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Indian Air Force SU-30 Kill Confirmed

Yaa IAF was so sh!t scared of F-16s a day earlier they sent 12 M2K not upgraded inside dense air defense area in Pakistan ... also F-16 Blk 52s of SAF has a training base in India from more than a decade .. where they have regular exercises with Su-30 MKi and FYI F-16 BLK 72 was rejected by IAF after failing technical tests specially in high altitude bases also famed F-16 BLK72 was found lacking in manoeuver ability not even matched a Gripen... also the famous take down of USAF F-16s in Cope India by Lowely Mig-21 in 2004 that must have hurt ego of USAF ...
I dont think IAF is sh!t scared of anything ... in 1971 your diego garcia Base would have been taken offline by same force if USA entered conflict by 7th Fleet...
The next day they had Su 30 and Upgraded Mirages up in the air, but none of them dared to take a shot at PAF planes...
The next day they had Su 30 and Upgraded Mirages up in the air, but none of them dared to take a shot at PAF planes...

Not dared... as far as available info from IAF sources ... Su-30 was following ROE and taking this as a routine CAP.. when F-16s fired multiple Aim-120c5 from ranges of ~80 kms on a pair of MkIs... strategy wise a good move to keep MKIs away and launch strikes but as far as BvR combat goes no professional fires a Missile from that range as probability is near zero for any kill..
regarding M2Ks it seems on southern theatre the PAF strike package was a diversion so ROE was sustained .. M2Ks carried good enough MIcAs to take out Mirage5s or Jf-17s...
Yaa IAF was so sh!t scared of F-16s a day earlier they sent 12 M2K not upgraded inside dense air defense area in Pakistan ... also F-16 Blk 52s of SAF has a training base in India from more than a decade .. where they have regular exercises with Su-30 MKi and FYI F-16 BLK 72 was rejected by IAF after failing technical tests specially in high altitude bases also famed F-16 BLK72 was found lacking in manoeuver ability not even matched a Gripen... also the famous take down of USAF F-16s in Cope India by Lowely Mig-21 in 2004 that must have hurt ego of USAF ...
I dont think IAF is sh!t scared of anything ... in 1971 your diego garcia Base would have been taken offline by same force if USA entered conflict by 7th Fleet...
I am USAF veteran, F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). We have no problems with our egos being...errr...'bruised'...by any air force in some exercise where the rules are rigged against US, which often happens when we are invited.

Supposedly...After Desert Storm, the Indian Army Chief of Staff General Krishnaswamy Sundarji said: Don't fight with the US without nuclear weapons.

The implication is that conventionally speaking, the world's militaries are essentially at the mercy of the US military. And that the only way to fight -- not necessary win -- the US is to have nuclear weapons. Think about that for a moment. The fight in the air is not determined by turn ratio or thrust factor.

When I was active duty, I learned a very important lesson, one that continually escapes the rest of the world: In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules, but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

If you have a more powerful radar, then fight long range. If you can turn better at a certain altitude, then take the fight there. If you have a more powerful engine, then do not enter a turning fight. Likewise, if you have AWACS, exploit it to the maximum. Same with air refueling and logistics. Anything that would help your individual combatants win individual battles, you do it. Any advantage is a rule.

Untethered, the F-16 WILL destroy the MIG-21. And I have no problems putting my life on that bet. :enjoy:
I am USAF veteran, F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). We have no problems with our egos being...errr...'bruised'...by any air force in some exercise where the rules are rigged against US, which often happens when we are invited.

Supposedly...After Desert Storm, the Indian Army Chief of Staff General Krishnaswamy Sundarji said: Don't fight with the US without nuclear weapons.

The implication is that conventionally speaking, the world's militaries are essentially at the mercy of the US military. And that the only way to fight -- not necessary win -- the US is to have nuclear weapons. Think about that for a moment. The fight in the air is not determined by turn ratio or thrust factor.

When I was active duty, I learned a very important lesson, one that continually escapes the rest of the world: In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules, but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

If you have a more powerful radar, then fight long range. If you can turn better at a certain altitude, then take the fight there. If you have a more powerful engine, then do not enter a turning fight. Likewise, if you have AWACS, exploit it to the maximum. Same with air refueling and logistics. Anything that would help your individual combatants win individual battles, you do it. Any advantage is a rule.

Untethered, the F-16 WILL destroy the MIG-21. And I have no problems putting my life on that bet. :enjoy:

No doubt F-16 will destroy Mig21.. in case F-16 doesn’t have to worry any Phalcon Awacs, Dense advance SAM systems in presence of Su-30s/Mig-29s and M2K ... in this scenario Mig-21 took the scenario advantage using its high speed and low altitude armed with R-77/R-23 and Israeli ECM pod ..
No doubt Americans are may b 100 times or more capable than nearest adversary but here a so supposed Professional was saying that a professional Air Force will be scared I was quoting him only... the long service of IAF shows they care only for mission success no matter the personal cost... 12 M2Ks crossed over to Pakistan side took out a 2 chinese short range SAM batteries in Pakistan’s Kashmir then fired 4 Spice2000s inside Pakistan’s western province ~100 kms north of Pakistan’s Capital...
when F-16s were on CAP... I ask what does sh!tting pants mean here?
Not dared... as far as available info from IAF sources ... Su-30 was following ROE and taking this as a routine CAP.. when F-16s fired multiple Aim-120c5 from ranges of ~80 kms on a pair of MkIs... strategy wise a good move to keep MKIs away and launch strikes but as far as BvR combat goes no professional fires a Missile from that range as probability is near zero for any kill..
regarding M2Ks it seems on southern theatre the PAF strike package was a diversion so ROE was sustained .. M2Ks carried good enough MIcAs to take out Mirage5s or Jf-17s...
So on 26th PAF had no ROE but on next day IAF followed ROE right when their buddy was shot out of the sky. Very plausible !

