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Indian agents to be wiped out from Swat


Oct 18, 2006
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Indian agents to be wiped out from Swat

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: The NWFP administration and Maulana Sufi Muhammad would immediately move to wipe out the RAW elements and criminals from the Malakand division as the government had sufficient evidence of Indian involvement in the Swat lawlessness, a source told The News.

The key NWFP government source, who has been involved in the successful negotiations between Tanzim Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) chief Maulana Sufi Muhammad and the ANP government, further revealed that it was agreed in the talks that all the closed schools in the area would be reopened, the Army would not be withdrawn and the police would be redeployed at all the police stations to ensure the writ of the government.

The source said the RAW elements and criminals had been involved in kidnapping for ransom, dacoities and blackmailing in the troubled areas of Swat. “We have even caught the RAW agents, both alive and dead,” the source said.

The source held the RAW agents and local criminals responsible for most of the crimes in the area, saying they were also involved in attacks on military targets. With the inking of the peace agreement between Maulana Sufi Muhammad and the provincial government, the source said, these elements would be cornered immediately and wiped out to make Swat crime free as it once used to be.

Dispelling the impression that the Taliban would be running the show in the Malakand division following the Monday’s agreement, the source said Maulana Sufi Muhammad, in return for the acceptance of the longstanding demand of enforcing the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation, had asked for the introduction of a strong administrative system in the area to ensure the writ of the government.

The Maulana has demanded of the appointment of clean, strong, impartial policemen and civilian administration officials in the area to ensure that the signed agreement is implemented in letter and spirit.

The system of district magistracy is likely to be introduced in Swat immediately for which the governor would have to de-notify a 2002 notification.The executive officers are also expected to be entrusted with the kind of powers previously enjoyed by the Nawabs and the Walis in the area.

A committee comprising MPs of the area, elders, representatives of the local administration and the TNSM would be set up to review and monitor the implementation of the agreement. As agreed between the two sides, Maulana Sufi Muhammad would visit Swat and start addressing rallies soon after the agreement gets implemented.

The Maulana would personally help the redeployment of police personnel at the police stations, which were abandoned during the recent weeks and months because of growing influence of the Taliban there.

He would also mobilise the people to bring peace in the area and flush out all the unwanted elements. Maulana Sufi Muhammad did not ask for the withdrawal of the Army from the area during the negotiations, the source said, adding that he had rather given his consent for the presence of the Army in the Malakand-Swat areas till the time the government desired so.

The source said those in the government, who had played a pivotal role in making possible what was announced on Monday, included ANP Secretary Information Zahid Khan, NWFP Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, Minister for Livestock Haji Hidayatullah and Hazara Commissioner Syed Muhammad Javed.

Indian agents to be wiped out from Swat
and some guys on this forum thinks that India is supporting Taliban :blah:
For the past year since Pakistan Army has been engaged in Swat i have not come across a single post or heading in which India has appraised Pakistan's role in clearing the trouble makers...India has been too quiet....too quiet then usual. these people simply cant hold an army on their own without proper supply of ammunition and resources.

The Agreement between the Government and the Taliban is a good gesture. This News is a blow to the trouble makers. i wonder why haven't they tried this option before?
The NWFP administration and Maulana Sufi Muhammad would immediately move to wipe out the RAW elements and criminals from the Malakand division

Excellent and when are they going to go after saudi agents in the Area:blah::blah:
that wont be a problem. the problem rit now is if TTP swat will agree to layin down arms or will demand more as we are hearing.
fazlullah is demanding
1. freedom for his fighters from jails,
2. withdrawl of army,
3. amnesty
4. i also heard he is asking for money equalent to worth of 11 cammels for each of his dead.

2 and 4 can never happen. i dont know about 1 and 3
that wont be a problem. the problem rit now is if TTP swat will agree to layin down arms or will demand more as we are hearing.
fazlullah is demanding
1. freedom for his fighters from jails,
2. withdrawl of army,
3. amnesty
4. i also heard he is asking for money equalent to worth of 11 cammels for each of his dead.

2 and 4 can never happen. i dont know about 1 and 3

How bout amnesty to all Talibans with one way ticket to Saudia they send us there sh it we send them ours:smitten:
Few weeks back ISI gave rare briefing to foreign dignitaries about WOT and Indian involvment in destabilizing Balochistan and FATA
Fantastic. So now these guys are going to stamp out their opponents by going on a massive witch hunt for "RAW Agents".
even if we send em our **** it will fell back on our face....they are flying really high with all the money and oil to spare...its better to keep em here and educate em :) the real values of Islam and maybe in the process we will become better Muslims too:)
Are you from Iran ?

Why cause i speak the truth automaticaly i am not pakistani.

For a long time some people in pakistan asked this question in case of war between pakistan and iran pakistani shia will side with whom.

let me answer that one for you by closing your eyes and watching talibans wahabies fighting with pakistan government who are the wahabi sidding with so far looks like all of them are against pakistan.

so where you from and whos side you are on pakistan OR ?
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even if we send em our **** it will fell back on our face....they are flying really high with all the money and oil to spare...its better to keep em here and educate em :) the real values of Islam and maybe in the process we will become better Muslims too:)

100% of the finnancing for these Terrorist is comming from Gulf countries Not exactly a hidden secret Not once have they tried to go after the real culprits.

If you no about these so called Raw agents why no one has done any thing so far why was this allowed to carry on and why after government bending over to Terrorist all of sudden they are going to go after Indian agents.

My answer is simple they dont want people to point fingers in the right direction india is there no doubt but i doubt they are the main players there.
If you no about these so called Raw agents why no one has done any thing so far why was this allowed to carry on and why after government bending over to Terrorist all of sudden they are going to go after Indian agents.

I have an explanation for this "unlike India Pakistan is more mature to play the blame game".... maybe they were buying time for more proves and trying to locate the hidden channels before they Completely Destroy em" crying and Blaming is Indian Trait... after all we separated from these bozos for nothing ;)?
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