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Indian aggression at LOC

Tell you an interesting thing. If we juxtapose the data on infiltration and CFVs, there seems to be no correlation between the two. For example, cfv was at its lowest in 2004-2007 ( after CFA in 2003) where official attempted infiltration was nearly 500 during that period. Where as cfv skyrocketed after 2011 when infiltration attempts reduced drastically. So yes. Lots of fallacy here. But it is a complex topic and please note, cfv can have a snowballing effect. It may start with an infiltration attempt but can have devastating effect in the sorrounding region for several other factors that never come up in official versions.

Well one thing is clear that IA is using these cross border Infiltration's as excuse for sometime , and they have their own agenda there as they want to relate Kashmir Struggle to global WoT . Recent Attack on IA (Pulwama) the guy who blow himself up was from J&K . Even Kashmiri's are now acknowledging that it is now a home grown struggle and with time Pakistan's options get limited as we were in the spot light for decades and world keep a sharp eye on Pakistan's movements .
Jan achakzai is a lying troll
Indian news outlets....they have gone war frenzy.....cheekh o pukaar shuru

Jan sb ney lambi phanki hey ....no air space closure......yet. I asked him on twitter....he must have got outdated newspaper of 27/2.
India will do any thing to divert agenda UNSC meeting going to be held on Friday, Aug 16.
Do u really think that anything will come out of that meeting for Pakistan when we need just 1 member on our side?
Its not going to be any action. It will probably be like a statement by Russia that Both need to resolve it bilaterally.
Good job in killing 5 Indian soldiers. Keep killing them whole day night long. Its just the beginning.

May the brave souls rest in peace at Pakistan side.
Well one thing is clear that IA is using these cross border Infiltration's as excuse for sometime , and they have their own agenda there as they want to relate Kashmir Struggle to global WoT . Recent Attack on IA (Pulwama) the guy who blow himself up was from J&K . Even Kashmiri's are now acknowledging that it is now a home grown struggle and with time Pakistan's options get limited as we were in the spot light for decades and world keep a sharp eye on Pakistan's movements .
We have a horribly flawed policy regarding Kashmir which I have repeatedly expressed my frustration about. This problem is partly made by our own callous negligence too. Lets see, how things turn out to be in future.
Do u really think that anything will come out of that meeting for Pakistan when we need just 1 member on our side?
Its not going to be any action. It will probably be like a statement by Russia that Both need to resolve it bilaterally.
Regardless of result ...the issue has now been internationalized.....not bilateral anymore....Thank you Modi.

This crazy Chae Wala ....claiming today that "the matter was under the table for 70 years ...I have done what could not even think...now We should look at the other Part....."

So he clearly indicating his offensive plan of taking war into Azad Kashmir....do you think Pakistan will let it happen?
Guys stop hyping stuff up and pray there is no war. Those trying to sensationalise things are idiots. If some of you remember how tense it was in feb 26/27 you would pray something worse never happens. War is a terrible dirty thing and we will all be in its envelope. We will feel the effects too. Pray for PAK Army and pray it is only a momentary spike in aggression for the un sec council meeting and nothing else!
we should not pray for war but we should not run from war. we should have faith in Allah and our selves .
We have a horribly flawed policy regarding Kashmir which I have repeatedly expressed my frustration about. This problem is partly made by our own callous negligence too. Lets see, how things turn out to be in future.

At least we can agree on one thing that whatever the outcomes is, it should be for the benefit of Kashmiri people .
They are already doing their jobs 10 months a year day and night army is the only functioning institution of Pakistan

May be because I live in Germany and Germans are the most straight forward people, living here has really changed my attitude towards "emotions", I cannot really digest this BS of emotions, it seems so "indian" to me, the most emotional people that I have ever ccome across in Germany were all "indians", they behave exactly in the emotional style the way they show them in their Bollywood movies. I worked under a German supervisor and I was working for 15 hours a day to achieve a task given to me but even when I achieved the task after 2 months my supervisor would say "Ya, good job" no emotional BS at all. So all emotional BS that I read here sometimes makes me angry, even back in Pakistan also I was same, I think in our area Gujranwala people are also very direct, we don't care much about this emotional BS. For me if someone is paid for his job, there is no need to become emotional over the success of that person doing just their job that they are supposed to do, he has to do it that is what he is paid for, why should one write here 500 words emotional paragraph in praise of that person. If they do a good job, just say "good job", no need for emotional lecture over it.
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