we will soon be building our domestic nuclear reactors in Britain as well. :azn:

India is basically the same as North Korea in that they are NPT outcasts. But India is slightly ahead because they are begging China for the NSG and UNSC seats (which we have vetoed).

Whereas North Korea is slightly ahead because they have a higher life expectancy than Indians, and will soon acquire hydrogen bombs and ICBM's (1960's tech) which India has still failed to acquire.
You do realize that the modern world's very first suicide bombers were the LTTE, who were trained by Indira Gandhi on Indian soil? :P

You do realize China is sitting at the high table of the NPT, while India is excluded (along with Sudan and North Korea)?

For all the things we have supposedly done wrong (and I'm not saying we didn't), we are still sitting at the high table of international law, the UNSC, the P5, the NPT, the NSG, etc. Whereas the "saintly" India (led by the saintly Modi) is excluded from all these.

When will you guys learn, geopolitics has nothing to do with ideology or morality. It's all about power and national interests.
LTTE were not the first Suicide Bombers they just refined it, by that logic U trained the NK and look at what the condition of the country? Lol Saintly China sitting on Eiffle tower so high.... U started the game by supplying arms to Pakistan and now whine when India does the same? NPT? LOL the last country which should be talking about it, Almost all Rouge states Nuclear Programe around the world Proliferated from China directly or indirectly.
Suicide bombers? Lol that Kamikaze by that Chinese flight huh?

Please have some mercy, don't throw this much salt on the wounded egos of hallucinating residents of Schupa Powa.:-)
Hear comes the bandwagon for China.... Old habits die hard

Oh yea with non nuclear babies all around who send their citizens occasionally to do suicide attacks outside ur home. Bravo China. :lol:

China wont feel our pain unless its cities are attacked by Central Asian Terrorists. Till then laugh with your haughtiness. And then we will see how many country China invades.
U think the snakes the Chinese helped to get away from UN will sit quite in CPEC ? CPEC is one great opportunity for the loonies to show off. Forget the Chinese cities lets see what China does in Pak O K when some of its workers are blown up.
Forget the Chinese cities lets see what China does in Pak O K when some of its workers are blown up.

Hmm Indians supporting terrorists to kill innocent people working on CPEC?

Haven't you learned your lesson from training the LTTE terrorists?
Did you ever think that India was needling China and Pakistan too? Everything from Balochistan, CPEC, Tibet, South China Sea, etc.

Not to mention the various wars and the events leading up to those wars.
Do you think china Will meddling with US and & japan,Taiwan,Asean countries ,vietnam

Do china have Capacity

Hmm Indians supporting terrorists to kill innocent people working on CPEC?
Hmm Indians supporting terrorists to kill innocent people working on CPEC?

Haven't you learned your lesson from training the LTTE terrorists?

Your iron brother trained them & forgot the usage of levers to control them.It's called "Sher ki sawari" in our part of the world.India , may just extend moral & diplomatic support to them & that's a big may.In all probability , we won't .I believe there is an unwritten law not to directly engage with extremist Islamist tanzeems.
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