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Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

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I own a toyota corolla ,now toyota is an japenese company , does that mean that i am obsessed with japan , indians come to pdf because it is a good forum for discussing your view point , it is not because we are obsessed with pakistan , especially south-indians are not in any obsession with pakistan .

What you drinking or smoking mate can I have some.:pakistan:
You gotta read again and then I am sure that you will not be so sure about the author being spot on because it is about Pakistani obsession with India and not the other way around that your poster friend thought it is.

The very fact that there was not even a need to read and absorb the actual matter of the post, speaks volumes about the obsession already. But then where is the surprise?

The article is interesting, because while it allegedly talks about Pakistan's obsession with India, it also implies as to how India reciprocate the same sentiments for Pakistan (without directly alluding to it), when they claim not to. This should give you a fair idea of the theme of the article:

" Political parties have whetted vote-bank appetites with flagrant Indo-Pak sentiment. Political commentators have stated relentlessly that Pakistan's national identity veers on the nature of its association with India."

The fact that political commentators feel the need to comment on Pakistan & its national identity revolving around India shows their obsession with Pakistan. The fact that political parties use flagrant Indo-Pak sentiment to gain votes from the people shows how much Indians are obsessed with Pakistan.

My point is, a lot of things I found interesting in her article were about her deep-rooted insecurities about Pakistan, & how she had to comment on everything Pakistan (Pakistan & its identity), contradictory her own self many times in the note, not because everything she wrote was correct. The fact is, her article is symptomatic of her state of mind: it has accentuated a lot of her insecurities, & brought them out in the open. She exhibited her feelings beautifully. Such as this part of the note:

"For Pakistan, we are a steadily sustained body of reference for anything existential! Obsession spiked with negation seems to have become habitual... The difference is not between who gets to claim Noor Jehan, and who breeds Lata; the difference is between Agra and Kargil, between the LoC and the Border."

Her sentiments are a genuine example of deep rooted insecurities for Pakistan waiting to surface, & she did that beautifully in her note, which is why I found it so interesting.
India, the Pakistani obsession
Meeta Chaitanya

India is Pakistan’s obsession. So, said the American President. But, we have heard that before. In fact, from classrooms to board rooms, from sporting arenas to reality television, every allusion to the India-Pak association is met with a hearty dose of derision and skepticism. Political parties have whetted vote-bank appetites with flagrant Indo-Pak sentiment. Political commentators have stated relentlessly that Pakistan's national identity veers on the nature of its association with India.

The reason that this may be particularly disconcerting, especially from the Pakistani angle is the fact that this is not a political or partisan, or policy based, or socially divergent dissonance. That would then be slotted among the frigid bilateral relationships India has with the rest of its neighbors. China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka…our circumference comprises ambivalent political counterparts. They, however, are not obsessed with us.

For Pakistan, we are a steadily sustained body of reference for anything existential! Naturally, all their overtures, on and off the field are anything but diplomatic, and everything but matches. Obsession spiked with negation seems to have become habitual. Do you shelter terrorist outfits? No. Were you aware of Kasab? No. Do you know who attacked the Parliament? No. Do you know where Osama is? Was....oh… no!

The difference is not between who gets to claim Noor Jehan, and who breeds Lata ; the difference is between Agra and Kargil, between the LoC and the Border, between banter and blasts, between Samjhauta Express and Kashmir, and finally, between adversarial ideology and a volatile, geopolitical threat.

So, when their homegrown terrorism trespasses, as it has, as it will, maybe India should get obsessive. Obsessive about its own security, safety, sovereignty, democracy and entity...

Meeta chaitanya :undecided:

Man you find these characters pretty well sitting across the border ....
Just look at the sub-forum with the most posts, yes, you guessed it, it's an Indian defence related sub-forum. These slumdog's worship Pakistani's, these slumdog's are like leeches always clinging to us for acceptance when in reality most Pakistani hate them with a passion not only do they find them , disgusting and pathetic.

Pakistani's who do not share my sentiments will come to believe what i am saying is the complete truth, make a comment to someone not of Indian origin of how Pakistani's and Indian's are heterogenous from one another and just watch the Indian go to work and try with all his might to enforce his view that we are alike when we all know we have nothing in common with these rodents.

I cetainly pity Indian's even though they are not worthy of my pity!

I hope you have not recently had some problems?

Do please refrain from expressing your anguish here in the gibberish that you have penned.

It is true that there is hardly any connection.

But guess what? The Arabs reject you. So, who are you?

Now, you claim your are not rodents as Indian are. So, could I assume you are something more inferior? Politeness on a foreign forum prevents me from being graphic about it.
i have the LE version , my dad bought it in 2009.

Is the top model in 1.8 or 1.6 petrol??


On topic, both countries share an obsession with each other.
One has an army that till recently existed solely to face the other in battle..
the other cannot still get as to why this nation after all its unfathomable faults.. still keeps on rolling, and after being strategically defeated in all its wars with it.. still keeps picking or breeding people that want to pick a fight with it.
Is the top model in 1.8 or 1.6 petrol??


