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India will soon test a new SLBM with 5000km range

I have been following Indian strategic doctrine for quite sometime and more and more I analyze it more it looks haphazard and broken to me.
Think it in this manner.
1. India has not yet demonstrated MIRV and certainly not operationalized it. My question will be who are you trying to deter using such a weapon with range of 3500 to 5000 KM but no MIRV?

2. If you are targeting Pakistan, even Klub-S missile is enough, Onik P-800 is surely too much. They don't have effective counter against these. Your current deterrent is an overkill. A submarine targeting Pakistan only? That is ridiculous! If they are not deterred by your land based nuclear assets or mobile nuclear assets on TELs then why will they take your submarine based assets any more seriously?

3. If you are targeting China, then a MIRV takes priority over a single warhead weapon. Your single warhead is not going to cut it through Chinese ABMs.

4. You don't have a 'real' strategic bomb. Best you can field is a boosted nuke. May be this explains your choice to not field a MIRV. In that case, if your condition is dire enough, go test a real h-bomb and be ready to swallow some sanctions.

Step by step progression.
K series missiles are light weigh, follows depresssed trajectory, flys at low altitude and in terminal phase, they fly like cruise missile at hyper sonic speed and hit targert with a great accuracy. Their accuracy is so high that they can be used with a traditional warhead at long range. These are new generation missiles which lefs traditional ballistic missile outdated.
1. India has not yet demonstrated MIRV and certainly not operationalized it. My question will be who are you trying to deter using such a weapon with range of 3500 to 5000 KM but no MIRV?

How does that makes haphazard.

2. If you are targeting Pakistan, even Klub-S missile is enough, Onik P-800 is surely too much. They don't have effective counter against these. Your current deterrent is an overkill. A submarine targeting Pakistan only? That is ridiculous! If they are not deterred by your land based nuclear assets or mobile nuclear assets on TELs then why will they take your submarine based assets any more seriously?

Our SLBMs are never target at Pakistan nor any of our long range misiles. We Just need, Shaurya, Agni I and Brahmos for Pakistan and nothing else. Whatever media write is not our security doctrine.

3. If you are targeting China, then a MIRV takes priority over a single warhead weapon. Your single warhead is not going to cut it through Chinese ABMs.

Our single warhead will certainly can penetrate through Chinese BMD. The K series missiles we are testing are impossible for china to stop.
4. You don't have a 'real' strategic bomb. Best you can field is a boosted nuke. May be this explains your choice to not field a MIRV. In that case, if your condition is dire enough, go test a real h-bomb and be ready to swallow some sanctions.

We had the ability to make big bombs even in 1998 may be in range of 200 KN though not in MT scale. By this time, we would made a big progress like we have done in many other fields. However we do not know in public domain how much progress is made. So far as MIRV is concern, It was told almost a decade ago that India is not far from MIRV. We have demonstrate much more complex technology than MIRV by launching 100+ satellite. We have capacity to launch 250 as well. So we do not have officially declare that we have MIRV but we certainly have much complex technology than MIRV already mastered. Whether we have MIRV or not will be known in coming couple of years. Actually Agni VI was designed to deliver MIRV but India is somehow not testing it because of some diplomatic reason. India is following a policy of understating its military might unlike china who project each and every of their Technologically inferior weapon as world class. So we have much more capability than what is a declared capability.
India's goal is minimum credible deterrence. We have no intention of outright wiping out countries with nukes.

Due to the short range between India and other relevant countries, MIRVs are not as effective. But with SLBMs, the range becomes large enough to make MIRVs relevant.

And we do have 'real strategic bombs'. We have quite a few H-bombs.

The K4 SLBM is operational.

I dont think it is. As far as "media" report goes, Arihant is loaded with K15 and K4 is ready to be integrated with new subs. Its also possible that Arihant may have test fired K4 but as far as media report goes K4 isnt loaded with Arihant. Unless of course another sub is already active "Secretly" :P
Test of Pralay missile postponed due to cyclone phethai.
I dont understand this kind of small incremental range increases.
K15:- 750km
K4:- 4000km
K5:- 5000km (similar weight of warhead)
If we can make that monumental jump from 750 to 4000 directly, surely we are able to do more, right?

Similar case with Agni 4 and Agni 5...
Really puts the doubt that we do understate the range of our missiles.
I dont understand this kind of small incremental range increases.
K15:- 750km
K4:- 4000km
K5:- 5000km (similar weight of warhead)
If we can make that monumental jump from 750 to 4000 directly, surely we are able to do more, right?

Similar case with Agni 4 and Agni 5...
Really puts the doubt that we do understate the range of our missiles.

I think you have just answered your own query!
I dont understand this kind of small incremental range increases.
K15:- 750km
K4:- 4000km
K5:- 5000km (similar weight of warhead)
If we can make that monumental jump from 750 to 4000 directly, surely we are able to do more, right?

Similar case with Agni 4 and Agni 5...
Really puts the doubt that we do understate the range of our missiles.

The Answer is here : Agni 4 can actually do almost 5000 KM ( lower payload ).
Is Agni V really a 5.5 K Missile ? ( It was said to be an 8000 KM Range by Chinese ).

Another interesting info : Why do they test so many Prithvi IIs ? Some one said on this very forum, whenever they want to test something new ( a new technology) , they name it Prithvi II. lol.

Another Gem is this Pic ( Notice the "range" ):

This Image is relevant because, Note that the R7 was actually a missile later used for launching sputniks.

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