In Pakistan, land of the purest of the pure, Rapes don't occur because, Rapes aren't recognised as crimes in this great Islamic country, well in most of the cases!
1. Usually raping a non-believing women is cheered by Momins for, blessed is that momin, who after raping the non believing girl/women marries her after getting her converted to Islam and later rapes her legally as wife.
2. Rape isn't rape when the victim, (sorry, the slut who brought it up on herself, or the family who let them out in the first place) is in full face veil and
the man doesn't have a beared. If the conditions are not met, the act is considered legitimate expression of Male sexuality (male momin sexuality) of not being able to controll his, you know what after looking at a women's body(exposed!)
3. Santioned Rapes: when a member of some lower class family does something unacceptable , like say demandning wages or trying to move to the court, usually, women of the concerned family get the punishment in the form of gang rape by the fuedals or something to this effect. Yes, this things happened and are getting reported from late 90s. And Islam doesn't help, with it's eye for eye doctrine either.
4. demading for the recognition of marital rape is haram in Islam!
P.S. The silent Majority, the Liberals (the scoundrals perpetually begging the US) can do nothing but write stupid articles in English media(lest the people understand) about experiences of girls like rinkle kumari/those wome raped by feudals, in the first person and feel satisfied.