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Indian aggression at LOC

May be because I live in Germany and Germans are the most straight forward people, living here has really changed my attitude towards "emotions", I cannot really digest this BS of emotions, it seems so "indian" to me, the most emotional that I ever came across in Germany were all "indians", they behave exactly in the emotional style the way they show them in their Bollywood movies. I worked under a German supervisor and I was working for 15 hours a day to achieve a task given to me but even when I achieved the task after 2 months my supervisor would say "Ya, good job" no emotional BS at all. So all emotional BS that I read here sometimes makes me angry, even back in Pakistan also I was same, I think in our area Gujranwala people are also very direct, we don't care much about this emotional BS. For me if someone is paid for his job, there is no need to become emotional over the success of that person doing just their job that they are supposed to do, he has to do it that is what he is paid for, why should one write here 500 words emotional paragraph in praise of that person. If they do a good job, just say "good job", no need for emotional lecture over it.
Moving to Germany has made you cold
The UNSC has discussed Kashmir issue 110 times before, and everyone knows that it won't be able to resolve it in its 111th meeting on Kashmir either . The primary agenda this time around is human rights violations and the impending genocide in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The fact that the UNSC is going to discuss Kashmir after a gap of almost 54 years itself is a diplomatic setback for India. And if the UNSC passes a resolution calling on India to 'refrain'.... that would be a diplomatic triumph for Pakistan and a huge blow to India's global standing and reputation. And if the UN does not do so (for any reason, including a veto by any of the P5), we still don't lose anything as our primary objective is to place on record our position before the world for (near) future reference and to highlight the issue internationally ..... As a matter of fact, Modi has single handedly destroyed all that your leaders and diplomats had achieved (on this issue, internationally) in the last 50 years or so.
The current government in New Delhi is pretty much aggressive regarding Kashmir. While their predecessor Vajpayee had a more balanced and negotiating attitude, Modi doesn't share a shred of that kind of thinking. Within its first few months in power, UNGMOIP was asked to vacate their office in Delhi, i.e in simple language UN was shown the door. Neither India allow UN observers in Kashmir unlike Pakistan. This kind of attitude which sometimes looks close to sheer arrogance comes from the popular opinion among strategy makers that UN is a toothless organization and lost its significance long long ago.
And also from the fact that, Indian economy has become so strong, and India's backdoor diplomatic channel with European powers and not less the US is so strong that any kind of economic sanctions can be taken care of.
No mercy. No turning back. Hindustan has not known what PA and its allies will do once unleashed. For decades, we have held back, champing at the bit but always held back due to some strategic reason or political betrayal. Not this time. Let the sword waving saffron sanghees feel the heat of the war they so foolishly crave, while cowardly targeting Muslim civilians in Kashmir, India proper and along the cease-fire line.

Let the rapist barbarian hordes come forth from the shadows where they lurk so safely. We have not forgotten our shaheeds, the military men always facing insurmountable odds, the civilians targeted deliberately, the staged encounters, the Kashmiris so brutally raped and repressed, the fishermen murdered in Indian jails, the appaling insults to the legacy of those who built Hindustan.

Hindutva - you can hide behind Sikhs as long as you want - we Will break through their lines and they will melt away as we strike at your saffron core.

Hindutva will be begging for the fires of abrahamic hell as relief before this battle is over.

Pakistan will drag your saffron hordes into the abyss.
Moving to Germany has made you cold

Most people in my hometown of Gujranwala were cold and angry back in 80s and 90s when I was growing up, the situation might have changed after Musharraf's BS of "enlightened moderation", these "jazbat" and emotional BS is mostly indian thing and influence of bollywood movies and lollywood movies and TV dramas etc.
May be because I live in Germany and Germans are the most straight forward people,
It has nothing to do with emotions soldiers are doing their jobs for what they are being paid they will follow every order of generals or their seniors officers you can say generals are coward etc
Soldiers can't invade any area without orders
We must better defend ourselves and our side of Kashmir.our response after their attack on balakot made them stronger.if you don't hurt your enemy,it will bite you.india is well prepared to take out military action inside our kashmir.i hope we understands the gravity of situation.a war can start at any time.paf must get ready.
Most people in my hometown of Gujranwala were cold and angry back in 80s and 90s when I was growing up, the situation might have changed after Musharraf's BS of "enlightened moderation", these "jazbat" and emotional BS is mostly indian thing and influence of bollywood movies and lollywood movies and TV dramas etc.

You should stop watching Bolly and Lolly wood movies and drama in that case. You're too straightfoward to be watching such nonsense

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