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Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US

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Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
Indian-Americans are richer and better educated than all other ethnic groups in the US but are least likely to marry out of the community, says a new study.

And, as most other Asian-Americans they lean politically towards the Democratic Party, but unlike them take longer to give up their Indian citizenship.

The study by Pew Research Center released on Tuesday uses existing data and new survey to chart — as the title says — the rise of Asian Americans.

Indian Americans are the third largest Asian American group at 3.18 million, behind Chinese and Filipino origin Americans at 4.01 million and 3.41 million respectively.

The first Indians came to the US between 1904 and 1911 as farmhands. They were then described as caucasians, and could become citizens and marry US-born whites. But that changed. Immigration from India was prohibited in 1917, and a 1923 Supreme Court decision called them non-whites. The gates were thrown up in 1965 with new laws.

Indians started landing in waves, mostly through student and temporary-work visas, accounting for more than half of H1B recipients in 2011 (there have been cuts since). Their successes make the community the most prosperous and educated.

Median annual personal earnings for Indian-American full-time, was $65,000, higher than for all Asian Americans ($48,000) as well as for all US adults ($40,000). Among households, the median annual income for Indian Americans was $88,000, much higher than for all Asians ($66,000) and all US households ($49,800). And, that’s probably because they are better educated. “Among Indian Americans aged 25 and older, seven-in-ten (70%) have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree.”

But they are socially less open, if inter-marriage was taken as the sole test. South Carolina’s Indian-American governor Nikki Haley is an exception, she is married to a non-Indian-American. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is the norm, marrying another Indian-American. Only 12% of Indian-American newlyweds between 2008 and 2010 married out of the community.

This may have something to do with reluctance to break from their past — only 56% of adult Indian-Americans are US citizens, compared to 70 for all Asian Americans.

Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US - Hindustan Times
Indian Americans are the third largest Asian American group at 3.18 million, behind Chinese and Filipino origin Americans at 4.01 million and 3.41 million respectively.

Median annual personal earnings for Indian-American full-time, was $65,000, higher than for all Asian Americans ($48,000) as well as for all US adults ($40,000).

Indians do well everywhere except in their own country :lol:
There are too much Indians all over the world, overpopulation is a serious problem. I recommend half-child policy, every two families can have one child, that way everyone wins, including Indians.
china's population is more than India. I'm afraid you're gonna have to ask them about no sex policy.
There are too much Indians all over the world, overpopulation is a serious problem. I recommend half-child policy, every two families can have one child, that way everyone wins, including Indians.

If this is the level of your understanding about the subject... then it's very easy to see why Indians are ahead of any other ethnic minorities!
There are too much Indians all over the world, overpopulation is a serious problem. I recommend half-child policy, every two families can have one child, that way everyone wins, including Indians.

There are too many jihadis in the world as well . They all need to be castrated . Just saying
I see this “India Americans have the highest average earning” fastly becoming “38% of NASA scientists are Indians” V 2.0.

If the latter is just a blatant lie, the former is a crook piece of shameless propaganda with drastically manipulated data!

1. Indians coming to the US are highly selected, unlike Chinese Americans (for numerous generations already) or Euro Americans for example, hence the average earning makes no sense at all to compare with others. It’s apple-orange comparison.

2. The article also stated Indians has almost half of H1B1 of 2011. It means by default Indians landed in America are the best of the best of India, on average, and receive, required by H1BI regulation, much higher wages than the American average. Of course they have “higher average income” compared with others.

3. Further, these H1B1ers are mostly young people, single, white collar, working age, not like other ethnic group for instance, the Chinese Americans or German or Italian or Swiss Americans, being scientists or doctors or builders or civil servants or railway employees… they come from all walks of life unlike highly selected Indian H1B1 which forms the lion share of Indian Americans.

4. Plus, not all working age Americans of other ethnicities work, some between jobs, some are unhealthy or disadvantaged physically receiving govt welfare, while Indians being mostly H1B1 have no such an issue in comparison.

5. Do you know what is Dutch American average income? And those of Spanish Americans? Norwegian Americans? Israeli/Jewish Americans? Belgian Americans? Japanese Americans?... etc. etc. yes, they don’t count other successful ethnicities independently to compare with Indians, as they only count Indians. :rofl:

6. More, of course they don’t illegal Indians there who are many many more! Far more than 3 or 4 million Indians reported. Every time I go to America, I can readily see many Indians working in 7/11s, shabby car wash, motels along highways… of course, they don’t count those. :rofl:

7. If the US were to sets up a visa called H100B2 tomorrow and employ 20 best Africans from Congo Republic with USD 70,000 salary, in the same logic and comparison method aren’t the Congonese the most successful ethnicity of America? --- as ridiculous and as manipulated as what the OP “polls” claim!

Last, there is no such a thing as “Asian American”. Indian American originally didn’t belong to “Asia” category. Indians lobbied the congress to out them under “Asian” title in order to qualify the very juicy Minority Loans. Utter shameless!

Those minority loans are sort of “compensation”frankly to many real minorities such as the Chinese for their historical huge contributions made to the rise of America while being unfairly treated/discriminated. Indians are the new comers in comparison, mostly coming in for the last 2 decades or so, and they contributed nothing, nothing! , to the rise of America historically while stealing these precious and limited loans! A bunch of thieves, really! :angry:
Gov. Bobby Jindal is on the conservative party's (Republican) "short list" for vice-president. He is governor of one of the most conservative southern states in America. Guess they didn't get the memo about how racist they are supposed to be. Don't get me wrong, racism is an historic and tragic problem in America's history (as it is in so many of the countries of people on this board.), but we have made great strides. What I find interesting is that so many enemies of America keep touting how racist Americans are when this man below has been overwhelmingly elected by a traditional southern state from the conservative party, and our president is a black American of Muslim heritage. Wow, we sure are hopelessly racist alright...


All Asians do well in the U.S. :-)
That is a fact. Asian-Americans are better educated and more prosperous on average, than European-Americans. They work hard, study hard, and save for their futures.
I personally know a man who works as in the pentagon as a consultant for US armed forces. He still retains his Indian citizenship. Studied with my dad and graduated with him in the '85 batch. I met the guy in my dad's 25th alumini meeting.

Its true when they say Indian Americans are least likely to renounce citizenship. Even so, they can still claim "person of Indian origin" status back in India and be able to buy property and conduct business.
One of my first jobs, and my best job, after getting out of the Air Force, was working for an Indian-American family who owned hotel properties. They came to America from Gujarat with little. They began working (His wife cleaned rooms while he worked the front desk) and saving and finally bought a cruddy little motel. Within ten years, they had acquired several good hotel properties. When I was hired by them, they were one of the biggest business owners in my town. The father's daughters go to American colleges and now he complains that they act just like spoiled American kids who were born here. :rolleyes: I was fortunate to work for them and be friends with them.
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