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Gorgeous shot, the vapour trail just starting from the root of the Canards.
Credits to Reddit user @cropicks for sharing the image and kudos to the photographer

Photo from the Visit, noticed the CO Grp Capt. Kamran Nazeer with the handgun in the holster
Standard issue Glock 26 inside maybe

Photo from the Visit, noticed the CO Grp Capt. Kamran Nazeer with the handgun in the holster
Standard issue Glock 26 inside maybe
Reportedly, the second Tejas Mk1 squadron is likely to take over the duties at Srinagar AFS, replacing No.51 'Sword Arms' with their Bisons.
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Panthers paid tribute to Sqn Ldr Abhinav Chaudhary by flying a ‘Missing Man’ formation, as they recommenced their op flying. The senior most serving ‘Panther’, CAS flew a Bison & joined the CO in the aerial tribute. CAS later interacted with aircrew & technicians of the base




The ACM has got to be one of the most incredibly inspiring pilots in the world!

He's now flown solo on MiG-21 Bison, Tejas Mk1 and Mirage-2000I. At his age, flying solo in so many different types is quite a feat! Of course, he was a highly regarded Test Pilot, but this shows that he still finds time to keep himself current and is medically fit.
Spectacular image shared by Grp Capt. H V Thakur on Twitter

The Trishul(MiG-21) leading the Rakshak(MiG-23), Garuda(MiG-25), Bahadur(MiG-27) and several Baaz(MiG-29)
The massive Su-30's replaced at least 4 types in service!
Air Marshal Radha Krishna, Shaurya Chakra, will be the next Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, WAC(wef 01 july). He is presently the DG Air (Ops).
Commissioned into the fighter stream of IAF in December 1983, Radha Krishna has more than 4,800 hours of flying experience on a variety of operational and training aircrafts.
Great spotting
C-17 Globemaster III of the IAF (with a nice cockpit shot) and two lovely Air India jets ( B-777 and a B-787 DreamLiner )
MiG-21 airframe really is in scary condition in above picture.... IAF seriously needs to SHUT the entire inventory of these fighters at all.... Just to keep the squadron numbers forcing them into service isn't going to solve any problem anyways in actual war.....

These fighters are crashing at this rate in peace time sorties imagine them flying with full weapons in actual war at high speed and doing all those scary manoeuvres required in ariel fight..... Enemy won't even have to waste it's costly AMARAMs or PL15s on those MIGs....
Slightly old but very rare


The IAF Heron with the underwing Elta ELL-8385 ESM/ELINT Pods
ELTA's ELL-8385 is an integrated Electronic Support Measures (ESM) and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) System. The system is designed to cope with the challenges of modern dense radar environments and to perform long-range, high endurance ESM/ELINT missions. The system’s tasks are to search, intercept, measure, locate, analyze, classify and monitor ground, airborne and naval radar transmissions characterized by high mobility, short duration, modern signals and frequent changes in signals parameters. The main purpose of the system is to disseminate intelligence reports, including real-time Electronic Order of Battle (EOB), and to provide tactical and strategic intelligence that can be seamlessly integrated in the nation’s intelligence database.
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