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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Some time back India also provided information about assassination attempt on stunt master pervez musharraf which turned out to be true.

Obviously pakistan is the usual suspect when a terrorist attack takes place . If the incident takes place in india it is 99% probability that pakistan is involved and else where 70% probability that a pakistani is involved. Pakistan has built up that reputation over a period of time.
You dont need hitech equipment to manufacture these effigies. Two sacks and some used up cloth for stuffing is good enuf.

From where these non state actors gets training and funding ?

Is there any guns control system in Pakistan ?
Covering up misadventures is in the blood of your army just check how long it took your army to release the casualty figures of your poor soldiers by the misadventures of the SSG man
making BS claims is in your blood actually and when one official makes a contradictory statement he gets a sack and indictment
now that is shameful.
Indian inquiry board indicts coast guard official for admitting to blowing up Pakistani boat - The Express Tribune

abducted a fishing boat and killed the fishermen and burnt their boat and claimed they were terrorists trying to escape who blew themselves up after failing against the awesomeness of Indian navy.
Pakistani deep state has forced PM Modi to 'walk the talk" in responding to terror. Make no mistake, the gauntlet has been thrown and India must respond with all its vigor. This is a game of chicken and India should not blink first. If Pakistan will not take care of terrorism emanating from its soil, India needs to "help" pakistan fight these groups. NSA Doval ji, lets actually do "offensive-defence" now that lecture time is over! Indian lives are precious and no amount of economic performance / GDP growth will bring these brave men back to their families.

Indian establishment is thinking in terms of the whole region and working to make SAARC more stronger.

Involvement of bigger powers in Afghanistan should be a big concern for both India and Pakistan.
Absolutely correct. Emphasis on minimising damage to assets and life. Anyone can charge like a cowboy and make it "High Noon at Ok Coral" but it takes skill and patience to do it the right way, with minimum loss and fulfil the objective to capture the terrorists alive along with incriminating evidence so that they can be presented to the Global Community.

If India was somehow complicit we would have done this in 15 minutes and gone back home for a hearty breakfast. The time taken alone is an indicator of the seriousness of the situation and the measured response.

Excuse me, I had left this forum, but just want to inform you - "High Noon" is one film, "Gunfight at the OK Corral" is another.

The rest of the discussion leaves me stony cold.
They can carry these weapons or it is a fake picture.

so these are the dead terrorists. they must have died under the weight of these weapons.

compare this to the dead terrorists in badaber base attack near Peshawar.

which looks sterlized and touched up and which one is raw?

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Given that attack has taken place on the border, it is very unlikely that these terrorists did not to have any support. To sneak across the border either they need to know the patrolling pattern of Indian soldiers or have explicit support from pakistani rangers guarding the pakistan side of the border to let them across.
so these are the dead terrorists. they must have died under the weight of these weapons.

compare this to the dead terrorists in badaber attack near Peshawar.

which looks sterlized and touched up and which one is raw?

It Looks like in today's picture some one is laying on the ground only to take a picture.
What to do , we don't have your kind resources for planning false attacks, our terror budget is low.

Also unlike you, we also don't have strong stomachs to kill hundreds of own kids, hence we kept casualties low in this one.
YOU are repeatedly being cheap and pathetic. if the discussion stays on comparing the base attacks on Pakistan and India then it will be fine. glad that you didnt mention your weak stomach while mentioning Mumbai attack which was also no less gruesome like the school attack on Peshawar or maybe you purposefully left it out

your kind keeps mentioning APS school attack in unrelated topics and then your other Indian friends complain why some Pakistanis are joking on this base attack.

for your sake let me clarify that any attack like Mumbai or school attack... there is not much the security forces can do. by the time they reach the scene,, hundreds are killed already .. they are helpless civilians much of them in small places.

bases are different story. the attack on Quetta base was also foiled miles away and all terrorists were killed. and attack on Karachi airport was also foiled when 2 airport guys kept the terrorists busy long enough for the commandos to arrive.. something similar that happened today in Pathankot.
Still awaiting an exact timeline of events but from what once can understand right now:

-5 terrorists involved
-They came with the intention of destroying IAF aircraft (massive amounts of explosives found with them)
-3 Indian Security Forces killed-2 DSC and 1 Garud Commando of the IAF
- The Security establishment was aware an attack was coming to this base based on intercepts by Indian intel agences
-As a result NSG, PARA (SF) and 2-4 columns of infantry were brought in
-Shops asked to close in the area
- Families told to remain inside
-Perimiter/exlcusion zone around the base was extended
- Terrorists were detected the moment they tried to gain acsess to the base(apparently though a drain) by airborne assets of the IAF.
- No damage to any strategic assets nor loss of civlian life

The loss of the three security forces is terribly but this was a massively succesful operation on all levels- from the intel agencies to the guys on the ground they performed exceptionally, especially considering there was only about 24-36 hours of warning. This was not another case of India being caught napping (actually another example of the fact it has woken up in the past few years).

