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Indian Army can take out 26/11 Conspirators in Pakistan : VK Singh

That's called Sarcasm . We are not Aryans but Hindustani from creation of our civilisation . And that's why I told you Kashmir Pandits are real kashmiri . Not anyone who stay there for 1000 years .
Convert Kashmiris are fake kashmiris?
@Topic it's one thing for some civilian to say this but a MoS?! This guy needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, he literally courts controversy every other week! I don't doubt he does good work but it is all undermined by comments like this.

If he is serious about this he should be discussing it with the PM and NSA, not making such silly statements at public gatherings, what has he achieved? Nothing but more sensationalism.

26/11 and its 2015 now, f**k off
The 11 in 26/11 refers to the month i.e. November genius.

And what do you expect? You want the whole world to forget what happened? That would be very convent for you wouldn't it?

India will never forget.

So we are brothers from same mother :enjoy::cheers: . Now that is something to start good relationship. But end of the day majority will claim they came from Arab .

Okay then why you feel so jolly about 1971, if I accept your claim its like conquering your own drawing room and then giving it back to brother of the previous occupant and boast about it :undecided:
Capability can be built, and Political will is much easy to be made...... But the most important part is, HS,DI,Lakhwi is not worth for the risk.....
Every second those clowns are alive and walking freely in Pakistan is all the proof the world needs to see Pakistan for what it truly is so in that sense it isn't worth taking them out as long as their ability to harm India are degraded by India beefing up its own security and this is effectively what it has done post 26/11. Now it is very much less likely any Pakistani terror group can cause devastation on that scale.

In an ideal world they would be arrested and tried for their crimes in Pakistan, but alas.......
How do you know that pandits are living in Kashmir ever since the creation of this universe ?

Because they are Hindustani of Hindustan . DNA proves it and for the record we wr invaded by Arabs in our recent past . Or else all Kashmiris will be Kashmiri pundits . How hard is to understand for u ?

Okay then why you feel so jolly about 1971, if I accept your claim its like conquering your own drawing room and then giving it back to brother of the previous occupant and boast about it :undecided:

Haha who don't like poking and destroying our siblings toy's yo see ;)
Because they are Hindustani of Hindustan . DNA proves it and for the record we wr invaded by Arabs in our recent past . Or else all Kashmiris will be Kashmiri pundits . How hard is to understand for u ?

Haha who don't like poking and destroying our siblings toy's yo see ;)
Buddy which Arab invaded India ?
Because they are Hindustani of Hindustan . DNA proves it and for the record we wr invaded by Arabs in our recent past . Or else all Kashmiris will be Kashmiri pundits . How hard is to understand for u ?

Haha who don't like poking and destroying our siblings toy's yo see ;)
Still living in ancient India......
By your logic Barack Obama is not an American.
What if pandits migrated from central Asia to Kashmir?
By your flimsy logic most of the people of the world do not belong to the region in which they live.
Yep, unlike mullah logic, ruhani taqatein will help pakistani jihadis like they did in battle of badr. :lol:

One more time you bring in ved, I will rip you apart. Take it as a warning mullah.
We have seen lot of kids Mr and India was ruled for 1000 years by Muslims and your people still can't get out of that complex
Every second those clowns are alive and walking freely in Pakistan is all the proof the world needs to see Pakistan for what it truly is so in that sense it isn't worth taking them out as long as their ability to harm India are degraded by India beefing up its own security and this is effectively what it has done post 26/11. Now it is very much less likely any Pakistani terror group can cause devastation on that scale.

In an ideal world they would be arrested and tried for their crimes in Pakistan, but alas.......

sir there has been no Mumbai like tragedy in India Since 2008 only 7% avg growth

Have you seen this video of our NSA

Ajit Doval warns Pakistan "You do one more Mumbai, you lose Balochistan" - Gauhar Khan Videos
Buddy which Arab invaded India ?

Arabian arab . Who do you think . ?

During 636-37 A.D. during the reign of Caliph of Omar, Arabs launched naval expeditions to conquer western coast, but were repulsed at Thane near Trambay. Because of the failure of naval expeditions, they tried through land routes. In 644 A.D. their attempt through Makran coast failed. Finally, in 711 A.D., they succeeded under the leadership of Muhammed-bin-Qasim, deputy of the Arab Governor of Iraq.

This was the entry point . From where they learnt all our precious knowledge .

  • Arab scholars started learning the ancient wisdom of Indians from Hindu pandits.
  • Several Sanskrit works on astronomy, astrology, mathematics, medicine philosophy and other branches of knowledge were translated into Arabic. Some of the Arab works were also translated into Sanskrit.
  • The Arabs learnt the figures from one to nine (Indian numerals), which Europeans learnt later from the Arabs as Arabic numerals.
  • The Arabs learnt the game of chess from the Hindus.
This is before 1000 Ad I guess when Gazhini entered India after loosing 16th time

Looks like Mr PK Singh is laughing at his own statement :what:
Still living in ancient India......
By your logic Barack Obama is not an American.
What if pandits migrated from central Asia to Kashmir?
By your flimsy logic most of the people of the world do not belong to the region in which they live.

We don't discriminate humanity . Now we tell all these because we dint previously .Look what happened to our beautiful kashmir and our people (including your friends-converty) . Pandits are chased away from their mother land how you will feel ? If I throw you out of your house and lock the door ? So what is the use if being so polite and secular . We end up being used for our peaceful Ness . Which we don't do the same mistakes again


Looks like Mr PK Singh is laughing at his own statement :what:
Dude do you ever thought about what he have achieved ? Compare it with yourself . Once a solider is always a solider .
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