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Indian Army Falsified Kargil Battle Records

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The Point 5353 you are Taking About comes On the Line of Control - which was never Occupied By Indian army Since wherever L.O.C Goes over Peak Nobody Occupies it

So this was Another Breach of L.O.C By Pakistani Army !!

There are Fact and Fictions of this Point on both sides
Any source?:lol:
Cuz claiming and Blaming is easier then prove.....

Standing tall and dominating the famous Tiger Hill on the Line of Control (LoC) is a grim reminder of the Kargil war. Point 5353, the highest peak in the region which has a clear view of the National Highway 1 D, remains occupied by Pakistan even a decade after the battle.

While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as “untenable” given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb.
Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express
Ab kya faida jab chirya chug gayi kheat. (It is useless to cry over spilt milk)

There is no doubt that PA is second to none in ground military action, bravery and valour; and we don't need someone else's approval for it. But the thing is that Kargil attack was very poorly planned from the beginning. Musharaf was a war obsessed general and even his record in the military was'nt good.
Any source?:lol:
Cuz claiming and Blaming is easier then prove.....

Standing tall and dominating the famous Tiger Hill on the Line of Control (LoC) is a grim reminder of the Kargil war. Point 5353, the highest peak in the region which has a clear view of the National Highway 1 D, remains occupied by Pakistan even a decade after the battle.

While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as “untenable” given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express

That's what i Said,There are Facts and Fictions about this Point on both Sides !

The Maps Signed by both sides During 70's indicated this Point on Indian side , While Indian Army Officially Have claimed that it Lies on Line of control and was Never Occupied by them

so You see , you will get Varying facts of this Point from Different Sources

you can Research !!

EDIT - But the Moral of the Story is 'Kargil' was Poorly Planned Military Attack , They Came , They got Their @ss Kicked and They Ran Away
That's what i Said,There are Facts and Fictions about this Point on both Sides !

The Maps Signed by both sides During 70's indicated this Point on Indian side , While Indian Army Officially Have claimed that it Lies on Line of control and was Never Occupied by them

so You see , you will get Varying facts of this Point from Different Sources

you can Research !!

EDIT - But the Moral of the Story is 'Kargil' was Poorly Planned Military Attack , They Came , They got Their @ss Kicked and They Ran Away
But That article I've taken from Indian newspaper....
and you can't proved your claims...
:lol: The last sentence lack something... Yea Vajpayee that went to bill clinton and convinced him to stop Pakistan...Your army needs the international pressure for it... The credit don't goes to your Army for this...

Following Clip don't belongs to my answer to your post ... Its for Pakistani member as a memory of Kargil war
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One myth is that the operation was launched without the army's tak-ing the political leadership into its confidence.
This is a very unfortunate perception, because nothing could be farther from the truth. First, as noted above, there was no deliberate offensive operation planned, and moving to the unoccupied gaps along the line of control was not a violation of any agreement and was well within the purview of the local commander. The move to establish our defenses along the line was approved at both the corps and the army headquarters. The army briefed the prime minister in Skardu on Jan-uary 29, 1999; and in Kel on February 5, 1999. During these briefings our defensive maneuver was explained as a response to all that was hap-pening on the Indian side. Subsequently, the prime' minister was also briefed on March 12 at the Directorate General Inter Services Intelli-gence (ISI), which included a detailed survey of the situation inside Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and also along the LOC. As the opera-tion developed, he was briefed in detail by the director general of mil-itary operations on May 17. Later briefings were also arranged on June 2 and June 22.
A second myth is that the military situation on the ground was pre-carious, and the prime minister dashed to Washington to get the army out of it.
This disinformation is a much bigger lie. In their two months of operations the Indians came nowhere near the watershed and our main defenses. As a result of the ingresses ahead of the line, the Indians were able to clear only a few outposts in three (of five) areas. The briefing given by me personally to the Defense Committee of the cab-inet on July 2, 1999, actually laid out the entire military picture. I cov-ered all possible hypotheses of enemy actions in the air, at sea, and on land. The conclusions that I derived were:
• That the Indians were in no position to launch an all-out offensive on land, at sea, or in the air.
• That Pakistan was in a strategically advantageous position in case of an all-out war, in view of the massive Indian troop inductions inside Kashmir, resulting in a strategic imbalance in India's system of forces.
• That the Indian forces, despite their massive strength, would never be able to dislodge the freedom fighters and the NLI from the ingresses and positions held by them.

In October 1998, India claimed it had beaten back two Pakistani attacks in the area of the Siachen Glacier, on October 16 and 18. My own staff insisted that no such attacks had taken place. Nonetheless, I summoned the commander of Force Command Northern Areas (FCNA) to understand what was really going on in his area of respon-sibility. He, too, reassured me that no official incursions were under way. He dismissed the Indian reports as false, and added that India had falsely reported attacks during the previous summer, at a rate of one per month. Subsequently, in late October and early November 1998 I received reports of another five such make-believe attacks.

Brigade-size attacks were launched to secure outposts held by as few as eight to ten of our men. These attacks gained little ground until the middle of June. Nonetheless, the Indian media hyped their success. On our side, our political leadership dis-played a total lack of statesmanship and made no serious effort to rally the country.
Considered purely in military terms, the Kargil operations were a landmark in the history of the Pakistan Army. As few as five batallions, in support of the freedom fighter groups, were able to compel the Indians to employ more than four divisions, with the bulk of the Indian artillery coming from strike formations meant for operations in the southern plains. The Indians were also forced to mobilize their entire national resources, including their air force. By July 4 they did achieve some success, which I would call insignificant. Our troops were fully prepared to hold our dominating positions ahead of the watershed.