On topic, both countries share an obsession with each other.
One has an army that till recently existed solely to face the other in battle..
the other cannot still get as to why this nation after all its unfathomable faults.. still keeps on rolling, and after being strategically defeated in all its wars with it.. still keeps picking or breeding people that want to pick a fight with it.

Well said my friend. Although I must say, it is sad that a nation almost 5 times bigger than Pakistan, & with 7 times the population of Pakistan has to act this way. Maybe it's because traditionally (& even in plenty of indicators today), since almost the first 50 years since their inception in 1947, Pakistan has excelled in most fields of life over India, & now, when the grass is greener on their side, they can't wait to "rub it in". It shows their deep rooted insecurity about Pakistan.
absolute ridiculous thread this..................................seems starter has ample free time............
Is the top model in 1.8 or 1.6 petrol??


On topic, both countries share an obsession with each other.
One has an army that till recently existed solely to face the other in battle..
the other cannot still get as to why this nation after all its unfathomable faults.. still keeps on rolling, and after being strategically defeated in all its wars with it.. still keeps picking or breeding people that want to pick a fight with it.

But the point is that a person who is not known by 99.999 % of Indian population and does not represent India in any form , this person personal views are being taken as countries views
Any country that shares such a massive border with another is going to come across as obsessive. Ethnic similarities, economic sustainability, border issues all play into it. Pakistan is obsessed with Afghanistan and India, much like India is obsessed with China and Pakistan...every country is like that...how is a nation supposed to ignore the happenings in countries that are divided by mere border markers.
The fact is that every year since Pakistan's inception, Indians have been predicting the dissolution of the Pakistani nation, yet they have to vent their frustrations when they see Pakistan alive & kicking. They even build anti-Pakistan sentiments in their people through their media, & through their political parties & their political system, particularly in Indian Muslims, in fear that Indian Muslims will change their loyalties, & resort to Pakistan. Which is why Indian Muslims occasionally have their loyalties brought into question.
The fact is that every year since Pakistan's inception, Indians have been predicting the dissolution of the Pakistani nation, yet they have to vent their frustrations when they see Pakistan alive & kicking. They even build anti-Pakistan sentiments in their people through their media, & through their political parties & their political system, particularly in Indian Muslims, in fear that Indian Muslims will resort to Pakistan, shift their loyalties to Pakistan in dire times.

LOL...say this to an Indian muslim, I can wait to see his reaction..Loyalty shifting to pakistan will not happen even if you dream so..
LOL...say this to an Indian muslim, I can wait to see his reaction..Loyalty shifting to pakistan will not happen even if you dream so..

My mom is an Indian Muslim (born & raised in India), my whole mother's family lives in India. My father was born in India, & he has some family there as well. I know what I'm talking about. While Indian Muslims have their loyalties to India first, the state has a very deep-rooted insecurity & fear about their loyalties, & there are examples in my own family where they were accused of being loyal towards Pakistan. I hope you understand what I'm saying. No one in Pakistan doubts the love Indian Muslims have for India, however, there are many Indians that have that doubt about Indian Muslims. In fact, not one single person in Pakistan doubts the loyalty of Pakistani Hindus towards Pakistan.
Well said my friend. Although I must say, it is sad that a nation almost 5 times bigger than Pakistan, & with 7 times the population of Pakistan has to act this way. Maybe it's because traditionally (& even in plenty of indicators today), since almost the first 50 years since their inception in 1947, Pakistan has excelled in most fields of life over India, & now, when the grass is greener on their side, they can't wait to "rub it in". It shows their deep rooted insecurity about Pakistan.


Great observation!

The very fact you are still to find your feet should speak volumes about your insecurity!

No more violence on Muslims by Muslims?

All calm?

Look stop making me write more.

Get the permission from the Moderators and I will educate you as to who is insecure and tottering and who has an identity crisis!!
My mom is an Indian Muslim (born & raised in India), my whole mother's family lives in India. My father was born in India, & he has some family there as well. I know what I'm talking about. While Indian Muslims have their loyalties to India first, the state has a very deep-rooted insecurity about their loyalties, & there are examples in my own family where they were accused of being loyal towards Pakistan. I hope you understand what I'm saying. No one in Pakistan doubts the love Indian Muslims have for India, however, there are many Indians that have that doubt about Indian Muslims. In fact, not one single person in Pakistan doubts the loyalty of Pakistani Hindus towards Pakistan.

there are countless families that are scarred by partition, true. But cannot be applied to the whole muslim population of India. 99% of new generation muslims in India does not want to do anything related to pakistan.
there are countless families that are scarred by partition, true. But cannot be applied to the whole muslim population of India. 99% of new generation muslims in India does not want to do anything related to pakistan.

Do you know the 99% Muslim population of India?
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