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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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11:30 AM-ish: Terrorists attack an IAF base in Pathankot, India.

11:31 AM: Several Indian politicians and ministers believe it was Pakistan in an attempt to sabotage the (nonexistent) peace process 'started' by the Indian Premier.

11:32 AM: Local residents of Pathankot protest and burn Pakistani effigies and 'demand' stern action against Pakistan!?!

11:33 AM: Indian intelligence already had credible intel on an imminent terror attack from Pakistan.

Though the timeline is exaggerated, India definitely has some serious intelligence gathering capabilities. Within a matter of minutes of an attack they can tell it was Pakistan and they already knew about it and the people have Pakistani effigies stored up in their basements to quickly protest if need be.

I think you should not embarrass yourselves with more posts on this topic.

The attack began at 0430 Hrs.
There was no cover up, it's in your genes to play politics over your soldiers bodies, the recent suicide by an Indian soldier on LOC being a prime example.... not forgetting the Kargil coffin scandal.

There is a cover up, it's in your genes to play politics over your soldiers bodies and it took 10 years to release the casualty figures speaks volume of it
Me too from now on I am not going to reply any Pakistani poster
You're on a Pakistani forum. Might as well respond to one? Lmao.

Really "aint some sort of bad wishers of India"?
I don't think you can even convince yourself when you say that.

Here's the thing, India on its own has better security than Pakistan and our intelligence agencies work ten fold to prevent the entry of high caliber weapons in the country, so the question of RPGs and grenades and the like never come into question.
Why do ops like zarb-e-azb happen? Such high scale ops happen only in Pak whereas we stop it in the border itself before such situations even occur. We do short shock and awe ops and in return are able to prevent such high infestation

"why will bunch of un trained and under armed gunmen with such a criminally poor planning will choose a target like an airbase??"

You serious?

Look at Afghanistan or any other places with military installations, there are countless such events where poorly equipped terrorists have attacked such military installations.
You can't really expect extensive planning and discipline from riff-raffs.
Waoo someone got a big mouth!
Dude keep your stuff away from us and Pakistan ain't the country where 32+ separatist armed rebellion are underway.
You got high security and stuff?? Good for you to have mumbo jumbo security!
You comparing attack at airport in Afghanistan with attack at air force base in India?? I must call you a genius.
Discussing Zarb e Azab in middle of discussion of attack on IAF base?? not your fault you are Indian....but you discussed sooo.... before discussing Zarb e Azab you have to have the knowledge of FATA rules and regulations and agreements with them and open border with Afghanistan and territian there and communication network and facilities provided by GOP there...
Yeah GOP failed to provide basic facilities like roads, health and education. No judiciary and no police so with the government failure and blessings of neighbors like you the people are available there as mercenaries to be hired.(kindly now stick to the topic)
There was no cover up, it's in your genes to play politics over your soldiers bodies, the recent suicide by an Indian soldier on LOC being a prime example.... not forgetting the Kargil coffin scandal.

No professional Military force indulge in such politics over the lives of its trained soldiers. Indian Forces goes through professional training.

Be it civilians or soldiers for Indian Establishment, Indians lives matters.
May the Indian heros that gave up their lives rest in peace.

I sincerely hope that India can convince Pakistan to eliminate such terrorist generation - whether by islamic fundos or loose canons in its establishment. Otherwise good people on either side keep getting killed by these dogscum.

In he TOI online poll it was interesting to see that >70% said this should not be allowed to deter talks between the two nations
Where did u get your signature from ?

The Red sari ?
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India, Pakistan exchange list of nuclear installations | Zee News
Last Updated: Saturday, January 2, 2016 - 16:42

Islamabad: India and Pakistan have exchanged a list of their nuclear installations as part of a bilateral agreement.

Both sides have also exchanged a list of prisoners being held as prisoners in the respective countries.

The agreement pertaining to nuclear installations was signed on Dec 31, 1988, and came into force on Jan 27, 1991.

It requires the two countries to inform each other about their nuclear installations and facilities on January 1 every year.
Its hard to teach " idiots" anything new... but its worth a try.
well if there is a will there is a way
learning from Indian "smarties"
the Pakistani "idiots" will now forward the entire script and predicted outcome to media while the operation is still in progress.
11:30 AM-ish: Terrorists attack an IAF base in Pathankot, India.

11:31 AM: Several Indian politicians and ministers believe it was Pakistan in an attempt to sabotage the (nonexistent) peace process 'started' by the Indian Premier.

11:32 AM: Local residents of Pathankot protest and burn Pakistani effigies and 'demand' stern action against Pakistan!?!

11:33 AM: Indian intelligence already had credible intel on an imminent terror attack from Pakistan.

