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Indian ACM RKS Bhadauria's Reception in Bangladesh.

Colour of skin, shape of eyes, language etc etc are forte of only one variety of people. A word called racism is used to describe such shitbags.
Colour of skin, shape of eyes, language etc etc are forte of only one variety of people. A word called racism is used to describe such shitbags.

Please, do not try and cover up valid criticism of a morbidly obese officer by claiming it is racism. Show me where anyone on this thread made a racist comment, if you fail to do that, I would suggest an apology to members of this forum maybe in order. Have also reported this post for false accusations and lies.
This from a country where PM begs on air regularly and on foreign visits,foreign minister is a joker who tries to eat with his mask on and army chief ke payaer kamp rahein the paseena mathe par the as per own parliament member.
Infact PM is multitalented for money he regularly turns into driver for foreign heads of state.
Chinese welcome him with doormat and regional mayor lol.

Where airlines is banned because pilots are fake and airplane gets seized because of failure of payment.

Talk about living in glass houses,lol.
When a cockroach crawls under peoples feet and gets crushed, it's not exactly defending it's territory but lacking in judgement capacity, it's beyond your comprehension to understand this. Do the echo chambers where you thrive ever discuss how many times has your Lungi brigade proved that he might as well stay in his hidey hole and serve Tea. You losers can't even control your stray dogs when some VIP makes the mistake of visiting your country of blind leading blind.
Here get your little Indian heart and mind get busy.

BTW, we understand that PDF is your first contact with any civilization, so it's understandable you behaving and making racket like a Monke that has just seen a Banana. Else this is your worth in your own house.



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He is not head of state or any minister in government.
Country whose PM roams in train in US and is not received by anyone in any country should not make such mocking threads.
He is not head of state or any minister in government.
Country whose PM roams in train in US and is not received by anyone in any country should not make such mocking threads.

Get your head out of the sand.

Imran Khan - Won world cricket cup, one of the best all rounders of the game, PM of Pakistan = Does not have the ego to name a cricket stadium after himself.

Modi - Never played professional cricket in his life = Names stadium after himself

Pakistan, like India, has many many desperately poor people, so our PM took a train. I am proud of that.

Added bonus is IK never faced a visa issue entering US, not something money can buy I guess....
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