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Indian Army cowardly attack School Van full of Children

5 Thousand Ready To Take The Job??????:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Awww Man What Are You Smoking

No One Wants To Join Army And The Ones Who Do Seek Premature Retirement Or Resign


When BSF Officers Were Assigned To LoC They Resigned And Ran Away Rather Than Face Us Like Men

I talked about ordinary jawans... Not officers...
For example
The Army needs 12,15,049 (12.15 lakh) jawans as of Jan 2018, but it has 11,94,864 (11.94 lakh) in total. The gap of 20,185 amounts to 1.66%. This is quite normal and acceptable... Always there remains a gap due to retirement / recruitment process... A two day recruitment drive in any state will fill the gap...
But in the case of officers the case is different, millitary now not an attractive option compared to other professions ...
the worst part is their brave tuttyless soldier must be celebrating killing kids
These are corruptions and scandals man... Not comparable to the Pakistan army's hold in both economic and political systems in Pakistan. Pakistanis love and trust Pak army this much only because of Kashmir and India... They are exploiting that to the maximum...
To all disgusting, stupid, gow mata ki gand chatne waly indians, Why your army can not fight like a man and target army post? some bastards here defending killing children and attacking school bus. no wonder their mothers and sisters are daily raped publicly and they watch watch and clap. all Indians supporting killings of innocent school children and women are production of rapes and they are proud to prove that.

Moderators, Administrators and other in authority needs to wake up and do their job and ban any stupid supporting and defending Children and women killings.

Their silence shows their acceptance and support.
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"... Our nation is poor and value of human life is very less..." Yes, but then your TV channels show the poor families wailing and whining over the dead bodies of these dead soldiers. Indian media need to target Indian leaders rather than airing lies against Pakistan.
Your army will show some videos... You people think "we are winning"... Happy...

Our media will make news like...
Army 'hammering and bleeding' Pak forces along LoC: Government ... We also happy...

So the show will continue...
Your army will show some videos... You people think "we are winning"... Happy...

Our media will make news like...
Army 'hammering and bleeding' Pak forces along LoC: Government ... We also happy...

So the show will continue...
Give the people of occupied J&K what they are demanding for over 70 years and let the carton fall at the show. As simple is that.

Cowards harami IA and Bhagats, can only attack small innocent children and women.
Make it quick your honour, we are tired of your internet muscles...lol
ok come to the border, make sure you bring plenty of nappies along, Indians are known wetting and crapping themselves when they fight Pakistani soldiers.
Few weeks back it was an ambulance now a school van. Pakistan Army did a good job by specifically destroying that Indian post which was firing at civilians.
You are on PDF and still can not differentiate what type of weapon or tactics are used to take out targets on LOC?

Being on pdf doesn't make me someone understand what kind of bullet penetrated one's body and how far from it was fired. But pdfers claim to be a lot of things.
good day
Being on pdf doesn't make me someone understand what kind of bullet penetrated one's body and how far from it was fired. But pdfers claim to be a lot of things.
good day

You can always move the eff to your bharat-ratsh!t forums if your sick and tired of pdf. But you bhartis are infatuated with pakistan
Last time they said they will avenge at the time and place of their choice then APS attack happenend. This time they said Pakistan will pay back, again school kids were attacked. What a coward and shameless enemy we've got.
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