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India working on modalities with Pakistan for supply of wheat to Afghanistan

With claus that duplicity wont work when comes to trading with pakistan
  • Indian trucks off load at border.
  • All food is scanned for guns and bomb making equipment.
  • Pakistan truckers are hired to transport food to Afghanistan at the cost to India.
  • Indian truckers must not be allowed to drive across Pakistan.

IF THIS IS TRUE because it might be just propaganda, Pakistan government and military should be ashamed of itself for even considering this. Absolutely pathetic.
Why does India always make drama out of giving aid to afghanistan? If they want to supply wheat then why all this drama show that IT MUST GO THROUGH PAKISTAN?

Gangedesh has settup Chahbar port in Iran that has direct links into afghanistan. Why not use that route, esp when you have an oppurtunity to give business to a failed port??? (subsidies)

Seal the border with Afghanistan/Gangis. We need to double down investments in infared sensors, drones, mines, etc... Esp with covid no need to take any risk
Why India lose a chance to show Pak in bad light..
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