July 4 marked a cease-fire, negotiated by President Bill Clinton with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. International pressure for a cease-fire was intense. President Clinton was the only statesman who had influ-ence with both Pakistan and India. Yet in truth, it was no negotiation at all. Sharif agreed to an unconditional withdrawal.

In The Line of Fire - Kargil War

Indian army didn't retake the peaks , the PA and freedom fighters withdrew on orders from high command ... The Nawaz Sharif had lost the achievements gained in the battlefield at Washington ... Who else agrees to a unconditional withdrawal ? The practice of raising its army achievements to mythical proportions by the Indian media is too well known ... The IA doesn't need to win , because media can provide the victory for public consumption ... The Indian army stations somewhere near 500,000 troops in Kashmir , and still they couldn't come victorious in a fight with a few thousand freedom fighters and NLI ...
In The Line of Fire - Kargil War

Indian army didn't retake the peaks , the PA and freedom fighters withdrew on orders from high command ... The Nawaz Sharif had lost the achievements gained in the battlefield at Washington ... Who else agrees to a unconditional withdrawal ? The practice of raising its army achievements to mythical proportions by the Indian media is too well known ... The IA doesn't need to win , because media can provide the victory for public consumption ... The Indian army stations somewhere near 500,000 troops in Kashmir , and still they couldn't come victorious in a fight with a few thousand freedom fighters and NLI ...

The book In the Line of Fire also mentions that Pakistan's nuclear delivery systems were not operational during Kargil war, you agree with that too?
The book In the Line of Fire also mentions that Pakistan's nuclear delivery systems were not operational during Kargil war, you agree with that too?
Merely testing a nuclear weapon doesn't mean that one has enough warheads and delivery systems to inflict serious damage ... I am doubtful even about Indian ability to start a nuclear war ...
no doubt that kargil was poorly planned as you were messing with the country without the need of going to a full scale war. nawaz sharif indeed agreed to an unconditional withdrawl when we held peaks and posts... thats the thing that screwed it up on top of it all india not only had numbers and roads on their side they also had air support which our Musharraf was,nt willing to give to our troops due to not increase the scale of war if you mess with someone then have the guts to go all out.:guns: and still if we were able to hold on and take down two planes and still hold over nine peaks i say its quite a feat..... and to the one who is boasting about losing hundreds of peaks i have just one thing to say for the love of God dont put crap like this out and think before posting..... and NLI was not wiped out again to those who are saying it please think before writing.

and point 5353 whether on the loc or not doesnot matter we still captured it means we increased our territory which is good we got something out of that ;)
keep telling your self that mate . when the dream shatters invent a new one :)
Seriously you were fighting with almost 4 divisions and had 500,000 troops stationed in Kashmir and even had air support against a modest few thousand NLI and freedom fighters and the end results were ...

Indian Official Figures:

527 killed
1,363 wounded

Pakistani Estimates:

665+ wounded
8 POWs

Is it the victory that your media portrays ? :azn:
Seriously you were fighting with almost 4 divisions and had 500,000 troops stationed in Kashmir and even had air support against a modest few thousand NLI and freedom fighters and the end results were ...

Indian Official Figures:

527 killed
1,363 wounded

Pakistani Estimates:

665+ wounded
8 POWs

What does that say of the Pakistan brain that they send a few thousand NLI to die in Kargil against the might of the Indian army? Stupidity? No other explanation.
What does that say of the Pakistan brain that they send a few thousand NLI to die in Kargil against the might of the Indian army? Stupidity? No other explanation.
Where is the might actually except in your media ofcourse ? :azn: We showed bravery on our part , taking on entire divisions with full air cover ... Hadn't it been for Nawaz Sharif panicking , we would have still held all those areas ...
Seriously you were fighting with almost 4 divisions and had 500,000 troops stationed in Kashmir and even had air support against a modest few thousand NLI and freedom fighters and the end results were ...

Indian Official Figures:

527 killed
1,363 wounded

Pakistani Estimates:

665+ wounded
8 POWs

Is it the victory that your media portrays ? :azn:

Nawaz Sharif claimed that 4,000 Pakistani troops died in Kargil. It is the word said by your former Prime Minister.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif
'Over 4,000 Pakistanis died in Kargil conflict'

And I trust this figure because same Musharraf who took 8 yrs to concede Kargil will surely lying about it.
Nawaz Sharif claimed that 4,000 Pakistani troops died in Kargil. It is the word said by your former Prime Minister.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif
'Over 4,000 Pakistanis died in Kargil conflict'

And I trust this figure because same Musharraf who took 8 yrs to concede Kargil will surely lying about it.

Do you understand what is meant by 4000 soldiers ? :lol: ... Even the Pakistani losses in the 1965 war doesn't come close to it and that was an all out war not a limited conflict like Kargil ... Pick your choice ... I expect nothing better from a man who ran to Washington to arrange a unneeded ceasefire and gave all those areas held by our troops unconditionally and when the army removed him for that , he started playing the victim card and has been playing it since then ...
Nawaz Sharif claimed that 4,000 Pakistani troops died in Kargil. It is the word said by your former Prime Minister.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif
'Over 4,000 Pakistanis died in Kargil conflict'

And I trust this figure because same Musharraf who took 8 yrs to concede Kargil will surely lying about it.
Nawaz Shareef! Just a statement.. for filtering itself... So his blunder won't effect on his political career...
Well! its your choice does that makes you happy then keep his statement "holy" for you....
Kashmiri Mujahideen fought like they were in Alexander's Army. Respect.
Read their war accounts and stories you will be amazed.
now these same are fighting in pakistan...and I dont need to tell you their stories to amuse you as you know them more then us..army ka pata nai kuch b rakh lo alexendra ya kuch aur.:sniper:
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