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Indian Army Falsified Kargil Battle Records

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@ All Pakistani members.. why are all you try to salvage pride in lost causes..

Admit the defeat and move on. Teach you new generation truth and prepare them to work with India to mutual prosper, DO NOT fill their blood with poison or you'll end up with more jihadis and failed nation.
Look I don't see how Indians can use this argument.

In 1962, Chinese PLA attacked you across the "border" attacked your positions defeated your units and then tactically withdrew. That is essentially what PA did they infiltrated attacked and destroyed IA units at Kargil captured Kargil, just as PLA captured IA positions, and then tactically withdrew one difference is PA actually holds the highest point in Kargil.

Now be a honest man and accept it. Even many of your top officers and Lt. Gen Pishan have come out and admitted the truth.

You are comparing, your botched up defeat in Kargil to PLA victory in 1962.
Lets compare the differences.

1) PLA had the guts admit..it is them and not some faceless Mujaheddin, who had attacked.

2)PLA withdrew after cessation of hostilities..while you withdrew, under fire from Indian forces.

3)PLA withdrew because their logistic had been stretched and had pushed Indian forces far inland ..while you withdrew..while you were loosin peak after peak, to Indian forces facing imminent defeat.

4) China did not face international condemnations and isolation like Pakistan did 1999.

5) Mao Zedong was not in US..taking dictation from Americans..on when to withdraw their forces.

6) Chinese withdrew because they had achieved their objectives..where as what happend to your objective of cutting NH1 and capturing Siachen?

7) Chinese did not send..thousands of its men to their deaths..just because one general's ego was not able deal with beating his forces had gotten decade back.

8)To top it all of Chinese did not bring their country to brink of a nuclear war ..on whims and fancies of one general.
2)PLA withdrew after cessation of hostilities..while you withdrew, under fire from Indian forces.

Bwhahaha. The mighty Indians were shooting at our soldiers in the back after they got the order to retreat from Ganja Sharif, by the pressure from Clinton, and on the pleas of Vajpayee. What a noteworthy thing to brag about.
Remember when IA gave medals to men who they thought gave the ultimate sacrifice? Then the wife of one of the soldiers spoke out and said No he is still alive he is with me. Wow. I cannot even laugh at that.

This was their level of confusion in the battlefield no wonder they falsified the battle records.


The incident you refer to happened because of two Riflemen Yogendra Singh Yadav, in the same Unit of Grenadiers and in the same company, being involved in the same assault on Tiger Hill. One was killed in action while the other survived but unconscious with multiple bullet injuries and winning India's highest gallatry medal Param Vir Chakra in the process. Because of this most uncanny coincidence, the fog of war created some initial confusion over which Yogendra Singh Yadav won the honour.

So you can please go ahead and laugh at this. Rifleman Yogendra Singh Yadav did not give this opportunity to the Pakistani soldiers he dispatched to martyrdom on Tiger Hills.
For India capturing a handful of NLI soldiers is called "destroying the entire NLI" lmao.

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Army lost 2,700 military personnel in the Kargil conflict, far higher than its casualties during the 1965 and 1971 wars with India, former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has said in his memoirs.

Giving his account of the 1999 conflict in the book "Ghadaar Kaun? Nawaz Sharif Ki Kahani, Unki Zubani", Sharif said the casualties suffered by the Army were so extensive that an entire brigade of the Northern Light Infantry based in the Pakistan-controlled Northern Areas was wiped out.

Sharif reiterated his contention that Gen Pervez Musharraf, the then Army chief, had not taken him into confidence on the situation in Kargil and that he learnt the details from his Indian counterpart, Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

"As a prime minister, I was not taken into confidence on Kargil. I came to know what the Army was doing from Prime Minister A B Vajpayee. Even the Air and Naval Chiefs as well as many Corps Commanders of the Army did not know about the Kargil operation,

" Sharif he said in a series of interviews to journalist Sohail Waraich that were compiled and published in the book in Urdu.
Sharif said he was told by Musharraf, who toppled him later in 1999, that the Kargil operations were being conducted by mujahideen and not the Pakistan Army.

"I was told the Army itself will not participate in the fighting. Only mujahideen invasion will be enough but when the conflict began the entire Northern Light Infantry was wiped out and 2,700 personnel were martyred and hundreds others injured. The number of those martyred was more than those killed in the wars of 1965 and 1971 together," he said.

"They (Army) briefed the prime minister four or five months after they invaded Kargil and then said it was mujahideen fighting there and the reality was different. It was Vajpayee who called me and told me the military is fighting there," Sharif said.