Though the timeline is exaggerated, India definitely has some serious intelligence gathering capabilities. Within a matter of minutes of an attack they can tell it was Pakistan and they already knew about it and the people have Pakistani effigies stored up in their basements to quickly protest if need be.

why does it surprise you or anybody? Once is an event. twice is a 'may be co-incidence;, thrice is a pattern and >3 is a trend. It is absolutely certainty that when a terrorist attack occurs almost anywhere in the world, people take for granted some sort of Pakistani involvement - not necessarily direct perpetration but things like recruitment, training, radicalization etc. And when it happens in India, given Pakistan's history in the area, it is not at all subtle to suspect Pakistan.

It is only lately that Pakistani establishment has shown somewhat clear intentions that it will act against terrorists; And Indians have certainly given some credence to that change in the Pakistani mindset as evidenced in the TOI poll where >70% say to continue with Modi's initiative and conduct talks.
There is a cover up, it's in your genes to play politics over your soldiers bodies and it took 10 years to release the casualty figures speaks volume of it

Nonsense, playing to home audience, India had cameras behind every glacier, rock and bolder....all the fighting took place on the Indian side, how many bodies were recovered after Pakistani troops withdrew....or do you think Pakistan managed to evacuate all the bodies....get real for once.
''Pakistan to raise issues of concern in January talks with India'' | Zee News
Last Updated: Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:54

Islamabad: Pakistan will raise all issues of concern in the upcoming foreign secretary level talks between Pakistan and India, said the Foreign Office on Thursday.

"We are finalising dates through diplomatic channels for the upcoming foreign secretary level talks," said Qazi Khailullah, the spokesman for the Foreign Office.

Khailullah stated that the foreign secretaries of New Delhi and Islamabad during their meeting in Islamabad will finalise a schedule of meetings of various segments of the comprehensive bilateral dialogue in accordance with the joint statement issued on December 9.

"Pakistan and India have serious issues and outstanding disputes that need to be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy," said Khalilullah while responding to a question.


Here only India wants to know, how talks can be held when terror attacks are taking place.
there is no celebration for the terrorists.
only the way media is reporting and the way we already know the outcome and identity of the failed terrorists.
false flag or real flag tag wont change the actual incident.

you should allow some space to Paksitani posters as well when they speculate Indian hand when we already have the examples of RAW collusion with Khad and KGB during Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and working with BLA and then millitant wing of communist Pashtons , there is eastern Pakistan example and there are boasts by former Indian spy who is now your security advisor. so just take such comments as comments only.

the only difference I, my self have pointed out is the ferocity of attacks of terrorists on our side and it seems the terrorists attacks on your side lack basic skills related to common sense (bar Mumbai , it was a tragic event like Peshawar school and there is no room for jokes).

I dont think anyone is defending the "home team" , we care less for the terrorists than you would do. let us go one step further, if the links of terrorists are proven to be with our agencies then we have no excuse or sympathy for them either let alone we defend them because its the worse time for us to pick a fight with India. come on allow yourself a thought that our security agencies wont jeopardise their own existence by antagonising India as well when their own hands are full dealing with your BLA team and TTP and Daesh is knocking at the doors.
Oh please ji, ab rahne bhi dijiye. We have seen the smileys posted by our esteemed friends from across the border. And it explains a lot when a person is celebrating a lot. And it is not going to change anything even if people from Pakistan put up smileys or celebrate. We know suffered irreplaceable damage today. GOD knows when some rag tag terrorists will attack Pakistan, then the very same posters will act just 180 degree opposite. Khair Jane bhi dijiye kya farq padta hai. Ab to ye hamare liye bhi aam baat ho gyi hai. Good night.
why does it surprise you or anybody? Once is an event. twice is a 'may be co-incidence;, thrice is a pattern and >3 is a trend. It is absolutely certainty that when a terrorist attack occurs almost anywhere in the world, people take for granted some sort of Pakistani involvement - not necessarily direct perpetration but things like recruitment, training, radicalization etc. And when it happens in India, given Pakistan's history in the area, it is not at all subtle to suspect Pakistan.

It is only lately that Pakistani establishment has shown somewhat clear intentions that it will act against terrorists; And Indians have certainly given some credence to that change in the Pakistani mindset as evidenced in the TOI poll where >70% say to continue with Modi's initiative and conduct talks.

Indian Establishment wants peace in the region so that the lives of millions of people can improve in the sub continent.
Though the timeline is exaggerated, India definitely has some serious intelligence gathering capabilities. Within a matter of minutes of an attack they can tell it was Pakistan and they already knew about it and the people have Pakistani effigies stored up in their basements to quickly protest if need be.
Some time back India also provided information about assassination attempt on stunt master pervez musharraf which turned out to be true.

Obviously pakistan is the usual suspect when a terrorist attack takes place . If the incident takes place in india it is 99% probability that pakistan is involved and else where 70% probability that a pakistani is involved. Pakistan has built up that reputation over a period of time.
You dont need hitech equipment to manufacture these effigies. Two sacks and some used up cloth for stuffing is good enuf.
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