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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Mr. Feng Leng.... Indonesia and Malaysia both deployed their navies and stopped your advance..... please don't spread your fake propaganda of taking away someone's EEZ without solid proofs.... you should be thankful to Indonesia which is still allowing your merchant navy ships to pass from Sunda bay.....
Indonesia, and Vietnam are the two ASEAN countries that stand hardest in the face of chinese aggression.
Please hurry, please hurry fast. You are wasting valuable time.
See kashmir is there unguarded to be taken.

Pakistan would not interfere in Kashmir as it knows India has created a landmine with its own hand and is now standing on it with both feet on. Pakistan just needs to wait and watch India suffer.
they not used su30 as russia is standing with china and can provide secrets of su30 to them
The PAF, TurAF etc. know how easy it is to shoot down the Russian made jets. Has the PAF shared its secrets with the PLAAFF???

Modi is playing 7D Chess with the Chinese....

He is giving the lands to the PLA...drawing it deeper and deeper into Ladakh ....waiting for harsh winter to set it...

Modi is repeating the Russian strategy... against the French and Germans....Cunning Strategy this!

And now IAF has come into action.... 24/7 ready for strike...chasing away the PLAAF fighters....

India is bent on proving that it is a SuperPower...

India will escalate to capture Tibet and XinJiang!

TwoPhruntWar with Integerated Battle Groups.... India has become too powerful!!!
Honestly speaking, the western world under the corona basically wants India to do something against China...
Lets hope situations arises which causes General Bipin Rawat to order more Chaddies.
Ebay and Amazon doing good business on the back of Bipin's ailments. :agree::p:enjoy:
Bad new guys. Even monkeys in India are being trained to spill blood . Lord help us now . Their troops led by General Akshay Kumar with thousands of blood spilling monkeys are on their way....

Monkeys steal blood samples of Covid-19 patients from lab technician in India.

In this file photo taken on April 10, monkeys eat fruits on a street during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown in New Delhi. — AFP
A troop of monkeys in India attacked a medical official and snatched away blood samples of patients who had tested positive for the novel coronavirus, authorities said on Friday.

The attack occurred this week when a laboratory technician was walking in the campus of a state-run medical college in Meerut, 460 km north of Lucknow, capital of Uttar Pradesh state.

“Monkeys grabbed and fled with the blood samples of four Covid-19 patients who are undergoing treatment [...] we had to take their blood samples again,” said Dr S. K. Garg, a top official at the college.

Authorities said they were not clear if the monkeys had spilled the blood samples, but people living near the leafy campus feared further spread of the virus if the monkeys carried the samples into residential areas.

Garg said it was not clear if the monkeys could contract the coronavirus if they came into contact with infected blood.

“No evidence has been found that monkeys can contract the infection,” Garg told Reuters.

The virus is believed to have jumped from animals into people in a wildlife market in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

India has had 165,799 cases of the coronavirus and 4,706 deaths.

Monkeys have been increasingly straying into human settlements in India and causing disturbances, even attacking people.

Environmentalists say the destruction of natural habitat is the main reason the animals move into urban areas in search of food.

Two days ago a retired Indian Airforce GC was openly challenging the Chinese Airforce, today he is MIA.

He is gone to America to pick up some F35...
Let me ask this " What the F are we doing"? Why are we not heating up the cease fire line? If IK and Bajwa failed to capitalize on this, than history will forever judge them as two cowards no different from the likes of Nawaz, and Ayub who each lost the opportunity to grab Kashmir.

Let me predict this: IK and Bajwa will not do anything, other than fire artillery shells at the Indian pickets.

The rest could be as you say.

history will forever judge them as two cowards no different from the likes of Nawaz, and Ayub who each lost the opportunity to grab Kashmir.

according to @viva_zhao I'm an Australian. so which one is right???

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It is the moronic idiocy that lets tweets into speculating about confrontation of airforces. NO MATTER HOW LONG PAKISTANIS PRAY FOR A WAR HERE THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE ONE. Quereshi and IK spend their days daily talking up what is nothing more than handbags at 20 paces that will simmer down and status quo restored.

Pakistanis are furiously and desperately trying to pump air into this deflating story. You have to feel sorry for them:yahoo::woot::pdf:

So you really think that IAF had scrambled those Mirages seen in the video without any provocation by PLAAF?
If not then it was to provoke PLAAF which is impossible for IAF even to think about after getting their a$$es handed to them by PAF just few months back.
Those Mirages were sent in the air after Chinese violated India and had returned unchallenged. Digest it and don't embarrass yourself.
Or otherwise prove that this video is from other time and other region.
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I think it would be better if PAF also raises its alert status as well. Not to intervene but ensure that India isn't going to carry out forward deployments against Pakistan in the guise of the Chinese threat.

They scaled it back to normal in one area that I observed over last few months.

However, raising back the tempo won't be a problem for PAF.

It is time to implement lessons learned in Shaheen exercises by creating synergy with PLAAF during current escalation (if not being done already).

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