Untethered, the F-16 WILL destroy the MIG-21. And I have no problems putting my life on that bet
Not only that, it will take care of Su30 and Mirages 2K as well.
So on 26th PAF had no ROE but on next day IAF followed ROE right when their buddy was shot out of the sky. Very plausible !

Let us just say PAF surprised Su-30s :) ... by taking the shot first .. trust me IAF is happy for that for sm other reason :)
Sir...!!! You can't convince him.or any body of his origin.
They r a super power ...greater then USA ...can take down f22 with bisons ...and can do wonders with cow shit....
Let's just not waste your bandwidth ...its a use less effort....
I am USAF veteran, F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). We have no problems with our egos being...errr...'bruised'...by any air force in some exercise where the rules are rigged against US, which often happens when we are invited.

Supposedly...After Desert Storm, the Indian Army Chief of Staff General Krishnaswamy Sundarji said: Don't fight with the US without nuclear weapons.

The implication is that conventionally speaking, the world's militaries are essentially at the mercy of the US military. And that the only way to fight -- not necessary win -- the US is to have nuclear weapons. Think about that for a moment. The fight in the air is not determined by turn ratio or thrust factor.

When I was active duty, I learned a very important lesson, one that continually escapes the rest of the world: In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules, but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

If you have a more powerful radar, then fight long range. If you can turn better at a certain altitude, then take the fight there. If you have a more powerful engine, then do not enter a turning fight. Likewise, if you have AWACS, exploit it to the maximum. Same with air refueling and logistics. Anything that would help your individual combatants win individual battles, you do it. Any advantage is a rule.

Untethered, the F-16 WILL destroy the MIG-21. And I have no problems putting my life on that bet. :enjoy:
Sir...!!! You can't convince him.or any body of his origin.
They r a super power ...greater then USA ...can take down f22 with bisons ...and can do wonders with cow shit....
Let's just not waste your bandwidth ...its a use less effort....

Nope u got me wrong here .. like Gambit says it depends on scenario ...
I still remember the days onslaught of Desert Storm.. Indian military as a whole was shell shocked ... the strategies tuned from days of WW2 and literature written was a big pile of waste .. Indian military is still trying to achieve the aero space resources and net centric capabilities USA had in early 90s...
Yaa IAF was so sh!t scared of F-16s a day earlier they sent 12 M2K not upgraded inside dense air defense area in Pakistan ... also F-16 Blk 52s of SAF has a training base in India from more than a decade .. where they have regular exercises with Su-30 MKi and FYI F-16 BLK 72 was rejected by IAF after failing technical tests specially in high altitude bases also famed F-16 BLK72 was found lacking in manoeuver ability not even matched a Gripen... also the famous take down of USAF F-16s in Cope India by Lowely Mig-21 in 2004 that must have hurt ego of USAF ...
I dont think IAF is sh!t scared of anything ... in 1971 your diego garcia Base would have been taken offline by same force if USA entered conflict by 7th Fleet...

If the US joined the fight on 1971, no more mutton biryani for me! Get it? The point here is that your SU-30 was shot down by an F-16 Block something not even the latest tier. Pakistani Air Force F-16s will wipe out your Ivan made jets in a shooting war. No matter what every yahoo here is saying that SU this, MiG that, is the best, our US made F-16 have shot 'em all down!!! :pakistan::usflag:

They r a super power ...greater then USA ...can take down f22 with bisons ...and can do wonders with cow shit....

@deep_blue !!! wait for it.. wait for it...

If the US joined the fight on 1971, no more mutton biryani for me! Get it? The point here is that your SU-30 was shot down by an F-16 Block something not even the latest tier. Pakistani Air Force F-16s will wipe out your Ivan made jets in a shooting war. No matter what every yahoo here is saying that SU this, MiG that, is the best, our US made F-16 have shot 'em all down!!! :pakistan::usflag:

@deep_blue !!! wait for it.. wait for it...

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Yaa if they joined 1971wonder why they didn’t dare :D

And are u really a professional I doubt
Let us just say PAF surprised Su-30s :) ... by taking the shot first .. trust me IAF is happy for that for sm other reason
Trust me we have many many surprises for IAF in our belts.. And believe me IAF stopped parking their jets towards Pakistan for at least nwxt decade...
Trust me we have many many surprises for IAF in our belts.. And believe me IAF stopped parking their jets towards Pakistan for at least nwxt decade...

Haha again u got me wrong thr... surprise was only firing Aim-120C5 at lowest possible R MAX... that means basically wasting a 300 thousand dollar missile... that too 4 thats over a million dollar ...
seems like it was a strategy basically to keep Su-30 CAP away from area for few minutes and strike on military locations..
And I think right now its public knowledge so can post ... 3 Su-30 Squadrons has basically made FOBs thr home from past 7 months and seems like they wont me moving soon
And are u really a professional I doubt

You can doubt all you want. I don't need to prove anything to YOU! and I would gladly serve the STARS and STRIPES again given the chance. RLTW!!!

Come to think of it did you serve? I gave 8 years of service to the US ARMY. 3 years enlisted then 5 years as a Butterbar Lieutenant.

Now let me ask you, did you serve your flag or just another armchair GENERAL here!?
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You can doubt all you want. I don't need to prove to YOU! and I would gladly serve the STARS and STRIPES again given the chance. RLTW!!!

Come to think of it did you serve? I gave 8 years of service to the US ARMY. 3 years enlisted then 5 years as Butterbar Lieutenant.

Now let me ask you, did you serve your flag or just another armchair GENERAL here!?

Well if u know what true service means then u shud basically know giving respect to armed forces from other nations... i have only this to say to u
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