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Indian Analyst Bharat Karnad to Modi: Use TTP Terrorists to Attack Pakistan

That's not a new thing, TTP+Indian links are as old the foundation of the group.
If India create troubles in FATA or Balochistan, Pakistan should respond by creating troubles in North East and Khalistan. Enough of this peace initiatives with bharti terrorists.
I don't think you understand the different between proxy war and "political factions".

And the world.

What are proxies? Don't play semantics please.

Yes, the world's hypocrisy in turning a blind eye, while doing the snake dance is quite charming. I for one, don't care what the world does.
They just need money. And we can provide that to them. The same with the Balochis. With money, they get recruits, and that gives them the option of going on the offensive.

It's simple. If we actually get involved in a proxy war with Pakistan, it's going to be absolutely disastrous for Pakistan.

ISIS's peak annual revenue was $1B. Can you imagine what the TTP and Balochis can do to Pakistan with a $2B transfer every year?

The fact that it's not disastrous to Pakistan yet is because India has not yet funded these elements. The army has actually been insisting on funding them. Even Major Gaurav Arya has talked about this.

Why Pakistani team misses this clip in ICJ????in Jadhave case.
Because that's called distraction ...case will become weaker
But ICJ is biased court FYI
I think an excellent move by india to use its soft power
They just need money. And we can provide that to them. The same with the Balochis. With money, they get recruits, and that gives them the option of going on the offensive.

It's simple. If we actually get involved in a proxy war with Pakistan, it's going to be absolutely disastrous for Pakistan.

ISIS's peak annual revenue was $1B. Can you imagine what the TTP and Balochis can do to Pakistan with a $2B transfer every year?

The fact that it's not disastrous to Pakistan yet is because India has not yet funded these elements. The army has actually been insisting on funding them. Even Major Gaurav Arya has talked about this.
The TTP was extremely well funded during its ascendancy, and yet it was still brought crashing down. Outside of supplying anti-tank and anti-air missiles, there’s really nothing more, funding wise, that India can provide the TTP that they didn’t have when wreaking havoc in Pakistan until a few years ago. And if India does cross the threshold of increasing support to the TTP along those lines, Pakistan will do the same in India.

With respect to ISIS’s peak revenue, they did so because of oil smuggling and various other activities BECAUSE they had territorial control in Iraq. The TTP does not have anywhere close to that level of territorial control now, nor will they given the deployment of Pakistani security forces in FATA, nor are there natural resources such as oil that they can easily find buyers for.

India simplay can not replicate, anymore, with the TTP what some analysts are suggesting. The time to really boost them was prior to them getting routed in Pakistan.
TTP was/is Indian Project and they effectively used it to bleed Pakistan for years, I will term it second must successful Indian Project against Pakistan after Mukti terrorists. Pakistan should start paying back now, revenge is due.
The TTP was extremely well funded during its ascendancy, and yet it was still brought crashing down. Outside of supplying anti-tank and anti-air missiles, there’s really nothing more, funding wise, that India can provide the TTP that they didn’t have when wreaking havoc in Pakistan until a few years ago.

They started off extremely well, and it's now obvious they do not have the money to carry on. Insurgency is a long game, it needs money to keep going.

And if India does cross the threshold of increasing support to the TTP along those lines, Pakistan will do the same in India.

Not the same. We have fencing and such. Money isn't the problem when dealing with India.

That's why Pakistan's policy is to nuke India in case India exercises proxy war. Of course, the money can be routed through Afghanistan as well.

With respect to ISIS’s peak revenue, they did so because of oil smuggling and various other activities BECAUSE they had territorial control in Iraq. The TTP does not have anywhere close to that level of territorial control now, nor will they given the deployment of Pakistani security forces in FATA, nor are there natural resources such as oil that they can easily find buyers for.

Exactly my point, which I've noted in this post as well. TTP cannot mount an offensive when they are broke. So imagine if TTP starts getting funding at ISIS level. The black market will bring weapons to them, especially from erstwhile Soviet states and Iran.

I've seen people in the know throw around figures like $5B.

India simplay can not replicate, anymore, with the TTP what some analysts are suggesting. The time to really boost them was prior to them getting routed in Pakistan.

Routing is not annihilation. Give them money, they will come back. And then you will be forced to deploy 100-200k troops to deal with the situation, which is a complete drain on your resources, further compounded by problems India can create on your eastern border.

TTP was/is Indian Project

Lol. No. This is all on you lot.

If India was involved, then the fighting would have continued with the same intensity as the time it had first started.
Lol. No. This is all on you lot.

If India was involved, then the fighting would have continued with the same intensity as the time it had first started.

No, It couldn't have continued as Indian don't have luxury of providing and maintaining full logistics support like it had in case of Muktis, nor the local population is Bengalis. But nevertheless, TTP inflicted more damage to Pakistan than Muktis.
"Indian Analyst Bharat Karnad to Modi: Use TTP Terrorists to Attack Pakistan"

As if India is not already doing it.

This is the only thing Indian excel at and are the undisputed champions of i.e. spreading cross-border terrorism in the region.
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