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Indian Air Force: A graveyard of fighter pilots with 264 crashes in last fifteen years

All our Mig21s need to be replaced with LCA Tejas mkI or mkIIs. Mig21 is 50s tech. Stop using it for god's sake.
This is one way to retire your plans let them fall from the sky
See, they definitely have more kills than the PAF. They have ancient Vedic technology. How could they not. And god forbid they bring out modern Vedic technology. Pakistan is doomed.
Can we stop Trolling here and get some Replies from Sensible Indian Members on this Matter Please?
Any Realistic reason What is to blame here?

1-Unreliable Aircraft That are Assembled in India due to Corruption and Incompetence at HAL Mig21,Mig27,Jaguar,Su30MKI
2-Poorly Trained Pilots? (Most Unlikely Reason)
3-Poorly Trained Maintenance Staff again Corruption and Incompetence by them?
4-Incompetent Aircraft Assembly and Maintenance Infrastructure have to keep up Russian Aircraft that are known for being Difficult to maintain already?
5-Lack of Sizeable Western Aircraft Fleet and hence lack of Exposure to Western Standards of Maintenance Infrastructure

As for why these events don't occur frequently in Pakistan even though Pakistanis are evenly as corrupt as Indians is perhaps Pakistani Defense Establishment is largely Independent from Outside and Political Influence.
These analysis are kinda stupid so dont read too much into it. If 90% of your air force is made up for say Chinese aircraft, then most likely 90% of the crashes would be of Chinese made aircraft. Similarly, if majority of your inventory is or has been Mig-21s, they will also be the majority involved in accidents.

These analysis also dont go into any details behind a crash. The most recent Mig-21 coming down after a bird hit does not make the pilot, plane or the maintenance team scapegoats in trying to lay blame.

This article is just throwing random numbers without there being any concise link or argument being presented on how and why. Do we give a shit how many pilots have died since 1971? Not really. Maybe in the last 2 years? Perhaps more relevant.

Anyways, its just a useless article in general that doesnt add any value aside from making some feel good about themselves and for others to use it random statistics to make $
Actually Pakistan also operates mig21

under name of f7 but it got no crash .Indian air Force uses secondhand lowquality spare parts reason for all crashed Indian planes
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