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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Helis being used is interesting. Shows India ready to deploy heavy weaponry unlike Gurdaspur
Wow massive butthurt from Pakistanis.:omghaha:

So what you are saying is........

Happy new year and enjoy denial.:coffee:
Dude its just a comparison and facts!
We aint some sort of bad wishers of India...
There those terrorists have automatic weapons?? Rockets launchers?? Did they fiercely attacked with gernades and rockets on your gates or there was just firing?? Kindly share their escape plans and plans of attacks and those inside maps of airbase retrieved from those terrorists........
If you are pointing towards the fact that such attack always happen in INDIA whenever all is going well between us neighbors then its actually fascinating for us too. We fail to understand that why will bunch of un trained and under armed gunmen with such a criminally poor planning will choose a target like an airbase??
And I just hope that no one of the terrorist belongs from Pakistan this time......
This attack news is at the top headline in BBC and RT. Both have started pointing fingers at Pakistan lol.



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Looks like terrorists came with an aim to cause maximum damage in the technical area. Idiots forgot it's the Indian airforce base they are attacking.. & to reach technical area mushkil hi nahin..na mumkin hai.
You know what is also the part of script.
Going into automatic denial mode, hailing attackers as freedom fighters, and not co-operating with india for bringing the masterminds to the books.

Well if U look inwards and would surely find script writers sitting in Delhi. What made me said so? Because the script was totally pathetic and full of loop holes.

Just Like Kargil ?

In Kargil both countries were engaged in limited conflict. This aint any like of the that.
Drones are being used.
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