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Indian army 'backed out' of Pakistan attack

It depends how one looks at it.... It could be one of the most lethal one, that is creating damage with out firing a single bullet.... The diplomatic damage that can create is quite significant.... and one can come out as a mature and patient country ....

You can call it ballz dropped..... I call it a smart move......

I've mentioned here many times before. If India could do something, it would do it. In our situation, two hostile nuclear armed nations, who want to go to war just to make a point doesn't help in any case. Neither do empty threats of war or surgical strikes.
When India claims it can do surgical strikes, it is setting the bar too high. When it doesn't follow through, it just puts India in an awkward place. Why do we have trolls here then claiming as if the situation is otherwise? Diplomacy is all about patience, agreed. But at least grasp the reality.
Yes it was Indian Army who backed off in 2008 there problems were clearly visible when they lost without any major war around 2000 soldiers in 2002 their equipment is giving them hell of problems and now even Navy is giving it problems lot of their Fighter Jets are also really old now not very properly maintained so these are some problems they are having @Windjammer
We have been dealing with US for the past 67 years. Something the Indians wouldn't have a clue about. When it comes to India on the other hand, Pakistan knows very well how to deal with it.

Then stop fantasizing that India is somehow able to dictate its terms.Clearly it does not.

The OP talks about a full blown war - there was enormous pressure on MMS to act and there was talks of strikes on terror camps in Azad Kashmir, the US sent numerous emissaries to Delhi and Islamabad to veer the situation away from war because they wanted Pakistan to be engaged in WOT.

If there was no US in the picture one cannot estimate the course of action, but it all worked in India's favor when one looks at the overall tally.

We were engaged with the US over composite dialogues for a decade at that moment plus the Afghanistan situation were there was collaboration, it was the US effort that stopped any unilateral action from India.
I've mentioned here many times before. If India could do something, it would do it. In our situation, two hostile nuclear armed nations, who want to go to war just to make a point doesn't help in any case. Neither do empty threats of war or surgical strikes.
When India claims it can do surgical strikes, it is setting the bar too high. When it doesn't follow through, it just puts India in an awkward place. Why do we have trolls here then claiming as if the situation is otherwise? Diplomacy is all about patience, agreed. But at least grasp the reality.

Well one need to look at the objective and result and consequence of a war be it a limited one....... India was never an aggressor and never will be one .

Now when it comes to capability, It will be stupid to believe that India does not hold capability or capacity to fight or initiate a war..... But then as i said before, there should a clear objective, plan to execute an attack..... In this case it would be little difficult because you do not have a clear objective on where to hit and at what force.... and What could be the outcome of such an attack....and how to ensure that the objective is met......
Cool Down Beta.....

Enjoy some more time here, then we can play WAR-WAR....
Acha Rammu Kaka,
Yes it was Indian Army who backed off in 2008 there problems were clearly visible when they lost without any major war around 2000 soldiers in 2002 their equipment is giving them hell of problems and now even Navy is giving it problems lot of their Fighter Jets are also really old now not very properly maintained so these are some problems they are having @Windjammer
Yes indeed, the internet warriors can only resort to chest thumping and past conspiracies but those who have to fight and take the bullet remain under no illusions and take all their shortcomings into account. The 12 month long stand off was a soul destroyer for the Indian army. I am sure they would have remembered that in 2008.
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