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Indian Activist speaks about rampant caste bias among the Indian diaspora in the United States.

It's not ours. It's Indian or Hindu to be more precise.

You whities look at trendy Indian tourism ads and are smitten but are not aware of it's harsh realities.

Where are all these supposed "trendy Indian tourism ads"?
On the back pages of Craigslist or something next to trendy Lesotho?
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Where are all these supposed "trendy Indian tourism ads"?
On the back pages of Craigslist or something?
They target British and Europeans more. There was a dedicated drive for tourism in 2009-2012 ish on natgeo, discovery star movies etc.

Here's 46 minutes worth of ads aimed at whities for you to enjoy.

Americans too love these yanna gatta patta Gujju Indians cuz they become very good minions in workplace. And can drink and fornicate and have fun just like you. In days of colonization they'd give their mother and daughters to get good jobs in gora(white) government.

Afterall they are caste-ist and whities are racist/have a long history of rape, murder and pillage in name of skin color all over the world. Like thrives with like.
It is obvious that these discriminatory upper-caste, especially Brahmin, tech workers would have been the participants in all of Modi's visits to America.
Not surprised. I have had Scheduled Caste/Tribe Andhra based IT personnel complaining about Brahmin domination over the industry.
The Kammas don't seem to get along with the Reddiars.
They target British and Europeans more. There was a dedicated drive for tourism in 2009-2012 ish on natgeo, discovery star movies etc.

Here's 46 minutes worth of ads aimed at whities for you to enjoy.

Makes more sense to target Europeans than Americans since this is the reality:
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Not many people are going to sit that long on a plane to visit that area of the world.

Americans too love these yanna gatta patta Gujju Indians cuz they become very good minions in workplace. And can drink and fornicate and have fun just like you. In days of colonization they'd give their mother and daughters to get good jobs in gora(white) government.

You are only putting down your own people since most people don't differentiate between Pakistanis and Indians in the US. You are just lumped together in people's minds into a generic "non-Asian Asian" bucket (with other countries like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). Any things Indians are known for gets shared with you guys. Just like how you lump Europeans and Americans into a generic "white" bucket and transfer any British actions into the broader "white" one.

Afterall they are caste-ist and whities are racist/have a long history of rape, murder and pillage in name of skin color all over the world. Like thrives with like.

Seems you have some lingering issues with how the British treated your people.
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It is obvious that these discriminatory upper-caste, especially Brahmin, tech workers would have been the participants in all of Modi's visits to America.
For your information there is no such concept as caste in sanatan dharm, the entity was intended as,
The classification based on the work the community performed, earlier British mangled this concept and, exploited the Hindus, and now the communists are counting on this for their gain,
Dalits are devote Hindus maybe more than the so called upper caste, Modi cannot win 353 (majority) seats without the Harijans (so called lower caste).
so your Pakistani narrative of Dalits are oppressed by so called upper caste is absolute bogus claim .
For your information there is no such concept as caste in sanatan dharm, the entity was intended as,
The classification based on the work the community performed, earlier British mangled this concept and, exploited the Hindus, and now the communists are counting on this for their gain,
Dalits are devote Hindus maybe more than the so called upper caste, Modi cannot win 353 (majority) seats without the Harijans (so called lower caste).
so your Pakistani narrative of Dalits are oppressed by so called upper caste is absolute bogus claim .
Yep, I have friends in bands who play instruments and sing etc... they are all shudra technically who work with their hands.
now the communists are counting on this for their gain,

Yes, these things are clearly a Chrislamocommie conspiracy. :enjoy:

Dalits are devote Hindus maybe more than the so called upper caste, Modi cannot win 353 (majority) seats without the Harijans (so called lower caste).

Frankly, I look at reality, facts and their background and not at the unnecessarily complicated Indian political system ( five-yearly elections, parties, seats and all ).

President Kovind is a Dalit and was once a leader of the BJP Dalit Morcha. They are "devout" Hindus like you said. Yet that didn't stop him and his wife from being harassed by Brahmin priests of the Jagannath temple in Odisha on their visit in 2018.

so your Pakistani narrative of Dalits are oppressed by so called upper caste is absolute bogus claim .

You should tell that to the ghost of Dalit student Rohith Vemula who committed suicide because of oppression by Upper Caste university officials in 2016.

And also tell that to his mother and brother who adopted Buddhism in clear rejection of the Brahmin-led Manusmriti-derived caste system.

Lastly, I am not Pakistani.
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