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Indian Army deploys Armoured bulldozers to destroy Chinese bunkers on Bhutan border

I'm sorry to tell you the truth.
Nehru knows the power of China and knows the power of India, so he does not want to wage war with china. But it seems that members of India want swagger before others... Then, it was all Nehru's fault.

India has deployed 200 thousand troops on the Chinese border. You should be proud.

China has nuclear weapons in 1964, and I mean India will be wiped off the map as long as China is willing.

China's trade volume was $3.6 trillion in 2016. The volume of trade between China and India is $70 billion. Reduce China's economic growth to 4% or less? You are overestimating India.

Baby, wake up...:lol:

You deployed 200 thousand troops and added 100 tanks to China border (from India media), and then said that China attacked you?

Think of India's arms stocks for only 20 days. LOL, who is a paper tiger? If you don't forget
Kargil War, you need to import weapons all over the world during the war.

I have only one request. When the war is over, Indians don't say - Chinese sneak attack us!

Win this lying country in India and need a sneak attack?

Prepare your weapon inventory, lie expert!
You didn't read my message carefully. If 1.3 billion work for free in part time, just to hit China hard economically. China's economy will crumble and growth will fall below 4%.

Unlike 1962 we have nukes that can wipe out Han Chinese area. India send China 1000 years behind permanently with nukes. Han China will become refugee in Vietnam, Japan etc.
so says a pakistani, which has a economy 7 times smaller than India. doesnt this advice apply to pakistan?
If you call our self defence like this, it simply reflects your double standards nothing else.

We have economy 7 times smaller than India because we have population 7 times smaller than India..

China & India population is almost equal but China GDP is bigger than 5 times of India's GDP.

Indian military is nothing in front of Chinese military.

You didn't read my message carefully. If 1.3 billion work for free in part time, just to hit China hard economically. China's economy will crumble and growth will fall below 4%.

Unlike 1962 we have nukes that can wipe out Han Chinese area. India send China 1000 years behind permanently with nukes. Han China will become refugee in Vietnam, Japan etc.

China economy will crumble and growth will fall below 4% ?? :D :D Abay kyun hasa raha hai hamai...

China has nukes too and there nukes yield proved test of 4 MT while Indian nukes always failed before testing and India has no nuke equal to Chinese one.. Chinese have 140 MT strategic arsenal while India has nothing in front of this..

Pehlai kuch research kr lia kr..
India 10 times in what ? The indian forces are twice yours ,which is logical when our threat is in the east is China.
Kashmiris have not been innocent peaceful victims.
Google the killings of jklf against unarmed Kashmiris and Indians ,incl our diplomats in UK Before 1989 incursions through Pakistan started.
Lynchings I totally condemn but they are a speck compared to the Muslim dead in Pakistan . Just compare the nos of shia or ahemadi or Christians dead in the last 10 years in Pakistan with muslims killed here. Though even 1 dead Muslim here is a blot in my eyes.

kashmiris are occupied. so kashmris getting tortured by indian soldiers and tied jeeps is thier fault. beating young kids and making them shout anti pakistan slogan. raping kashmiri women is thier own fault.
you did not answer about killing of muslim migrating to pakistan by hindu groups ?
what about threats to pakistan once you got the nukes?
funded trained mukti bahni groups, breaking pakistan in two?
The lynching is higher after all police are in the game of killing muslims. Do your soldiers not kill bengali farmers at the border? for no reason, then claim they were smugglers.
I envy India for deploying 200 thousand troops on the border... You have enough confidence. Think of China doing the same thing. Will India be crazy?

India 200 thousand troops will not be a problem to China because half of them wouldn't be getting proper nutrition :D :D
indian ten times the size.
7x actually and Afghanistan who you bully on the other hand is 10x smaller population than Pakistan
india has been punishing kashmris, lynching so call beef eaters,
show me where in the Indian constitution as ever mentioned lynching as a judicial act, there is more terrorism and violence in Pakistan than India a country 7x larger
attacking pakistan from afghanistan,
funny how Afghanistan blames Pakistan

inviting usa to build base in is territory.
dufuk when?

murdered muslims migrating to new pakistan, at that time muslims were dalits who were not to drink from same cup as hindu upper caste.
aha i was womdering what they were teaching you in your brainwashing camps. if 1 billion hindus were lynching muslims there wouldn't be more muslims in india than in pakistn. and the irony you talk about dalits modi is a lower cast man who used to sell tea for a living .
india becomes nuclear power starts threatening pakistan.
we have a no first use nuclear docterine , unlike pakistan whose defence mister himself confirmed of devlioping tactical nukes for use against india.

india created trained funded mukti bani which split pakistan in two of course pakistan has traitors in its ranks to this day. India makes movies of muslim bad guy and sonni deol is the hero.

pakistan genocided 3million Bangladeshis , mukti bani was a direct offspring of foreign oppression.

no problem except for the massive hindu genocidal madmen like Aurangzeb and co, who have documented genocide entire villages and melted idols to make foot stools and forced mass conversion.
which has nothing to do with modern pakistan, most were peasant people who migrated and formed new families and livelihood.

present Pakistan are just the decedents of converted hndus 99% of south asian ancestry are hindus.
1.those are facts m8 , facts that even indians don't want to agree as it puts the 1st PM in bad light. the entire breakdown was reviled in the declassification files , GOI under Nehrus direct order never intervened for any Chinese provocations till china entered NEFA, the defense minister in confidence of neharus words didn't bother to fortify the Chinese borders, they were just camps, our main focus in the east was east Pakistan and the west was west Pakistan . apart for establishing a poorly constructed watch-posts , forward policy had little to do with any form of war.

2.i meant 2 million fought not died, mistypes it. non the less the soviets were itching to regain their territory in 1969 . i.e had all intention to invade china.