Something worth mentioning is that it is very interesting to see that the GoI deployed the NSG. Usually in incidents like this (in the "frontier areas") the Army would take the lead and hence deploy their assets (SF if need be) or we could expect inter-service rivary to play its part and the IAF insiting they be left alone and only ramping up the deployment of Garuds. But in this instance, everyone worked together, the resources were optimally used and there was great success. It shows the potential of the Indian forces if they are utilised properly (from a command level) with expediency. It also highlights the need for the SOCOM, NOW! I couldn't think of a more fitting example to demonstrate the benefits of such an organisation. There needs to be a more institutionalised response going foreward.

I am glad the NSG is being properly utilised as India's go-to internal security crisis unit and I do think this is something that has been further strengthened under this GoI. In 2014 the MHA is said to have MASSIVELY increased the budget of the NSG (some peolpe say quadrupuled but I can't believe it) and in the past 18 months I know for a fact they have been more active then ever before in terms of live drills on exsisting infrastructure, increased cross training with state/local emergency response units, more active threat analysis, more proactive foreward deployments etc etc. I think this GoI has given the NSG a longer leash and hence more autonomy. This is what the NSG was born to do and thankfully they are actually having their potential tapped instead of wasting in Manesar year after year as had happened in the past.

Lastly, the Punjab stretch of the IB needs to face enourmous scrutiny by the security establishment now, this is the second time in a year this stretch has been used to infilitrate into India for an attack in Punjab. The LoC is all but impenetrable these days so naturally the attention will turn to weaker spots and hopfully a holistic approach is taken to secure all of India's land borders now not just the IB. The LoC's example is clear- yes it is highly expensive but it is proven to work.

Any news on the Garud commando that was killed? The names (and pics) of the DSC guys have been released but not his.

RIP all warriors.

@PARIKRAMA @Hindustani78 @Vauban @Levina @Parul @Joe Shearer @Unknowncommando @Hulk @danish_vij @K M Cariappa @IndoUS @Koovie @Echo_419 @Force Awakens @ayesha.a @MilSpec @nair @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ
making BS claims is in your blood actually and when one official makes a contradictory statement he gets a sack and indictment
now that is shameful.
Indian inquiry board indicts coast guard official for admitting to blowing up Pakistani boat - The Express Tribune

abducted a fishing boat and killed the fishermen and burnt their boat and claimed they were terrorists trying to escape who blew themselves up after failing against the awesomeness of Indian navy.

You being a senior moderator and trolling around-

That action against official was due to his indiscipline- And It was coast gaurd which was at the scene of action not the Navy-
Given that attack has taken place on the border, it is very unlikely that these terrorists did not to have any support. To sneak across the border either they need to know the patrolling pattern of Indian soldiers or have explicit support from pakistani rangers guarding the pakistan side of the border to let them across.

River Ravi flows from India into Pakistan and then again into India and from here only can be sneaked in India.

@Irfan Baloch big man you should discourage members from posting graphic images instead of joining them in the act. I know we are all high on a patriotic fervour...but let's pretend we are still sober. :pleasantry:
What? No pakistani passport or NIC or toilet paper or soap cover or toothpaste found yet? Now that's a surprise for me.
well that and one guy even brought his Pakistani pillow with him and then there are Pakistani shoes and slippers near by



@Irfan Baloch big man you should discourage members from posting graphic images instead of joining them in the act. I know we are all high on a patriotic fervour...but let's pretend we are still sober. :pleasantry:
I understand .. I am just surprised at the cleanliness of the terrorists and the kills themselves.

You being a senior moderator and trolling around-

That action against official was due to his indiscipline- And It was coast gaurd which was at the scene of action not the Navy-
I am sorry the message was not getting through some of the Indian members who claim nothing comes out of their agencies and forces but truth.

we get morality lecture all the time. I just had to remind how a lie cant be hidden for the sake of "discipline".

thanks for your understanding.
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