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Indian army deploys women soldiers for the first time along LoC

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I think its only really an issue if they are deployed in mixed infantry units on the front line, I dont see why it would be bad to place women in other combat roles where they are unlikely to ever come into proximity with the enemy like in tank crews, artillery, engineers, snipers, or air crew.

PAF have inducted women as pilots and I dont believe theres been any problems so far.

That argument can be made, and there are thousands of Pakistani women in non combat roles in the PA. Being pilots and navy personnel is different and also acceptable.
don't know

But China is only nation on the planet with no rapes since 2014, afterall the progenies of naking cannot rape
Ok so I guess you just admitted South Korea then ... if this is the case, then why did you post an obviously fake/misinformed rape graphic?

According to this, South Korea has roughly 8 times higher prevalence of rape
if this is the case, then why did you post an obviously fake/misinformed rape graphic?
You should ask your CCP that, given the source of rape graphic is a Chinese news site,

This could have been the work of hanjian to strangle the delusions of internet Chinese posters

You should ask your CCP that, given the source of rape graphic is a Chinese news site,

This could have been the work of hanjian to strangle the delusions of internet Chinese posters

View attachment 658284
I'm asking you this : do you believe in the veracity of this graph you just posted? The graph shows India has the lowest rape per capita out of all those developed countries. Do you really believe such obvious BS?
I'm asking you this : do you believe in the veracity of this graph you just posted? The graph shows India has the lowest rape per capita out of all those developed countries. Do you really believe such obvious BS?

It seems so called developed countries has developed taste in heinous crimes.
That's hard to swallow for person living in rape capital of the world.

Now if your bubble is busted, let's get back to topic.
It seems so called developed countries has developed taste in heinous crimes.
That's hard to swallow for person living in rape capital of the world.

Now if your bubble is busted, let's get back to topic.
I never claimed rape did not exist in developed countries ... I'm just saying they are much less prevalent than in India. If so many foreign tourists get raped in India, what is to say about Indian women (who most likely have much less protection than foreign women)? Even Rahul Gandhi admits India is the rape capital of the world. Surely he knows more about the situation than me or you.
I'm asking you this : do you believe in the veracity of this graph you just posted? The graph shows India has the lowest rape per capita out of all those developed countries. Do you really believe such obvious BS?
Obviously its fake as it goes against internet Chinese delusions :)
Dude your own leader of Congress Rahul Gandhi calls India the rape capital of the world ... tell me a country where more foreign tourists get gang raped other than India?

He is not my leader, I'm American but do consider India as a Non_Nato ally because that's the position America has taken. I don't think that my position should surprise you if you pay attention to our foreign policy.

Look, I'm not trying to be unreasonable with you. Still, your posting history indicates a pro china expansionist stance, and a rather prejudicial view against our US ally, India. Am I being illogical in assuming you are Chinese?

Before I answer the question you've asked above, 'tell me a country where more foreign tourists get gang raped other than India?'. I want to clarify how you'd wish the data measured and presented?

I want to establish parameters to have accuracy in data and, thereby, analysis. SO, here are my questions, and I look forward to you helping me out.
  1. Are you seeking a benchmark in terms of gang rapes(multiple attackers) or just rapes? You stated "gang-raped" in your question.
  2. Are we talking about data among Democracies where such statistics are freely available vs. among communist, dictatorial or authoritarian countries that obfuscate and hide their data? (example: China, KSA, several African nation countries, etc.)
  3. How do you propose we measure, for the sake of proper benchmarking, cultural taboos in countries were reporting a 'Rape' is considered a taboo like in many Asian countries?
  4. Do we measure from the time laws came on the books- when universal rape laws were introduced in individual countries? For example- In China, rape cases are a rarity to brought into court, and child rape till a few years ago was not considered rape.
I will link two articles below, so you don't imagine me making inflammatory statements not based on studies or investigations.

Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System
China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

Thanks, and once I get your feedback, I'll attempt to best answer your question.
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I never claimed rape did not exist in developed countries ... I'm just saying they are much less prevalent than in India. If so many foreign tourists get raped in India, what is to say about Indian women (who most likely have much less protection than foreign women)? Even Rahul Gandhi admits India is the rape capital of the world. Surely he knows more about the situation than me or you.

Do you want me to waste my time to reply on what some one incapable of thinking said?
Stats are bitch. They will always come back and bite on your butt of delusion.

Can we get back to topic?
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There is plenty of sexual harassment and attacks going around in every country, including in your country China, to single any one country out. China didn't have rape laws protecting children until a few years back or any domestic violence laws.

forst of all. I’m an American that immigrated from Taiwan. I was never a supporter of CCP. As a matter of fact, prior to coming to this forum, I had a better opinion of India vs CCP China. But the reality as presented here open my eyes to India. I had also learned that your country India is an artificial British creation.

The difference between India and America is that When British left America. America was a union of 13 countries. Only after 13 years after Declaration of Independence did US become one country under the constitution. Britain left India as a country to country’s it. But do people of India today have the courage to split up India and destroy it from the British control? The world is watching for someone in India to be brave and stand up.
forst of all. I'm an American that immigrated from Taiwan. I was never a supporter of CCP. As a matter of fact, prior to coming to this forum, I had a better opinion of India vs CCP China. But the reality as presented here open my eyes to India. I had also learned that your country India is an artificial British creation.

The difference between India and America is that When British left America. America was a union of 13 countries. Only after 13 years after Declaration of Independence did US become one country under the constitution. Britain left India as a country to country's it. But do people of India today have the courage to split up India and destroy it from the British control? The world is watching for someone in India to be brave and stand up.

As I said to Figaro, I'm American but do consider India as a Non_Nato ally because that's the position America has taken. I don't think that my opinion should surprise you if you pay attention to our foreign policy. I will confess I am a bit of a guarded American patriot. While I have a favorable leaning towards the country India being an ally, I'm not beholden to them.

I'm not here to offend you, but perhaps you can see how absurd your reply reads. You state, as a Taiwanese national, whose country is at a perpetual state of threat from China, you are upset at India and Indians, both being pro Taiwanese because they did not split up as a country after they were colonized by the British, nearly 80 years ago? This reasoning for your aggressive tone towards them sounds patently absurd.

Here's where your stance becomes further mindboggling. China, who threatens Taiwan continually, repeatedly infringes on Taiwanese sovereignty, YET you've never posted a single aggressive word or taken the personal tone towards them here.

BTW, I made sure I went through your comment history so as not to misunderstand you. As a new poster here, I'm merely trying to figure certain individual American posters who seem to be upset with an ally but okay with China's expansionist moves.
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