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India, your name could be Bangladesh

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Same I don't mind telapia maas, or khoy maas. But I will always a be meat person akhi ;)
Most of the killed were hindus!!! and raped womans were also hindus and thats why out of almost 10 million hindus 8 million fled to India where all were busy in fighting and liberating the country from the hand of the aggressor.

Regarding killing of the intellectuals many even say that was a conspiracy of the RAW just one day before the independence!!

Regarding the independence... If 70 million dnt want to be ruled by someone who is minority it wont never be possible for them to keep controlling the country. Pakistan was not economically strong also keep the war rolling for long. Infect after July-August of 71 Pakistani army already sensed their defeat and remained with their barrack most of the time. Just coming in the last 10 days hiding behind the freedom fighters does not make you the winner nor allow you to claim any absurd stuff like without India there wont be any independent Bangladesh.

without India, there would have been a truly independent BD
Then make Arabic as your national language and destroy your already damaged identity. West Bengal as always is the epicentre of Bengali culture and identity.

Not very long ago the official language of Bengal was Persian. Persian terms are still widely used in courts of P/bangla and BD. So it is not a far fetched imagination of your brain that Arabic could be the national language of BD, including IOB.
Created on July 24, 2013 at 13:33
India, your name could be Bangladesh
Tim Steel Long Form

Bangladesh has influenced the heritage and cultural traditions of Europe much more than it gets credit for

Imagine what such an appreciation could do for inbound tourism in Bangladesh, probably the greatest unrealised potential for economic and social development in the country!

If India's name was bangladesh it would boost your tourism? really? Why not just name your country India? hehe

retarded mode on :P
@CaPtAiN_pLaNeT you are an idi0t who chews indian rice, wheat and shows eye to the feeder.... India donating rice and wheat to banglagdesh since 2007 and everytime cyclone hit this poor tiny nation. I wish india not had gave freedom to this midget nation. Today your master pakistan would had had you good you brainless idi0t. i urge india to stop feeding this bangladeshis. India been flooded by this idi0ts ilegaly. Majority of poor people in india is bangladeshis who came ilegal in land of future superpower. This idi0ts breeds at super sonic rate. No wonder why indian muslim population nearly as large as pakistani population.... Blame it on poor idi0tic bangladesi and also on india who feeding bangladesh since 2007....
India to donate 50,000 tonnes of rice, wheat to B'desh - World - DNA
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Not very long ago the official language of Bengal was Persian.

So? Thats because the Govt or Kings in Bengal might have been Persian. The majority of the actual people did not know any Persian, except for those Bengalis that held Govt positions, which were very few. Not sure about BD.

I am talking about Indian Bengal here, whose history I have studied in detail, despite being a non-Bengali, I have spent more time in Kolkata than most Bengalis do.

Persian terms are still widely used in courts of P/bangla and BD.

BD- dont really know or care.

P/bangla - I dont know how old you are, maybe you are of a generation belonging to 400 years ago, you may have information from 1600s. Today, Persian is never used (barring maybe a very few "once in a blue moon"incidents). Neither can a single Bengali speak Persian in P/bangla.

The usage of language in the streets is majority Bengali, with quite a bit of Hindi (Bollywood influence) and English spoken on the streets of Kolkata. There is also a little bit of Urdu spoken,. usually a result of a combination of UP/Bihar Muslim laborers who work in Kolkata, or also a significant population of Bihari refugees who were hounded out of BD after the 1971 civil war, and have made Kolkata their homes as refugees.

So it is not a far fetched imagination of your brain that Arabic could be the national language of BD, including IOB.

Now where did Arabic come from?
1.Arabic is the language in which the Holy Quo'ran has come down to us. As such all Muslims all over the world learn Arabic in differing degree. Arabic also is one of the unifying bonds in the Ummah. A reason why some Muslims are still backward is because we are not learning enough Arabic.

2.Fearful West and frightened Hindu India sees "radical Mullahs" everywhere coming to decapitate them. "Radical Mullah" is an imaginary ghost that haunts the Hindu Indian and the Christian Westerner.The march of the Muslim progress shall not pause because someone is seeing ghosts.

Funny how you talk with hate about the "Christian West". while practically every Bangladeshi commenting on this thread is sitting in the Christian West and spreading their hateful propaganda :whistle:

I wonder how despite the fact that many more millions of Bangladeshis live in the "Islamic" Arab countries, only the ones from Christian West are able to come to this website? Oh I know why, because the ones living in the Islamic Arab countries are livign like slaves who are too poor to afford Internet or Computer, but the ones like you who are able to afford a good lifestyle in the Christian (I call it as Secular) Western countries like to spit on the same plate that feeds you. Disgusting!
This is the true identity of Bengal,

Turkic is 100% Bengali? dumbest statement made ever.

Maybe 100% Bangladeshi if you really wantit to be (but then Bangladeshi would be a neew seperate identity which does nto equal Bengali), but definitely not 100% Bengali.

Also what Brahmins do you guys keep harping aboout, when there is practically none left in Bangladesh?

Most Hindus who were financially able to afford a move out of East Pakistan in 1947 did so. As a result, only the poor Hindus regardless of caste who could not afford a move out stayed in Islamic Republic of East Pakistan. Today if I am not mistaken, BD has like 6% Hindus. The point I am trying to make is, why blame a community that barely exists in your country?
Ya whatever.....

Just cause your wife did not know it does not meant that Its not a Bangladeshi food. She is a screwed up kid and knows very little about herself anyways.. :)

Elite manners eh. ..
"Bangladeshis have ancestral roots back to Arabia" :hitwall:
I had respect for Bengali education system. Don't tell me you learnt this in school.

well, arabic origin is technically incorrect . many of us have Afghan origin, who migrated around 1400-1600 after muslim conquest . 99% of east bengal was jungle area, it had very small hindu population .new settlers converted jungle into farm land and quickly outnumbered local hindus as the land of plenty attracted new settlers from rough afghan terrain. muslim community grew stronger and formed jamindaris outmuscling local hindu community. the religion islam attracted darker low caste hindus and a mass conversion of lower caste took place . we present day bengalis are a peculiar mixture of these two groups.
Maybe Bangladeshis are appropriating the term 'India' to earn their livelihood.
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