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India worried over US security plans for Asia


Apr 4, 2012
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With China flexing muscles and the US all set to bolster its presence in the Asia-Pacific, India now looks for a “common but flexible” Asian security architecture to determine the rule of games in strategically important Indian Ocean, through which bulk of the world’s oil and cargo moves.

Days after the US announced its plans to add one more carrier battle group in the Asia-Pacific, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is apprehensive that it could lead to a steady increase in militarisation of the region, to which Asian powers will react.

In the changed security dynamics, India needed common but flexible security framework which will allow day-to-day level functioning without any conflict, top government sources said. A beginning was made at last year’s East Asian security summit where for the first time regional security issues were discussed.

“Our interest is in freedom of our navigation, which should not lead to any conflict of interests in the Asia-Pacific,” sources said, clearly hinting at the two instances where China objected to Indian presence in South China Sea. Beijing’s sovereignty claim on a part of Indian Ocean ruffled feathers not only in India but in other South and East Asian countries too. As a consequence, the Navy intensified its maritime diplomacy to leave its footprint all over Indian Ocean.

A four-ship fleet from Vishakhapatnam-based Eastern Naval Command travelled up to Japan making port calls in India’s south Asian neighbours. The fleet reached Sanghai earlier this week for a six-day stay. Another four-ship fleet from Mumbai-based Western Naval Command is all set to undertake a voyage up to the coast of Africa and Europe furthering the Navy’s blue water ambition.

Two more warships are on duty at piracy infested Gulf of Aden and monitoring the exclusive economic zone of Seychelles on the request of the island nation, signalling a pan-Indian Ocean deployment of Indian Navy. A boost will come with the induction of Russian origin aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya on December 4. Onboard air trial of Mig-29K will begin in the White Sea in a month’s time.

India worried over US security plans for Asia
We should worry.USN loitering around in the IOR is not good for our long term goals.

Actually it can be a boon for India also, if large number of US warships are stationed around Pacific & South China Sea than China will remain engaged in it's own backyard in its fight against US so it will have limited options to expand its naval fleet in the IOR & other region making Indian Navy as the only credible navy in the whole of IOR.
Actually it can be a boon for India also, if large number of US warships are stationed around Pacific & South China Sea than China will remain engaged in it's own backyard in its fight against US so it will have limited options to expand its naval fleet in the IOR & other region making Indian Navy as the only credible navy in the whole of IOR.

Not all will be in the SCS some will inevitably spend time lots of it in the IOR this is what im worried about.
Not all will be in the SCS some will inevitably spend time lots of it in the IOR this is what im worried about.

US already has a base in IOR & no. of bases in middle East so it will be nothing new, we have to note here that US is worried about China rise not India rise so it has to station max. new ships in SCS & surrounding region which will bound China & limit it's options. It will be a sort of counter string of pearl strategy which China will be really afraid of.
One Nimitz class super carrier is sufficient to tame any PLAN uppity in SCS.. As far as their carrier killers are concerned, USN definitely will have counter plans.. they are always one step ahead then rest..
India shouldn't be concerned,though India did right thing that they didn't join US camp against China..but if USA carriers hang around SCS and Pacific and Mallacca Strait,we shouldn't be worried.it'll check Chinese activities in this region.
India shouldn't be concerned,though India did right thing that they didn't join US camp against China..but if USA carriers hang around SCS and Pacific and Mallacca Strait,we shouldn't be worried.it'll check Chinese activities in this region.

Its too bad that India didn't join the US camp. India made a mistake and should rectify it.
Atleast US's presence in IOR helps Indian navy in combating pirates to some extent.
Not all will be in the SCS some will inevitably spend time lots of it in the IOR this is what im worried about.

What is there for India to worry for US navy in IOR. USN already dominate the IOR and adding more ships just to show US commitment to the area. In term of fighting capability, US is way ahead of all nations that by adding another carrier task force really won't matter much. The issue with the US is a not a matter of capability, but of resolve.
What is there for India to worry for US navy in IOR. USN already dominate the IOR and adding more ships just to show US commitment to the area. In term of fighting capability, US is way ahead of all nations that by adding another carrier task force really won't matter much. The issue with the US is a not a matter of capability, but of resolve.

They are not coming to dominate IOR region but :china:.............. thankz anyways.......
Nothing new to Country without having strict foreign policy and full of corrupt politician.Decision Flipflop is dragging India from everywhere.Also look at the age of the people who are running India.Feel sorry for India.Full of potential but cant deliver.
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