3.what's wrong with protecting our borders? how is that even related? its essential to station high military presence in north east for any sort of invasion.

Thanks for the good laugh of this so-called Video of 1967 indian bollywood episode, i mean a 12 yrs kid could made something more convincing than that, no wonder they rated you people for IQ 82 LOl i believed you guys are well deserved:rofl: Please try harder next time:haha:

There is nothing to be hurt about to see our soldiers giving supreme sacrifice, especially who fought with Chini cannon fodders with bare hands.

Everyone knows who is hurt. Soopall Powal Chin red *** dragon is pushed back for their thuggery by IA under new leadership. Your bravado was all because there was soft government. Modi gave you enough time to behave. Now send all your Gay PLA to push Indian army back.

Don't forget to shiver in your split pants.

I am calling PLA soldiers as cannon fodders, who fought 1962 war.

The reason is Chinese are showing list of Martyrs to make a point that we are afraid of them.

Is any Indian here on this forum afraid of China ?

I ask everyone, Did Chinese Soldier dies in 1962 ?

If they died, do they have Names ?

If they had Name should I put the list here to prove a point that Chinese are afraid of India ?
Are you OK? you behaved like you're overdose of your indigenous cola, take it easy boy, its not like some life threatening stuffs LOL:victory1:
kashmiris are occupied. so kashmris getting tortured by indian soldiers and tied jeeps is thier fault. beating young kids and making them shout anti pakistan slogan. raping kashmiri women is thier own fault.
you did not answer about killing of muslim migrating to pakistan by hindu groups ?
what about threats to pakistan once you got the nukes?
funded trained mukti bahni groups, breaking pakistan in two?
The lynching is higher after all police are in the game of killing muslims. Do your soldiers not kill bengali farmers at the border? for no reason, then claim they were smugglers.
I will ask you to do a little research before you respond.
1. Kashmir is a part of India and any independent party will tell u that they are being treated with kids gloves. Nowhere is it OK to throw grenades using children as shields or kill panchayat elders who don't support the terrorists ,etc. We don't believe that religion is a sufficient reason for breaking away. Just look at the number of different sects of Muslims being killed in Pakistan inspite of being a 98 % Muslim state. Look at how u treated Bangladeshis.
Also Google the punishments metted out to army men who indulged in human rights abuses. Compare it with how many punished for atrocities in Baluchistan.
2. Regarding killings during 1947 , just google direct action day which entailed butchering Hindus. Also Google where the 1st killings started in Punjab. They were started by Muslims and the Sikhs and Hindus retaliated.
3. Regarding nuke threats . India is too passive for its own good. Your leaders threaten us on a weekly basis.
4. BD creation was a advantage we took of a genocidal situation. No questions about it. But you guys with your Arabic complexes were never going to give them a fair deal . With or without us BD was going to happen.
5. Killings on the border are deplorable but suppossedly we share a ceasefire line with Pakistan ? Why all the ingress of terror from their and daily covering fire to the terrorists ?
7x actually and Afghanistan who you bully on the other hand is 10x smaller population than Pakistan

show me where in the Indian constitution as ever mentioned lynching as a judicial act, there is more terrorism and violence in Pakistan than India a country 7x larger

funny how Afghanistan blames Pakistan

dufuk when?

aha i was womdering what they were teaching you in your brainwashing camps. if 1 billion hindus were lynching muslims there wouldn't be more muslims in india than in pakistn. and the irony you talk about dalits modi is a lower cast man who used to sell tea for a living .

we have a no first use nuclear docterine , unlike pakistan whose defence mister himself confirmed of devlioping tactical nukes for use against india.

pakistan genocided 3million Bangladeshis , mukti bani was a direct offspring of foreign oppression.

no problem except for the massive hindu genocidal madmen like Aurangzeb and co, who have documented genocide entire villages and melted idols to make foot stools and forced mass conversion.

present Pakistan are just the decedents of converted hndus 99% of south asian ancestry are hindus.

yeah lolz when you have a murderer, for a prime minister. 2002 genocide.
India issues 11 point letter to bust China's incursion allegations


The matter has been under discussion between India and China at the diplomatic level in the Foreign Ministries since then, both in New Delhi and Beijing. It was also the subject of a Border Personnel Meeting at Nathu La on June 20.
These things always happen when ever there is high level visit.this time modi was in US.we will hear such things again when there is a high level visit.
You didn't read my message carefully. If 1.3 billion work for free in part time, just to hit China hard economically. China's economy will crumble and growth will fall below 4%.

Unlike 1962 we have nukes that can wipe out Han Chinese area. India send China 1000 years behind permanently with nukes. Han China will become refugee in Vietnam, Japan etc.
China's economic collapse? This view lasted 20 years from americans! Now the Indians took it. LOL....

So sorry, China did not have nuclear weapons in 1962.

Besides, you sayd - “India send China 1000 years behind permanently with nukes”. You should scare the nuclear free country. You're barking up the wrong tree. According to your logic, we simply wipe out the 200 million Brahmin and wipe out India completely.

Do you work in a India bragging department?

If you don't lie, you can only brag. That's the indian. I tried to forget the fact that India had only 20 days of arms stocks.
lol you have a brain tumor that gives you these delusions


Leaders Are Taped Boasting About Roles in Violence
Tehelka, a weekly magazine, secretly videotapes senior police officers and politicians boasting about their roles in the 2002 killings — how they burned Muslim men, raped their wives and destroyed their homes.

The investigation renews focus on what role Mr. Modi might have played.

A B.J.P. politician says Mr. Modi had told him they had three days "to do whatever we could," according to a transcript the magazine published the following month.

Mr. Modi dismisses the claims as politically motivated.

Thank god for pakistan as a safer place.
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