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Indian aggression at LOC

This is not an initiation of war. This is calculated escalation along LoC from both sides to gain strategic gain before an international summit. For Pakistan, it will make Kashmir an unresolved issue for urgent international intervention( an informal unsc meet is coming, i guess). While for India, it is countering infiltration backed up by PA. Those who have still not broken their keyboards, have some patience a little more. You may save some money.

Let me ask you something ..
So according to IA narrative, Indian forces open fire when PA try to infiltrate Terrorists into J&K, but if we notice that such cease fire violations happen in very limited and few sectors , so basically Pakistan uses those 2-3 points to infiltrate them right ? so how hard it is to secure these 2-3 sectors by taking the sheer number of IA forces stationed in Kashmir ? don't you see a fallacy from IA and Indian narrative there? either they are lying or deliberately not securing these 2-3 sectors where such infiltration's happen ?
Pakistan must not infiltrate anything called "mujahdin" type of BS, Pakistani army soldiers are paid to the do the job, they should grow balls and recognize their job rather than shifting their jobs to this "mujahdin" BS.

Pak Army is doing its job & giving ultimate sacrifices.

Its the impotent Pakistan's politicians who are TWEETING, Hollow threatening, running towards other countries to beg for their support, begging to UN to stop India.

Why don't you ask political leaders to grow a pair like M.A. Jinnah & enter in India Occupied Kashmir and take fight to Indians???

Great post!

@The Eagle @Dubious @Arsalan brothers, please take note of this... kindly, take care of H Haqqaniz of PDF. We cann't have #KhooniLiberals insulting our Shaheed or Our Armed forces. Not now!

Anyone with demoralising attitude, lying openly and shows weakness; is not Pakistani and such lot is recognized from miles away. Such kind of cowards doesn't matter nor can affect at all.
Guys stop hyping stuff up and pray there is no war. Those trying to sensationalise things are idiots. If some of you remember how tense it was in feb 26/27 you would pray something worse never happens. War is a terrible dirty thing and we will all be in its envelope. We will feel the effects too. Pray for PAK Army and pray it is only a momentary spike in aggression for the un sec council meeting and nothing else!
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/…/article…/70691327.cms… Some people have habbit of doing LOL but India since 27th Feb beating have chosen a new policy. That is don't admit any loss so their public doesn't get furious and doesn't demand revenge. Even article 370 have been removed so India can start new policy and eventually make sure that Pakistan accepts LOC as international border.
This is not an initiation of war. This is calculated escalation along LoC from both sides to gain strategic gain before an international summit. For Pakistan, it will make Kashmir an unresolved issue for urgent international intervention( an informal unsc meet is coming, i guess). While for India, it is countering infiltration backed up by PA. Those who have still not broken their keyboards, have some patience a little more. You may save some money.

The UNSC has discussed Kashmir issue 110 times before, and everyone knows that it won't be able to resolve it in its 111th meeting on Kashmir either . The primary agenda this time around is human rights violations and the impending genocide in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The fact that the UNSC is going to discuss Kashmir after a gap of almost 54 years itself is a diplomatic setback for India. And if the UNSC issues a statement calling on India to 'refrain'.... that would be a diplomatic triumph for Pakistan and a huge blow to India's global standing and reputation. And if the UN does not do so (for any reason, including disagreement by any of the P5), we still don't lose anything as our primary objective is to place on record our position before the world for (near) future reference and to highlight the issue internationally ..... As a matter of fact, Modi has single handedly destroyed all that your leaders and diplomats had achieved (on this issue, internationally) in the last 50 years or so.
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Pak Army is doing its job & giving ultimate sacrifices.

Its the impotent Pakistan's politicians who are TWEETING, Hollow threatening, running towards other countries to beg for their support, begging to UN to stop India.

Why don't you ask political leaders to grow a pair like M.A. Jinnah & enter in India Occupied Kashmir and take fight to Indians???

today's sitution is entirely different from 65 and kargil. now kashmiris have fully realized their mistake as well. we are far less in numbers as compare to indians so rather then just getting emotional and waging a war without any strategy will be counter productive. pak will need all available man power to win this war.

Dont hold your breath. Coming months will decide if this is different or not. For India to take notice 10 Pulwanas are needed in short term. Otherwise they have been dealing with low insurgency since 1989. Since then many Kashmiri militants have joined peace process and blaming Pakistani terrorists for brainwashing them. That under arrest guy Malik case comes to mind.
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