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India will soon realise benefits of CPEC, says acting envoy

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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India will soon realise benefits of CPEC, says acting envoy
By Irfan Ghauri
Published: November 4, 2017

ISLAMABAD: China’s acting envoy said on Friday that India would also soon realise the benefits of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship programme of the initiative.

“A certain country has a different opinion (about CPEC). I think it is matter of time that the certain country will realise the benefits of BRI and CPEC”, remarked Zhao Lijian, Charge d’ Affairs of the Chinese Embassy. The diplomat was responding to question about India’s criticism against CPEC.

Zhao said the 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China (CPC) adopted the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as part of its constitution. He added that this has increased the importance of the project as it is now part of the official policy of the Chinese government. The diplomat was briefing the media on recently held National Congress of CPC.

BRI’s inclusion in the party constitution would boost Sino-Pak multifaceted relationship further, he informed the media.

‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’

Zhao also said that the next meeting of the Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) – highest decision making body of CPEC – will be held in Islamabad later this week in which long term plans of the flagship programme will be discussed.

Among other components, the two sides have also agreed to establish nine special economic zones and the feasibility reports of these zones will likely be finalised in the upcoming moot.

Zhao also briefed journalists on China’s major economic and social achievements in the last five years and the country’s future road-map.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward for the first time a blueprint for China’s development plan after 2020. One the basis of building a well-off society in all respects by 2020, socialist modernisation will be completed in China from 2020 to 2035; and from 2035 to the middle of this century, a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful will be built,” he said.

China developed into the second largest economy in the world in the last five years, he added. China’s GDP has risen from 54 trillion yuan to 80 trillion yuan in the last five years, said the diplomat. Since the 18th conference in 2012, more than 60 million Chinese have also been lifted out of poverty, said Zhao.

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From 1981 to 2012, the number of poor people in China also decreased by 790 million people, which accounts for 71.82 per cent of the global poverty reduction, he added. He also referred to the report presented before the Congress by President Xi Jinping and said it explained China’s foreign policies and guidelines in the new era.

Zhao said it was decided that China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and win-win cooperation. In its foreign policy, China will uphold principles of justice and sincerity, honesty, affinity and good faith.

The country will work to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, including Pakistan, assured the diplomat. China will foster a new type of international relations and build a community with a shared future for mankind, he added.

Zhao further said, “Xi Jinping’s thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era has been included into the Party’s Constitution. The party’s report is a political declaration and a guide of action to start new journey in the new era.”

Read more: CPEC , india , Pakistan
why would india need cpec ? we can go to the middle east directly through the arabian sea ? right ?
why would india need cpec ? we can go to the middle east directly through the arabian sea ? right ?
Correct. But CPEC not connect Arabian sea but it is a corridor for Central Asia and Russia as well. CPEC is first phase of OBOR and currently only project under progress in OBOR plan
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Correct. But CPEC not connect Arabian sea but it is a corridor for Central Asia and Russia as well. CPEC is first phase of OBOR and currently only project under progress in OBOR plan

yes we can reach entire central asia , europe through arabian sea , just like how china does now
cheaper is a different thing , the fact that we can reach the middle east and europe through arabian sea is enough
Yes you can but with extra expense if Pakistan not allowing you. ME will be very expensive
China’s acting envoy said on Friday that India would also soon realise the benefits of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC),

Maybe after the CPEC re-opens after Winter Break

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India can reach East-China by foot.
2.Russia is faded power btw Road transport is very pricey and not feasible VS Sea

On OP: Yup, that is why we are developing Chabahar port ....
Why you comment all the times without logic and research?. Land transport is always cheapest

sea routes are cheaper than land . time cost is more .
The cheapest is always trucks. second is sea and third is train but time factor is the key in some cases

Maybe after the CPEC re-opens after Winter Break

The plan is to open it to 365 days a year and that is why it took more time. They extend the road to two way with latest clearing equipments. They clear snow every day and 100+ trucks will pass those road per day
Key benefits of ocean freight include
  • Suitable for wide range of products with long lead times
  • Large volumes. A single, ultra-large container ship can carry +/-20,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU)
  • Most environmental friendly among all modes of transport
  • Economical. Liner shipping is the most efficient mode of transport for goods
  • Extensive coverage around the world
  • Multiple carrier options for the shippers
sea is preferred ,specially for bulk goods . and it will be a mix of ocean and road . india can easily skip cpec .
why would india need cpec ? we can go to the middle east directly through the arabian sea ? right ?
And central Asia....you will fly on you rocket ships? When you have no idea better to stay quiet

Maybe after the CPEC re-opens after Winter Break

Ohbhh jealousy is a bad thing. Burn oil required
I don't understand who is desperate that India should join CPEC....India or Pakistan and China
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