Sharif said the extent of the casualties was so "huge" that he asked Musharraf how Pakistan suffered so many losses when his initial claim was that the military would not suffer any damage as the operations were being conducted by mujahideen. Musharraf attributed the casualties to carpet bombing of the Kargil peaks by India.

"I inquired (from Musharraf) were you not aware that this kind of bombing could take place. Musharraf said, 'Sir, we were not aware of it,'" Sharif said adding he was told the Indian artillery bombardment was so extensive that it blew off the heads of Pakistan soldiers hiding in trenches.

Musharraf told Sharif that because the trenches did not have covers, the soldiers were directly exposed to artillery fire.
"Let me tell you by the time when the Washington deal took place, the Indians had already recaptured half of the peaks and were advancing further.

I protected the Pakistan Army's honour or they would have been left with nothing," Sharif said.
In response to a question why he visited the front lines with Musharraf in the midst of Kargil episode, Sharif said he went after Musharraf insisted that he goes there and meet the soldiers.
Bwhahaha. The mighty Indians were shooting at our soldiers in the back after they got the order to retreat from Ganja Sharif, by the pressure from Clinton, and on the pleas of Vajpayee. What a noteworthy thing to brag about.
Still better than that army or i must say nation who after 10 years without any sense of shame puts up the name of the dead soldiers on its website
Bwhahaha. The mighty Indians were shooting at our soldiers in the back after they got the order to retreat from Ganja Sharif, by the pressure from Clinton, and on the pleas of Vajpayee. What a noteworthy thing to brag about.

At the first place why it took you long period of 8 yrs to concede them the people fought in Kargil were Pakistani soldiers and those who died their relative got no change to bury their beloved ones, simply because of your government and army wanted to prove a lie that "PA is not involved"
Pakistanis.. look at yourself. Trying to find glory in an act of aggression which resulted in death and disgrace. with attitudes like this, I don't see peace in the subcontinent in the foreseeable future.
Pakistan did emerge as the one that didn't gain from this war. That does not necessarily mean we lost since from our perspective we didn't mean to launch the offensive just yet. An early detection led to the war when it did. Obviously our aim was not to just capture Tiger Hill, but it was to break through Dras sector and then engage the Indian Army at a future date which would have made the advance to Srinagar easy.

The war from Pakistan would have started after that, with an official attack from the Poonch district, squeezing in from both sides to Srinagar.

The idea is still valid, if you can engage the Indian Army anywhere else, the push from Poonch to Baramullah is quite doable then the battle for Srinagar can ensue. From Pakistan's side, the second attack would come from here in the future as well, Indians really need to figure out where the first one would come from.

Musharraf's plan seemed weak since logistically Dras Sector can easily be supplied by Indian forces through the highway, but Pakistanis need to air lift their supplies in. Kargil and Dras can be used as irritants for the Indian army but an actual offensive must come from elsewhere.

NLI is 60 battalion strong now it was 14 battalions then. Food for thought

A good idea indeed..!!!

But that was not the thought of Pakistani Military as well as Government...

Your then prime minister stated that your oil reserve was only for days if there were a full blown war break out.

The Pakistani thinking was 'the passive Indian response' to the infiltration, not they were ready for a full blown war for sure, specially PAF was lacking major BVR capability.

...but Indian response was swift and decisive.
Bwhahaha. The mighty Indians were shooting at our soldiers in the back after they got the order to retreat from Ganja Sharif, by the pressure from Clinton, and on the pleas of Vajpayee. What a noteworthy thing to brag about.

Wait!! had you surrendered, had a bilateral ceasefire been declared??
What possible reason, was there for us to stop firing ..while you were still in our territory?
The mighty Indians were shooting at our soldiers in the back after they got the order to retreat from Ganja Sharif, by the pressure from Clinton, and on the pleas of Vajpayee. What a noteworthy thing to brag about.

That is another pathetic lie.
No, you are.

Sigh. An Indian commander gave a recommendation to our Army for the bravery of our soldier Sher Khan. In this particular event Sher Khan was over ran from his post and while being outnumbered captured it again making your Indian soldiers run for their lives.
2)PLA withdrew after cessation of hostilities..while you withdrew, under fire from Indian forces.

8)To top it all of Chinese did not bring their country to brink of a nuclear war ..on whims and fancies of one general.

Correction ...
2)PLA withdrew after cessation of hostilities..while your coward force ran away with tail between legs, under fire from Indian forces.

8)To top it all of Chinese did not bring their country to brink of a nuclear war ..on whims and fancies of one convicted coward general who fled Pakistan and did not had courage to face criminal charges.

Come on people.. Time to get your head out of sand
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