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Indian air chief threatens Pakistan over LoC unrest.

[/QUOTE]First of all WHO ARE YOU to call UN/Canada etc?? Are you some Prez/PM of some country?First get out of your identity crisis.The US which controls UN/Canada refused to intervene.Go and call all the 200 odd countries to check but after Osama Drama no one is going to even listen to you.

Its a bilateral issue so India-Pak needs to solve it.[/QUOTE]

I thought monsieur @GoodBoy, indie was a democracy so I am sure if enough people petition, the local mp from your district will take notice and send locals concern to the capital. I mean thats what citizens with concerns do here in quèbec and most of the time, we get what we want. Remember the protests last summer, we pressured the government regarding the tuition issue until the point that we changed the provincial government from partie liberal to parti quebecoìs. Also canadienne government is elected by us the citizens not amèricanne, i thought indie was a democracy, you should how democratic countries elect. Offcourse to your second point, no body is going to intervene, the reason I got into this conversation was the alarming warmongering on particularly indienne side. What I want is for both sides to not escalate the issues, the pakistanie government and citizens on this forum agree that the problem should be agreed upon independantly as well as a seperate UN investigation.
you on the other hand attack me personally , which is always low when your attempting discuss an issue with someone. Fyi, je suis quèbecoìs, canadienne et pakistanie(not citizen yet though but don't worry if it comforts you, I will get that soon through my grandpapa you mad :what:)
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I thought monsieur @GoodBoy, indie was a democracy so I am sure if enough people petition, the local mp from your district will take notice and send locals concern to the capital. I mean thats what citizens with concerns do here in quèbec and most of the time, we get what we want. Remember the protests last summer, we pressured the government regarding the tuition issue until the point that we changed the provincial government from partie liberal to parti quebecoìs. Also canadienne government is elected by us the citizens not amèricanne, i thought indie was a democracy, you should how democratic countries elect. Offcourse to your second point, no body is going to intervene, the reason I got into this conversation was the alarming warmongering on particularly indienne side. What I want is for both sides to not escalate the issues, the pakistanie government and citizens on this forum agree that the problem should be agreed upon independantly as well as a seperate UN investigation.
you on the other hand attack me personally , which is always low when your attempting discuss an issue with someone. Fyi, je suis quèbecoìs, canadienne et pakistanie(not citizen yet though but don't worry if it comforts you, I will get that soon through my grandpapa you mad :what:)

Your attempt to sound like a "French Canadian" is getting funny now. :lol:

Identity crisis... go ahead and try more :lol: :wave:
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A ***** slap to indian air cheif and he will wake up :lol: Where do you get guys like these ? Other options are for DOTA players, game khilwao in se ..

In sha Allah any mis adventure will be dealt severely. Air cheif ko yaad dilao k ye sirf Pakistan nahi ab beti ka susral bhi hai :)
Your attempt to sound like a "French Canadian" is getting funny now. :lol:

Identity crisis... go ahead and try more :lol: :wave:
Damn indienne members are checking all my posts @Armstrong, well you know what you got me there, had one a while about my pakistanie heritage. Hey man I am learning quick, so don't worry iqbal's literature and Jinahs memoir will get me caught up with my pakistanie side so no need to show concern brother. Though have to say @Armstrong, the literature is tres tres difficult, @GoodBoy since your on pakistanie forum, you should also check our iqbal, it will help you understand pakistanie people perspective/struggles, instead of wasting hours on this forum trolling and not having constructive discussion though thats my tip, its your choice if you want to follow it or not mon ami.
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Empty threats.
He knows it and We know it.
India is already using other options if one hasn't noticed.

which are........ what exactly?

empty threats and sabre-rattling?

Your attempt to sound like a "French Canadian" is getting funny now. :lol:

Identity crisis... go ahead and try more :lol: :wave:

using your logic, you are speaking English so that means you also have id crisis

though it is funny he referred to you as monsiour when it wasnt warranted at all; only MEN should be addressed that way, not teenage boys who are still in high school :lol:
well....maybe this one knows at least where he was born and what is his age :laugh:
Looks like, i have missed the party...

Can IAF chief explain, what has he gained since last time he violated Pakistan airspace?

Problem with Indians is that they risk too much in Zardari's expulsion. Some true revolutionary, might put there terrorist evidence on their face... which are being kept in wraps by Zardari.
who knows India's Satellite is floating over Pakistan and carrying out measurement and signature intelligence warfare and Pakistan is still expecting airspace violations by some 4th gen. Aircraft :P
as said Options are vast :)
who knows India's Satellite is floating over Pakistan and carrying out measurement and signature intelligence warfare.
as said Options are vast :)

Good point! who knows????

Who knows, how many stars are in the sky!!!!!!!!
Good point! who knows????

Who knows, how many stars are in the sky!!!!!!!!

obviously Indians
If there is another major LoC violations,Su-30 MKI's armed with CBU-105 sensor fuzed weapons will be used to carry out Air Strikes,make no mistake.

And those planes will not comeback to India.

But dont worry you will get a chance as there will be major LOC violations or a Mumbai type attack, but you cowards only like to threaten us with words. let see you ACTUALLY take some action.
And our SSBN will bomb pakistan with K-15 missiles armed with 20KT nuclear bomb :rofl:

The SSBN at this moment is still too scared to go underwater and happily sits in a bath tub. Hope it does not flounder like Sitara IJT at the Bangalore airshow.
Nobody is talking about a war, forget what Indian fanboys are saying. And IAF chief is not talking about attacking Pakistan , he just said using diff. options, now thats a very vague language, it could mean literally anything.

Neither Indian media nor Indian public is asking the govt. or military to attack pakistan, they are asking for a retaliatory move inflicting the same brutalities on your side that was inflicted on our side.


Well, the indian army has been doing that ever since 48. We are just surprised as to why only this incident was highlighted so much. Please read Barkha Dutt's " Confessions of a war reporter" to get an idea how wonderfully indian forces treated pakistani soldiers' bodies.

The Indian media portrays the Indian army as upright and scruplously honest which is just not true. Your army is as much brutal as others.
A real mature attitude

Way to go chief....:tup:
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