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Indian Army cowardly attack School Van full of Children

What a childish reply. Why do you guy's always expect your enemy to fight a war on your terms in the first place ????

Just like your old Musharraf wrote in his book, my plan was great, but it's just "India over reacted". LOL :p:


So you refuse to fight a direct war with a country seven times smaller then you because your scared of what will happen?

Why do you guy's always expect your enemy to fight a war on your terms i

How the hell is a direct war, in our terms?
Hmm, not from our side though.

And the best part is Pakistan using the nukes first, since we already have a no first use policy against anyone. Just try and see what will happen to your Nation, the whole world will eat what is left (if any) of Pakistan after any such conflict. :p:

Lol you think 2nd tier capitalism sir.

But good try
I can understand the hate and the anger of the Pakistanis. Innocents should not die, least of all children. My condolences on the loss and hope that common sense prevails and there is peace.
Whole india cried when APS happened but Pakistanis were celebrating when mumbai attacks happened. Height of hypocrisy
So you refuse to fight a direct war with a country seven times smaller then you because your scared of what will happen?

How the hell is a direct war, in our terms?

It was never a mater of bravery or Cowardice, its called strategy Mr. :p:

Troll aside I will give you a genuine reply, if you can understand.

Firstly we don't seek anything from you, unlike Pakistan who still want Kashmir and even the Red Fort (at-least for some guy's).

Second if whatever we seek can be done without a war over a period of time, why risk an unnecessary war and strain our progressing economy ????? I mean you guy's are doing a fine job yourself for the last few decades. Then why should we bother attacking an already victim of terror and unnecessarily unite the entire nation ???? :p:
Forget about 50 year old events.
Your government is hiding behind Trump apron after getting smashed by Pakistani ATGM Fire. Complaining to USA.

Show me a official statement by our defence ministry. Dont tell me about random article quoting sources in ministry. We know how much these resources are capable.

shut up

This is why you ran to defend lahore,even after starting a war ?
Do you want to see Dawn clips who were posting news of pakistani victory in 1971 when pakistan was just 1 day away from losing east pakistan ?
Forget about 50 year old events.
Your government is hiding behind Trump apron after getting smashed by Pakistani ATGM Fire. Complaining to USA.

Pakistan Army Destroys Indian Army Post Killing 5 Soldiers.The Very Post That Fired On The Bus

Innocent people un-necessarily have to bear the heat of conflicts.
Deliberatley targeting school van, wht an act of shame and wht an unprofessional army , disgrace to humnaity and soldiers
We are 7 times smaller then you in population, 3 and a half smaller in land mass

Yet in 47 we took a big chunk of Kashmir against all odds and opened a direct link to China and blocked India from central Asia, Russia, Afghanistan forever

In 65 India was hammered in Kashmir to such an extent that you shamelessly attacked a major populated city to try and stop your defeat only to have your forces be decimated

Your only so called "victory" was involving yourself in a civil war where Pakistan could not even support its forces 1000 miles away from home

What else? The border skirmishes, firings we had

You are SEVEN times larger then us and in reality you have been hijras to the extent that we ate today totally independent and hostile to you with over 150 nuclear war heads pointed at you waiting to end your existence

Your a cowardly tamasha ridden people who live for Bollywoodesq nonsense and bullshit to sooth your egos not able to ask your military or politicians how the hell have you gotten into a situation where a country 7 times smaller has been regularly smacking you in the face for 70 years

ahhh ..again 7 times 3 times randi rona.

i thought you blv in theories of 1 muslim=11 hindus ? no ?
Lol you think 2nd tier capitalism sir.

But good try

I have already replied to one of your friends here. India will never give Pakistan an excuse or Chance to use your nukes [God forbid, no stupid guy's from your end think they can simply use one without and provocation and get away.]. You think we are that stupid ??? :)
Whole india cried when APS happened but Pakistanis were celebrating when mumbai attacks happened. Height of hypocrisy
No one celebrated that false flag, we cried with you despite Indian false allegations.

I have already replied to one of your friends here. India will never give Pakistan an excuse or Chance to use your nukes [God forbid, no stupid guy's from your end think they can simply use one without and provocation and get away.]. You think we are that stupid ??? :)

You gave us chance and bully us and made us / forced us to test our nuclear weapons.
This is why you ran to defend lahore,even after starting a war ?
Do you want to see Daw

We ran to defend Lahore because you clowns attacked Lahore

The whole war was about Kashmir, there was no other war but you were taking a beating in Kashmir so you without shame launched a attack on a major populated city only to be defeated
Deliberatley targeting school van, wht an act of shame and wht an unprofessional army , disgrace to humnaity and soldiers

But nobody from your country here care to answer this simple question.

What was a school van doing too close to the LOC when it is well know that either sides of the IB and LOC are volatile and unsafe for a while now ??? :(

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