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India won't support Western sanctions against Russia over Crimea: sources

@vostok mate what's your take in this matter?i mean are you a bit disappointed that India hasn't officially supported the annexation of Crimea by Russia through a refrendum!

Actually India did support the U.S.S.R. invasion of Afganistan back in 1979.The then P.M.o f India Mrs.Indira Gandhi openly pledged our support for the U.S.S.R. in the U.N. General Assembly(which was quite a right thing to do considering the fact that U.S.S.R. was the big brother of India at that time)..:coffee:
It does not matter. It would matter if the Crimea only proclaimed independence, as South Ossetia, Abkhazia or Transnistria. And the recognition or non-recognition of the Crimea as part of Russia does not matter. If the state recognizes the Russian Federation, then it automatically recognizes all the Subjects of the Russian Federation.
It does not matter. It would matter if the Crimea only proclaimed independence, as South Ossetia, Abkhazia or Transnistria. And the recognition or non-recognition of the Crimea as part of Russia does not matter. If the state recognizes the Russian Federation, then it automatically recognizes all the Subjects of the Russian Federation.
So that means India has basically recognized Crimea albeit unofficially.Actually India can't support this refrendum because we are facing a similar case in Kashmir where we have already rejected any type of refrendum done by the Kashmiri populace which has been proposed by Pakistan.So if we do support the Crimean refrendum then questions will be inevitably raised regarding our stance in the Kashmir issue in the international community.:coffee:
Embarrassing how spineless the foreign policy of India gets. I bet if Sri Lanka was under Russia, India would withdraw any complaints in UN :lol:

what is ironical is ex colonized country saying it is a-okay for another country to come and just annex your land...
Embarrassing how spineless the foreign policy of India gets. I bet if Sri Lanka was under Russia, India would withdraw any complaints in UN :lol:

what is ironical is ex colonized country saying it is a-okay for another country to come and just annex your land...
Mate,it's called Friendship.Russia is like a brother to us and if we don't support them in their time of need then it is nothing but backstabbing.India has never backstabbed a friend and i am extremely confident that we won't do that in the future also!!
Mate,it's called Friendship.Russia is like a brother to us and if we don't support them in their time of need then it is nothing but backstabbing.India has never backstabbed a friend and i am extremely confident that we won't do that in the future also!!

LOL, so basically India has no integrity, is what you are saying and is a-okay with countries or parts of them being annexed, if it is done by their friend. :lol:
kick america as soon as possible, it is a parasite ........it has already messed with the heart of asia 'afghanistan'
Double standard, were you also saying same when Russia was there :P
Russia is the only country that truly crushes Islamic terrorism and checks Yankee imperialism.

That's why I fully support Russia.

Go Russia :yahoo:
Embarrassing how spineless the foreign policy of India gets.
Spineless coz India took US head on and defended Devyani?
Spineless coz India defied US sanctions regarding Iran?
Spineless coz India rejected MMRCA deal with US?
Spineless coz India still didnot clinch nuke deal with US?
Spineless coz India didnot side with the west against Russia?
That is not called being spineless..that is called as looking after own interests .

what is ironical is ex colonized country saying it is a-okay for another country to come and just annex your land...
What is more ironical is the fact that the sole superpower USA is requesting help from the ex colonized country in many fields and failed to deter it's position in anything.
Embarrassing how spineless the foreign policy of India gets. I bet if Sri Lanka was under Russia, India would withdraw any complaints in UN :lol:

what is ironical is ex colonized country saying it is a-okay for another country to come and just annex your land...
Spineless coz India took US head on and defended Devyani?
Spineless coz India defied US sanctions regarding Iran?
Spineless coz India rejected MMRCA deal with US?
Spineless coz India still didnot clinch nuke deal with US?
Spineless coz India didnot side with the west against Russia?
That is not called being spineless..that is called as looking after own interests .

What is more ironical is the fact that the sole superpower USA is requesting help from the ex colonized country in many fields and failed to deter it's position in anything.

you seem to obsessed and terrified of the US ... what else could explain your off topic remarks about the US, while my comment was about India and India's foreign policy? but since you are on about it... at least know about the subject matter before posting:

- You say- India took on US headlong on devyani and got what - had her deported and never to see her family again in the US? - who really lost here? and she is indicted again..

- Indian rejected MMRCA along with many countries - but bought billions more from america , making america the 2nd largest exporter of arms to India for the 1st in history? LOL

- India would not have had any nuke deals had it not been for america leading the way to open India up from previous sanctions. even Russia sat idle and never defied sanctions on India till US gave India its approval out of the sanctions.

- India did not side with the entire civilized and western world on Crimea- not just the US. Making it the minority that as an ex colonized country has supported an annexation of another country. congrats on that image...

Russia is the only country that truly crushes Islamic terrorism and checks Yankee imperialism.

That's why I fully support Russia.

Go Russia :yahoo:

is this same russia that lost the cold war to the US...

wait I forget you get fed revisionist history in china.. carry on...
you seem to obsessed and terrified of the US ... what else could explain your off topic remarks about the US, while my comment was about India and India's foreign policy? but since you are on about it... at least know about the subject matter before posting:
Lol...obsessed!!?? It is you desis who are obsessed with US. Acting more american than americans themselves. :lol:

- You say- India took on US headlong on devyani and got what - had her deported and never to see her family again in the US? - who really lost here? and she is indicted again..

Her family is coming back to India after febuary. So, your "never to see her family" is not correct. She is indicted again as US court supported Indian stance.

- Indian rejected MMRCA along with many countries - but bought billions more from america , making america the 2nd largest exporter of arms to India for the 1st in history? LOL
Only after US ambassador to India had quit. :lol:

- India would not have had any nuke deals had it not been for america leading the way to open India up from previous sanctions. even Russia sat idle and never defied sanctions on India till US gave India its approval out of the sanctions.
If that is the case, why US is still not able to clinch the Indo-US nuke deal?

- India did not side with the entire civilized and western world on Crimea- not just the US. Making it the minority that as an ex colonized country has supported an annexation of another country. congrats on that image...
Say what? civilized west? Are you talking about the same civilized west which invaded Iraq on a wrong pretext and has blood of thousands of people? If yes, we are more than happy not to side with that kind of civilized nations.
Lol...obsessed!!?? It is you desis who are obsessed with US. Acting more american than americans themselves. :lol:

Her family is coming back to India after febuary. So, your "never to see her family" is not correct. She is indicted again as US court supported Indian stance.

Only after US ambassador to India had quit. :lol:

If that is the case, why US is still not able to clinch the Indo-US nuke deal?

Say what? civilized west? Are you talking about the same civilized west which invaded Iraq on a wrong pretext and has blood of thousands of people? If yes, we are more than happy not to side with that kind of civilized nations.

Obviously from the above one liners , you are a low information poster. One that feels that entire family being uprooted is a win, one that has no clue about the India US nuke deal and the difference of being "allowed" to have a "nuclear" deals and a US deal not being completed, one that thinks a US ambassador quit over this single deal while making the US the 2nd largest exporter of arms and thinks Iraq where most deaths were sunni and shia's killing each other, even so an invasion as being same as annexing a country
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