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Indian Americans , a shameless bunch


Jan 31, 2018
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Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.
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Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.

P.S:I know Indian American is the term used for native Americans and Asian Indians is used for Indians in US..but using the term Asian Indians may create confusion for some people here....therefore i used the term Indian Americans.

Why vent your anger and frustration on H1Bs beneficiaries? Your own within are not feeling shame.

Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...

Forget Indians in the US, you have millions of jokers INSIDE your country that worship The Donald. Do something about them first.

And yes, The Donald speaks the truth. Indian cities, and most South Asian cities for that matter, are shitholes. You guys need to get out of this delusional mindset and fix your shit first.
Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.
It was just an election gimmick. Not so serious. Trump mentioned China and Russia too before he uttered "India".
America is consider India as future compitator just like China and Russia. US and India romance is limited untill China is defeated in Asia Pacific.
Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.
One would think indians had learned their lesson when they bent over backwards for British masters and joined their siphai regiments to colonize their own country -- but nah they're are still simping for Western imperialism and cheering for war against Muslim thinking their turn won't come again.
you should have heard him properly, he said the same about China (the cleanest country in the world) too.
See how many chinese cities feature in this list...to be honest i was surprised too.
Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.
They don't because its the truth. Have you ever been UP or Bihar? Even South India is not as clean. India needs to teach our people about hygiene and cleanliness. At least this should make our politicians to lower their head in shame and work towards better public infrastructure. It is shameful to have to hear it from other leaders. We all know that every leader thinks the same even if they don't say so for being diplomatic. I like Trump, he calls it as he sees it.
They don't because its the truth. Have you ever been UP or Bihar? Even South India is not as clean. India needs to teach our people about hygiene and cleanliness. At least this should make our politicians to lower their head in shame and work towards better public infrastructure. It is shameful to have to hear it from other leaders. We all know that every leader thinks the same even if they don't say so for being diplomatic. I like Trump, he calls it as he sees it.
I am not blaming trump....i know its truth ..my point is these indian americans are so selfish and shameless that they will be ready to sacrifice their self respect just to stay in US in the hope that they would one day get a greencard.
I am not blaming trump....i know its truth ..my point is these indian americans are so selfish and shameless that they will be ready to sacrifice their self respect just to stay in US in the hope that they would one day get a greencard.
What do you expect Indian Americans do? To call Trump a liar or show outrage for saying the truth or move out of USA for perceived disrespect? It is India and its leaders that needs to show some spine and make this country better from here on.I am pretty sure Trump lost few Indian american votes though.
What do you expect Indian Americans do? To call Trump a liar or show outrage for saying the truth or move out of USA for perceived disrespect? It is India and its leaders that needs to show some spine and make this country better from here on.I am pretty sure Trump lost few Indian american votes though.
I expect Indian Americans to demand some respect...they can stoop to any level to get that greencard( anyway getting greencard in tje US is not so easy now).
What do you expect Indian Americans do? To call Trump a liar or show outrage for saying the truth or move out of USA for perceived disrespect? It is India and its leaders that needs to show some spine and make this country better from here on.I am pretty sure Trump lost few Indian american votes though.
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I expect Indian Americans to demand some respect...they can stoop to any level to get that greencard( anyway getting greencard in tje US is not so easy now).

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Indian Americans are not stupid to pretend outrage for the truth. They wouldn't want to become Jokers, would they? What is this got to do with Green card? What is your expectation from them? I still can't understand. Why do you expect it, when India itself hasn't even made a squeak over this? Let our leaders work for betterment of the country that would be slap to their face not some selective outrage. We all are ashamed not outraged. Now is the time to cut this crap about Indian Americans.
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